Topic: ISC Invasions..  (Read 942 times)

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ISC Invasions..
« on: July 13, 2007, 05:51:04 pm »
Just looking for random musings or opinions here..

Couple of people (including me) have always sort of sai yeah it'd be cool to do an ISC invasion server.
Nothing has relly ever come of it..
Now (with a reduced player base) I'm thinking of running one again..but there's a few differnt ways I thought about doing it. not sure which I'd choose

1) ISC w/allies -vs-
This is practically identical to the AOTK series
Give the ISC two allies or so (oft suggested is Gorn and Rom), but could be any two with the reorg of the map, and have them fight the rest, or have them fight a 3 way
(ISC-vs-Alliance-VS Coalition-)

Cons (to me) basically calling AOTK 4ish "ISC Invasion"
Pros AOTK was failry popular and well receieved

2) Alliance (+ISC) -vs- Coalition(+ISC)
This is one I was thinking of where there were only 2 sides, but they were Alliance and Coalition.
Each side would be able to use it's own (and only it's own) ships to defend it's territory, and ISC (and only ISC) ships to attack the other side.
With a little luck (and creative racial alliances) it would in effect be a three way server fought with 2 sides

Cons - Some players might not like flying ISC, in which case they only get PVP against ISC pilots. ISC strategy might be a nightmare.
Pros  - Keeps hte majority of players involved

3) ISC in traditional wave

This one would use the standard SFB layout of Empires (as would the otehrs probably,this one needs it though)
The server would basically be the ISC vs (rom and Gorn) then ISC vs (Fed and Klink) then ISC vs ( Kzin/Lyran/Hydran)
Would work that
-only races being threatened by the ISC could have active pilots.
AS soon as the ISC had reached certain goals (destrcution of capitla assets/capture of certain territory) the Repective Empires
would be considered "pacified" and play no further role on the server.
(ie once the ISC have destroyed X number of Rom/Gorn dreads, or hit hexes xx,yy Gorn and Romulans are not playabele anymore, Feds and Klnks are up)

Pros _I think it would the most interesting, and the most "realisitic:
Cons Would cause issues if the ISC get stuck before certain races activate. -While I think it would work and be fun if the ISC got bogged down fighting Feds and Klinks and never hit the rest, might be really horrible for people who don't like plasma if they get bogged down fighting Rom and Gorn.

Thoughts? Criticisms?
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Offline FSD Warp10

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Re: ISC Invasions..
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2007, 10:11:08 pm »
Option #3 sounds intriguing. It would be different and fun.

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