Thanks for the input ...
Yes we were going for a sleeker look. IMHO the idea of the "Titan" might have been some what progressive toward the idea of the Enterprise "J" .. (maybe). (Ducks incoming books !)

That was one of the reasons I wanted to look for a lower profile warp nacelle.
The pylons are thicker than they appear on those views ... (I'll post a couple of close ups including one of the new bridge.) I agree that there is that tendency to those areas that should be looked at. I'M just not sure if my skills are sufficient enough to properly address them. BUT ... you know the old saying "If you aim at nothing ... you WILL hit it everytime ! I'll see what I can do with it !
Thanks for the review ... and suggestions.
I'm still not sure what to name it. I wanted to do Excalibur .. but that's been taken!
OH .. it should be noted that this ship has some rather interesting phaser locations as well as 4 forward tubes .. and 4 aft. She is not a BB class and never intended to be. There is a roll bar with an additional weapons pod ready to be adapted to her hull in times of war .. but ONLY when such states of declaration exist.
Thanks again for the review !