Topic: A Comprehensive List of Starship Names, Registries, And Sizes  (Read 73118 times)

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6000   Kodiak* battleship [later Matthew Decker* destroyer thru 6039 <FASA>]
6001   Ilseng [later William Decker, Decker class destroyer]
6002   Fenter [later Christopher Pike, Decker class destroyer]
6003   Hudnall [later Robert April, Decker class destroyer]
6004   Overby [later Kelvar Garth, Decker class destroyer]
6005   Rorex [later Jonathan T. Esteban, Decker class destroyer]
6006   Ellsworth [later Clark Terrell, Decker class destroyer]
6007   Nations [later Montgomery Scott, Decker class destroyer]
6008   Payne [later Samara Uhura, Decker class destroyer]
6009   Arrington [later Hikarus Sulu, Decker class destroyer]
6010   Vargas [later Pavel Chekov, Decker class destroyer]
6011   Toeniskoetter [later Koren Anastas, Decker class destroyer]
6012   Kelch [later Damon West, Decker class destroyer]
6013   Sinclair [later Anton Thiel, Decker class destroyer]
6014   Deavours [later Yosh*tomo Karasuma, Decker class destroyer]
6015   Quintanilla [later Stephen Decatur, Decker class destroyer]
6016   Mason [later Nathaniel Zar, Decker class destroyer]
6017   Josselet [later Meredith Levette, Decker class destroyer]
6018   Leaton [proposed Kodiak class battleship, later J.L. Lambert, Decker d.]
6019   Golson [proposed Kodiak class battleship, later Zachary Holmes, Decker]
6020   Kai-Jasik [Decker class destroyer]
6021   Peter Marlowe [Decker class destroyer]
6022   Jason Starion [Decker class destroyer]
6023   Malcolm Swain [Decker class destroyer]
6024   Andre LaSalle [Decker class destroyer]
6025   Connor Jacoby [Decker class destroyer]
6026   Surmass [Decker class destroyer]
6027   Peter Preston [Decker class destroyer]
6028   Dietrich Vinsel [Decker class destroyer]
6029   Myrr 'lin T'alon [Decker class destroyer]
6030   Archon Chovich [Decker class destroyer]
6031   Stonwin [Decker class destroyer]
6032   Hieracho Naguro [Decker class destroyer]
6033   Lawrence Stiles [Decker class destroyer]
6034   Nherat [Decker class destroyer]
6035   Samantha Piper [Decker class destroyer]
6036   Mandala Flynn [Decker class destroyer]
6037   Irkin B'tly [Decker class destroyer]
6038   Libby Curtis [Decker class destroyer]
6039   Allison Vinson [Decker class destroyer]

6040   UNKNOWN [thru 6099]

6100   Angueira* hospital ship
6101   Cauley
6102   Ellisson
6103   Birdwell
6104   Dickerson
6105   Juarez
6106   Avery
6107   Karr
6108   Edgemon
6109   McAllister
6110   Daffern
6111   Flinn
6112   Bartley
6113   Hannabas
6114   Newbro
6115   Clardy
6116   Hagstrom
6117   Aycock
6118   Redinger
6119   Veretto
6120   Dalton
6121   Kageler
6122   Efrenfeld
6123   Matthews
6124   Blake
6125   Weatherby
6126   Utterback
6127   Conner
6128   Earsley
6129   Fisk
6130   Deaver
6131   Fogerson
6132   Austin
6133   Carroll
6134   Harkrider
6135   Elms
6136   Giddens
6137   Dugan
6138   Palomo
6139   Nazworth
6140   Borst
6141   Hackett
6142   Leach
6143   Eade
6144   Keesee
6145   Scoggin
6146   Taylor
6147   Ashley
6148   Gonzales
6149   Wetsel
6150   Calfin
6151   Walston
6152   Obialo
6153   Shaffer
6154   Dyche
6155   Gallimore
6156   Brante
6157   Kenneley
6158   Logi
6159   Popnoe
6160   Garrett
6161   Knarr
6162   Aldacko
6163   Erwin
6164   Cottrell
6165   Isaccs
6166   Henegar
6167   Featherston
6168   Gustaves
6169   Jung
6170   Cabanas
6171   Ezell
6172   Baker
6173   Laquey
6174   Hunzeker
6175   Ketron
6176   Durrington
6177   Graves
6178   Cribbs
6179   Burch
6180   Ivey
6181   Farley
6182   Jamerson
6183   Kidder
6184   Balko
6185   Estrada
6186   Gregson
6187   Feris
6188   Jacobs
6189   Hoffman
6190   Culp
6191   Falkenberg
6192   Farley
6193   Dworaczyk
6194   Cunnigham
6195   Everett
6196   Abernathy

