Another little bitty bit, but progress is still progress.

Any Marines not on watch were quickly conscripted by the science officer. Debris was cleared out of what was fast becoming the living area. The more offensive trash was vaporized with low-yield disruptor fire, an inefficient if satisfying process.
La'ra thought he heard K'tal mutter something about 'woman's work'. He let it slide. The Marines weren't too enthusiastic about housecleaning, but when, after a few minutes effort, they had a clean place to lay their bedrolls, frowns were replaced with their usual wary expressions. Minor housecleaning was still taking place when the rooftop lookout announced that Klas had returned. The warehouse's huge vehicle door was opened. Two vehicles slid in; a boxy cargo carrier and a smaller passenger conveyance. They settled to the floor, the low hum of their engines dying.
"Who should I thank?" La'ra asked as Klas emerged from the truck.
"I'm not sure." The Marine admitted. "Left it parked in a blind alley, so they were probably up to no good."
The vehicles doors ground shut. La'ra punched Khlas lightly in the shoulder.
"Good work. Should we do something about their appearance?" He could certainly recognize the
Hiv'laposh even when she was floating next to another D-6. Someone might be similarly attached to the panel truck.
"To be safe. Shouldn't take long." Khlas agreed. He glanced about the warehouse, smiled slightly. "Place does look better now."
Another Marine cursed. Somewhere close, Leral laughed loudly.
"And you missed it." La'ra grinned.
"My duties were elsewhere." Khlas claimed as formally as possible. Formal from Khlas was ever a ruse.
La'ra chuckled, and left the Marine to his work.
In his corner of the warehouse, Woram was still busy. His com gear could communicate with things other than the ship. La'ra leaned over the makeshift workstation.
"Several possibilities, Commander." The Petty Officer reported. Wandering about the city asking about Shax or his daughter would only make someone suspicious. It didn't really matter who. There were other ways to find someone, especially on Korsham, which did put up the front of being a Federation colony.
"Why these places?" La'ra asked, looking at the coordinates, the addresses, on Woram's screen.
"Andorians living in each one." Woram explained. "Or at least someone who likes Andorian food and uses Andorian medicine and buys it locally. Couldn't get into the colony's financial records, but these all have...murky ownership. And I ruled out the hovels."
La'ra nodded. It was as good a place to start as any. He looked over his shoulder. Khlas was burning the paint off the hover truck. Another use for a disruptor set lower than usual. A helper was cutting on it, changing the profile. They were working quickly.
"Let's get started." The Commander snarled.