Posting Chapter Two in Parts. It's coming slowly, but surely, but I get tired of not posting anything and thus that's not good enough.

Chapter TwoThe enemy had escaped around midmorning. By noon, most of the
Hiv'laposh's crew was back to their usual duties. Some lamented the mysterious ship's escape. Others hoped for a victory feast, since their adversary had run away. A few realized that, while the chase was over, the hunt was just beginning.
"He'll need a dockyard." L'dar rumbled, staring at a schematic of the enemy ship. Bright red indicators marked where the
Hiv'laposh's teeth had bit deep.
"What if he's not as fastidious as you?" La'ra countered. The brothers were in L'dar's work area. The drone of the warp drive wasn't background noise here.
"I thought of that." L'dar stated dryly. "So I imagined a state of repair that would satisfy you, were you an engineer. He'll still need a dockyard."
La'ra resisted the urge to snarl at his brother. There was an unspoken rule about sibling conflict taking place in neutral areas. Engineering wasn't neutral; La'ra ruled the rest of the ship, but this was his brother's den.
"He was in good enough shape to run away." La'ra reminded.
"Look at this." L'dar pressed a button or two. The screen shifted to a replay of the last moments before the enemy's escape. Disruptor bolts, phaser blasts punished the Andorian-built vessel. L'dar paused the record, suddenly. "There. You see?"
"He's losing some kind of fluid." The Commander considered. "Deuterium."
"Yes. And a lot of it." The engineer adjusted the screen, zooming in on the precise area of the hit. "Disruptor bolt ruptured their primary deuterium storage. Could've been catastrophic if we'd been luckier. See the breach?"
"Yes." La'ra crossed his arms. The force of the blast had breached the hull, torn a huge chunk out of the hostile ship. It wasn't the type of thing you could completely fix without extensive repair facilities. "What're the chances he's already run out of fuel?"
"Slim. Most ships have reserve tanks. He'll have enough to get somewhere."
"We were lucky."
"How so?" L'dar frowned. "That hit could've destroyed him."
"Could've." La'ra agreed. Fuel storage was well-protected on warships, but on converted civilian vessels, that wasn't always the case. "But now he needs a dockyard, as you said. That narrows the possibilities quite a bit."
"So you are hunting him." L'dar grinned.
"You didn't wonder where we were headed at warp seven?"
"Can never tell with you." L'dar stated. "Where are we headed?"
"The other side of the Gypsy Ribbon. Wherever he's going is probably over there. When we figure out where that is, we'll be close by."
"He could double back into our space."
La'ra nodded. If he were the enemy captain, he might try just that. Yet there had been something about the way his adversary had handled himself, his ship...
"I doubt he will." La'ra said quietly. "He's too..."
"...cowardly?" L'dar asked. The Commander shook his head.
"He's no coward."
"He ran away."
"Retreat when there's no hope of victory is not cowardly."
"He did not try very hard." L'dar rumbled.
"He fights when it suits him. Not before." La'ra decided.
"The same might be said of you, and for all your flaws, you're no coward." L'dar relented with a slight grin. "So why won't he double back?"
"It's hard to...verbalize."
La'ra growled lightly.
"He takes the logical course of action. He's willing to take chances, but they're measured. He plays odds. He's willing to fight, but when he does, he fights toward a goal." The Commander paused. "Better?"
"Better." L'dar agreed. The engineer nodded. "Do you think he's Vulcan?"
La'ra shook his head. "No. Too lively."
"So why does this mean he won't double back?"
"He has a fuel leak and damage to his ship. The Ribbon is huge. Even if we're searching for him, we'd have to be very lucky to catch him as he emerged. Doubling back means he's in Klingon space with deep wounds. That's riskier."
L'dar nodded. "He'll assume we're chasing him."
"I hope so." said La'ra.
L'dar raised an eyebrow.
"A modified civillian ship generally means pirate or mercenary. Mercenaries don't fight unless they're paid. Pirates don't attack battlecruisers if they can help it, unless they're acting as mercenaries for the moment." La'ra explained. "If he thinks we're hunting him, he'll be evasive. That'll slow him down, and wherever home is to this man, I want to get there before he does. He'll have friends there."
"You're not so interested in catching that ship..." L'dar realized.
"No." La'ra grinned. "I want who hired him."
* * *