6203   LaSalle [Deneva class freighter] <"Reunion">

6237   Arcos [Deneva class freighter] <"Legacy">

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6400   Lobo* through deck carrier
6401   Hensonard
6402   Duncanardy
6403   Jabor
6404   Ombrellaro
6405   Almeida
6406   Scioli
6407   Graha
6408   Patserter
6409   Lamart
6410   Hyland
6411   Quintero
6412   Boenat
6413   Rickelard
6414   Irick
6415   Teinert
6416   Esquivel
6417   Urton
6418   Crawflart
6419   Masterman
6420   Kuebler
6421   Furney

6422   UNKNOWN [thru 6899]

6900   Maxwell* strike cruiser
6901   Abrams
6902   Zorola
6903   Faxton
6904   Funderburk
6905   Bradic
6906   Purkeypile
6907   Croofoot
6908   Grigsby
6909   Waclawczyk
6910   Jacobi
6911   Mojica
6912   Artiaga
6913   Pujari
6914   Breckenridge
6915   Gant
6916   Zenon
6917   Drabek
6918   Kreig
6919   Hagberg
6920   Cakir
6921   Godoy
6922   Villafranco
6923   Neskorik
6924   Leibfried
6925   Pinkerton
6926   Drennan
6927   Kesterson
6928   Ascensio
6929   Zion
6930   O'Rourke
6931   Leatherbury
6932   Perales
6933   D' Souza
6934   Grabowski
6935   Walvrood
6936   Caddell [proposed Maxwell class strike cruiser]
6937   Brideau [proposed Maxwell class strike cruiser]
6938   Profitt [proposed Maxwell class strike cruiser]
6939   Goodnight [proposed Maxwell class strike cruiser]
6940   Asquith [proposed Maxwell class strike cruiser]
6941   Verucchi [proposed Maxwell class strike cruiser]

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7100   Constellation* star cruiser <"Who Watches The Watchers">

7219   Marco Polo* class exploratory cruiser

7400   Maguellanes* escort cruiser
7401   Ogan
7402   Webb
7403   Kneer
7404   Allen
7405   Shawgo
7406   Ellerd
7407   Demulemeester
7408   Hathorn
7409   Zaidi
7410   Gilder
7411   Kirksey
7412   Vardy
7413   Lester
7414   Arthur
7415   Mastke
7416   Clayton
7417   Infante
7418   Pendgraft
7419   Newell
7420   Lemoine
7421   Jonish
7422   Mezack
7423   Forde
7424   Thorvilson
7425   Clason
7426   Yandell
7427   Dawkins
7428   Herod
7429   Ickles
7430   Quant
7431   Edmunds
7432   Gleghorn
7433   Jorge
7434   Beakley
7435   Branson [proposed Maguellanes class escort cruiser]
7436   Unrein [proposed Maguellanes class escort cruiser]
7437   Niccum [proposed Maguellanes class escort cruiser]
7438   Richards [proposed Maguellanes class escort cruiser]
7439   Flemins [proposed Maguellanes class escort cruiser]

7700   Gregory* exploration cruiser. The "Gregory" class will consist of 83 ships total (NCC-7700-NCC-7782)
7701   Diamant
7702   Glenngary
7703   Whiteside
7704   Teeters
7705   Dodson
7706   Christofferson
7707   Starks
7708   Arant
7709   Shepperd
7710   Eaves
7711   Brooker
7712   Fonner
7713   Sadler
7714   Boteler
7715   Gongora
7716   Rackler
7717   Haseloff
7718   Arroyo
7719   Quinones
7720   Ibe
7721   Chunn
7722   Josie
7723   Arnold
7724   Perez
7725   Killmer
7726   Dennisson
7727   McCane
7728   Klepper
7729   Zimbal
7730   Mahurin
7731   Layne
7732   Enloe
7733   Maunuksela
7734   Yarina
7735   Logsdon
7736   Montross
7737   Nemes
7738   Foltyn
7739   Warton
7740   Oakeley
7741   Lambert
7742   Kearby
7743   Vrana
7744   Palmero
7745   Goodloe
7746   Jaso
7747   Peugh
7748   Usry
7749   Iacuone
7750   Romane
7751   Heald
7752   Haines
7753   Templo
7754   Rowel
7755   Gandy
7756   Inman
7757   Saulk
7758   Schniers
7759   Franks
7760   Jolivetti
7761   Sleaser
7762   Escobedo
7763   Redman
7764   Theamens
7765   Dodkin
7766   Knobel
7767   Turnbow
7768   Camposs
7769   Quisenberry
7770   Veitch
7771   Beckner
7772   Leserve
7773   Alesch
7774   Vo
7775   Pickrel
7776   Wallis
7777   Maldonado
7778   Yesell
7779   Odle
7780   Wigger
7781   Yamak
7782   Niemann

