Well sorta..this has probably been done before, but I don't remember it so I'm claiming it..
- Only hexes worth VP are "owned" by the Empires. (In this case cal it ISC/Fed)
- Any hex may be attacked (might have a "range" form a friendly hex,mightl change)
- All hexes "control" a one hex border around them
- Hexes would only count for VP purposes if you can draw a straight(ish) line from them to another of your hexes without having the line intersect
with an enemy controlled hex
EX- on the map above, if the Feds took hex 4, the ISC would not benefit from any VP generated by hex 5, because a straigh(ish) line to the nearest ISC hex
would run through hex 4. now controlled by the Federation
The ISC could take hex B, but would gain no VP from it until they took hex A or G (or F & C, or E & C)
Neutral hexes would have farly high DVs (likely 30-50) but could-with enough time be flipped to your Empire, where you could then place a base
to interdict or strengthen and enemy/friendly supply line.
EX- If the ISC took hex E or F , they would be able to place a base where the big scraggly X is, the Feds would then have no LOS and gain no VP's for
hex D (if the ISC took hex E) or the Feds would gain no VP's for hexes D or E (if the ISC took hex F)
This concept would
A) Concentrate (to a degree) PVP targets, hexes would take a while to flip, and with there being no real point to flipping neutral space players would likely tend to stick around the target hexes
B) Actually (maybe?) bring some illusion of strategic blindness into the game, you wouldn't be able to simply watch the news like
Feds take hex 17,20
Feds take hex 17,21
Feds take hex 17,22
And wonder if they're trying for the base at 17,23
C)(maybe) give bases a strategic reason to be placed,