Topic: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!  (Read 2907 times)

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Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« on: July 30, 2007, 01:40:46 pm »
Vellius I.R.X. 1900
A-type Warbird Prototype
Late TMP Era Romulan Advanced Warbird Prototype

Owner: Romulan Star Empire
Class: Capitol Ship
Availability: Unlimited Deployment
In Service: 2290
Out of Service: 2325

This early prototype, became foundation for the D'Deridex-class Warbird B-type.
This vessel class would become known by Starfleet as an A-type warbird.
These vessels are somewhat larger and more massive than Federation Constitution and Excelsior-class starships, measuring approximately 500 meters, and are believed to have a greater combat firepower, although they suffer from a comparatively lower speed capability.
Author: ModelsPlease
Original Modeler: Thu11s
Original Textures: Thu11s
Kitbashed by ModelsPlease
HP/DP and Scale: ModelsPlease,eb0f50a38f23ea7669cdd071fcd0fd7e.rar


T'seren I.R.C. 1902
A-type Warbird Variant
Late TMP/Early TNG Era Romulan Advanced Warbird

Owner: Romulan Star Empire
Class: Capitol Ship
Availability: Unlimited Deployment
In Service: 2295
Out of Service: 2330
Assigned to covertly patrol the Neutral Zone, also known by Starfleet as an A-type warbird variant.
These vessels are somewhat larger and more massive than Federation Constitution and Excelsior-class starships, measuring approximately 500 meters, and are believed to have a greater combat firepower, although they suffer from a comparatively lower speed capability.
Author: Star Dragon
Original Modeler: Thu11s
Original Textures: Thu11s
Kitbashed by ModelsPlease
HP/DP and Scale: ModelsPlease,374b2533ab8e052b8d14ec209da939ed.rar

Thanks to Star Dragon for his great vision  ;)

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2007, 04:39:42 pm »
 ;) I'll get to work on the retextures now... I'm going to have a nearly uniform Rihannsu fleet!

Thanks Star Dragon and MP!

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2007, 07:36:46 pm »
Thank you so much.  After cutting off the bottom part, I finally have a good replacement for Delekhan's RBC.  This is great!

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Re: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2007, 08:29:10 pm »
Quick retexture:

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
SuvwI' Qeh KCC
Commander, Task Force Kraag Dorr's Teeth First Strike Squadron

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Re: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2007, 10:33:01 pm »
Thank you so much.  After cutting off the bottom part, I finally have a good replacement for Delekhan's RBC.  This is great!

The original model which you can find at Feral Yards, had no bottom. You should check out Thu11's ships ;)

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2007, 11:07:55 pm »

one could use this as the klingon answer to the firehawk, and then make some variants on it from there. This ship was never done, though someone may have beshed it or something close, but it looks ambassador era as thre firehawk would certianly be excel/late excel era. This could be the direct counterpart of the thulls firehawk and then varied from there. Ofocurse that rom would look good too.

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Re: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2007, 12:13:29 am »

one could use this as the klingon answer to the firehawk, and then make some variants on it from there. This ship was never done, though someone may have beshed it or something close, but it looks ambassador era as thre firehawk would certianly be excel/late excel era. This could be the direct counterpart of the thulls firehawk and then varied from there. Ofocurse that rom would look good too.

Basically it looks like a TNG D-5 K'Terenemy(sp)

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2007, 12:37:47 am »
Quick retexture:

OK I added the ALT textures to each of the uploads so both ships now have TMP and TNG texturers  :)

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2007, 12:31:29 am »
MP or KF, would either of you be so kind as to make the impulse drive GREEN on the GREEN textures? I suppose you could do so on the originals too, However I am mainly interested in the alt set, red impulse on a rommie just don't look right.

Although, One could turn these into weapons pods and use the extra 4 nacelles as impulse propulsion. Adding something in the vents on the fwd edge of the wings (texture in some kind of weapon emitter, such as torp or pulse) and adding weapons ports on the rest of the texture could make a nice TNG era (or ambassador era) refit, provifing better armament? Just a thought.

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Re: Star Dragon and MP's Romulan Warbirds RELEASED !!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2007, 10:13:20 am »

one could use this as the klingon answer to the firehawk, and then make some variants on it from there. This ship was never done, though someone may have beshed it or something close, but it looks ambassador era as thre firehawk would certianly be excel/late excel era. This could be the direct counterpart of the thulls firehawk and then varied from there. Ofocurse that rom would look good too.

I suppose I can attempt it using a couple of Cleeve's models. I'll post some WIP's later today in a new thread for ya SF. As for the imps, easy fix. I'll post on here when I get them done  ;)

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.