7783   UNKNOWN [thru 7999]

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8000   Ambassador Hardin* heavy cruiser <FASA>
8001   Danton Abrams
8002   Horatio Ballantrye
8003   President Survil
8004   Admiral Carnes
8005   Patricia Prince
8006   Beth Bigelow
8007   General A'thak
8008   Ambassador Crane
8009   Governor Gallas
8010   Fiona Vincent
8011   Garnash Trell
8012   Ibrahim Jones
8013   Andalusia Sims
8014   Koromondi Carstairs
8300   Faron* perimeter action ship
8400   Anderson* heavy scout
8401   Maxey
8402   Fallon
8403   Arce
8404   Pearce
8405   Wolske
8406   Carrow
8407   Leigh
8408   Walraven
8409   Kristinek
8410   Miller
8411   Zaldivar
8412   Williford
8413   Yoakum
8414   Chalfant
8415   Utley
8416   Tillmon
8417   Ruthardt
8418   Sterling
8419   Brandon
8420   Hall
8421   Tennison
8422   Schoenrock
8423   Clausen
8424   Rivers
8425   Gisonno
8426   Saldena
8427   Pieper
8428   Bogue
8429   Ochoa
8430   Hamblin
8431   Gommorhea
8432   Ramby
8433   Peeples
8434   Dabov
8435   Nevarez
8436   Giddeon
8437   Overman
8438   Beall
8439   Neighly
8440   Germany
8441   Harrelson
8442   Dennison-Flare
8443   Maskew
8444   Lokei
8445   Gamble
8446   Mahaffey
8447   Dowell
8448   Licon
8449   Gaasch
8450   Higginbotham
8451   Lehaman
8452   Anuras
8453   Kuhlmann
8454   Furgeson
8455   Labourdette
8456   Holleron
8457   Embry
8458   Krauss
8459   Fulbright
8460   Keckler
8461   Hudson Company
8462   Ebeling
8463   Kimble
8464   Judd
8465   Anglin
8466   Hunker
8467   Fodor
8468   Idom
8469   Joplin
8470   Estorga
8471   Jayroe
8472   Fabela
8473   Igo
8474   Abney
8495   Einstein* timeslip cruiser
8496   LaPlace
8497   Newton
8498   Galileo
8499   Hawking
8600   Firestone* battle cruiser
8601   Thornley
8602   Jolliff
8603   Utzmzn
8604   Gooch
8605   Scudder
8606   Zahn
8607   Adkins
8608   Bosket
8609   Kolar
8610   Yang
8611   Harvick
8612   Cooper
8613   Lichtenhahn
8614   Frazier
8615   Alm
8616   Fondren
8617   Gist
8618   Neill
8619   Welsh
8620   Durrett
8621   Clary
8622   Rios
8623   Diaz
8624   Bornick
8625   Estill
8626   Ojeda
8627   Hiltbrunner
8628   Means
8629   Almack
8630   Phillips [proposed Firestone class battle cruiser]
8631   Esposito [proposed Firestone class battle cruiser]
8632   Vance [proposed Firestone class battle cruiser]
8633   Qualia [proposed Firestone class battle cruiser]
8634   Ingle [proposed Firestone class battle cruiser]
8735   Adelaide
8736   Dornier
8737   Bamaka
8738   Guadalajara
8739   Karinga
8740   Rangoon
8741   Hamilton
8742   Jakarta
8743   Effhamiqual
8744   Saberhagen* defense-substation
8745   McCaffrey
8746   Bandung
8747   Quimerto
8748   Campinas
8749   Tripoli
8750   Khabaravoshka
8751   Ibadan
8752   Fujikoras
8753   Vancouver
8754   Arquette
8755   Mu-urashta
8756   Tabriz
8757   Novokkuznetski
8759   Saratov
8760   Xi'an
8761   Griffen
8762   Imarquella
8763   Bursa
8764   Kwangju
8765   Zaragoza
8766   Perth
8767   Odessa
8768   Shen-ti-yang
8769   Chang-chun
8770   Urbaque
8771   Lanier
8772   Osaka
8773   Volgograminski
8774   Melbourne
8775   Santo Domingo
8776   Lyon
8777   Thon
8778   Sheffield
8779   Leeds
8780   Rostovoshka
8781   Newcastle
8782   T'aixuantis
8783   Dar es salaam

