Topic: Ferret's Bar and Grill "When was the last time you were on the yardarm?  (Read 1084 times)

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Offline Ferretlxix_XC

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An intresting tidbit that was emailed to us in DG from our Brit friends.

I obviously selected not to post all of the email just the intresting historical info.

Dear All, a short historical notice for 13 July:

On this day in 1860, Private Dallinger of the Royal Marines Light Infantry gained the immortal infamy as the last man to be hung from the yardarm of a Royal Navy Ship.

It is said that justice was tough in the days of sail, the first Articles of War published in 1652 were simple, almost all offences were punishable by death, and a few less serious offences deserved the ‘cat o’ nine tails’ (a whip of unravelled braids).  Indeed in the early part of the nineteenth century floggings were common place in the Royal Navy (the ‘cat’ often being referred to as the “captain’s daughter” as it was only used with his permission).  After liberal reforms in 1832 and 1859, it was decided that flogging could only be given without court martial to men of the ‘second class for conduct’; it was eventually outlawed in 1879.  The much more progressive US Navy abolished flogging some 29 years earlier in 1850.

Flogging still remains a punishment used to this day in many countries, including Singapore and Malaysia, I am told that it hasn’t been used in BIOT for many years, although legend has it ROPO1 still has a ‘cat’ in his office, which they say he is trained to use!

 :police: and there is a bit more giving us an excuse to celebrate the occasion but not worth posting. :police: