Call me a cheat or a liar, or just down right lazy and or a tease..... ( I just don't have time when working 60+ hours Sept-April)
But if Storm Season III ever happens, it will be on SQL. SS2 brought everyone to OP from EAW, and SS3 will use SQL or it wont run.
Maybe that could be the test... 
sweet irony!!!
but seriously...i can test missions on any server...not that there were any new ones to test...and that had to go for something...but still there was hardly a showing...
whats the max we would need anyway to stress test SQL? a few hours at most with a line of constant people running missions...if it aint going to work...its going to be a quick test...and if it works...OMG a stable environment where the possibilities are pretty much endless...
hopefully one of these friday or saturday nights with fragmentation still running we can get that stress test...but i aint holding my breath...
then maybe i can get braxton to load it up with missions that need to be tested...instead of running the same ones...or broken ones for that matter...
oh and a shiplist thats most common with what we have been using...i miss my SUK with fighters...