8784   UNKNOWN [thru 8999]

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9000   Thomas Paine* frigate <FASA>
9001   Constantine Rill
9002   Bartholemew Dynass
9003   Amalthea Rex
9004   Preston King
9005   Shanesssa
9006   Sundrass
9007   Grundjaki
9008   Paul Gable
9009   Falmor Hann
9010   Halcyon
9011   Christopher Dundas
9012   Canadara
9013   Carla Winterspoon
9014   Drakendesh
9015   Sedgemoor Tann
9016   Samantha Elass
9017   Tamara
9018   Pride of Elass
9019   Pride of Troyass
9020   Cransston Juriss
9021   Quintaus Gall
9022   Ramana Loris
9023   Essex Prinn
9024   Michael Whelan
9700   Hornet* fighter-carrier
9701   Aries
9702   Octantis
9703   Scorpius
9704   Dorado
9705   Sagitta
9706   Caeli
9707   Leporis
9708   Carina
9709   Fornax
9754   Victory [Constellation class star cruiser] <"Elementary, Dear Data">

9755   UNKNOWN [thru 9999]

10000  M'Benga* rescue/hospital ship <FASA>
10001  Salk
10002  Steuben
10003  Pasteur
10004  Voris
10005  Crenshaw
10006  Shenvala
10007  Barnard
10008  Watson
10009  Crick
10010  Van Gelder
10011  T'Klyrn
10012  Hopewell

10376  Hermes [Antares class carrier] <"Redemption, Part II">

10521  Ambassador* heavy cruiser
10532  Horatio [Ambassador class heavy cruiser] <"Conspiracy">

11574  Ajax [Apollo class] <"Where No One Has Gone Before">

11638  Agamemnon [Apollo class] <"Descent">

11672  Gage [Apollo class] <"Emissary">

14232  Berlin [Excelsior class space contro ship] <"Angel One">

14598  Fearless [Excelsior class control ship] <"Where No One Has Gone Before">

19002  Yosemite [Oberth class] <"Realm of Fear">

19386  Tripoli [Hokule'a class] <"Unification, Part II">

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20000  Sagan* science research vessel <FASA>
20001  Tsiolkovsky [changed to NCC-53911?]
20002  Carson
20003  Meade
20004  Einstein
20005  Cochrane
20006  Fermi
20007  V'Ryugenn
20008  Mendeleyev
20009  Surishian
20010  T'mirea
20011  Skoatar
20012  Shoonedev
20013  Lowell
20014  Daystrom
20015  Crater
20016  Corby

20027  Tetherin [exploratory cruiser]

20381  Drake [Wambundu class light cruiser] <"The Arsenal of Freedom">

21050  Nineveh* large exploratory cruiser

21166  Brittain [Miranda class] <"Night Terrors">

21382  Tian Nan Men [Miranda class] <"Redemption, Part II">

23005  Lng'we Chi* exploratory cruiser

26226  Formidable [Reliant class cruisers thru 26302] <FASA>
26227  Defender
26228  Triumph
26229  Vengeance
26230  Venerable
26231  Ardent
26232  Encounter
26233  Champion
26234  Furious
26235  Ramilles
26236  Conqueror
26237  Glorious
26238  Terror
26239  Valorous
26240  Terminator
26241  Courageous
26242  Vindicator
26243  Redoubt
26244  Guardian
26245  Regulator
26246  Invicta
26247  Kings Destroyer
26248  Audacious
26249  Daredevil
26250  Striker
26251  Enforcer
26252  Rigorous
26253  Blade of Tellar
26254  Immortal
26255  Commencement
26256  Accommodator
26257  Dominator
26258  Lifeforce
26259  Eradicator
26260  Warrior
26261  Pugilist
26262  Archer
26263  Grenadier
26264  Fusilier
26265  Reforger
26266  Brave Shield
26267  Legionaire
26268  Administrator
26269  Valhalla
26270  Forceful
26271  Redan
26272  Perseus
26273  Thetis
26274  Crommalen
26275  Amador
26276  Circe
26277  Achilles
26278  Odysseus
26279  Ra
26280  Odessa
26281  Thurgon
26282  Athena
26283  Hypnos
26284  Vesta
26285  Hermes
26286  Artemis
26287  Minerva
26288  Bacchus
26289  Dionysus
26290  Ceres
26291  Ares
26292  Hestia
26293  Asclepius
26294  Hephaestus
26295  Demeter
26296  Poseidon
26297  Hera
26298  Chronos
26299  Hathor
26300  Isis
26301  Osiris
26302  Thoth

26517  Excalibur [Ambassador class heavy cruiser] <"Redemption, Part II">
26632  Gandhi [Ambassador class heavy cruiser] <"Second Chances">
26849  Adelphi [Ambassador class heavy cruiser] <"Tin Man">
26850  Oday [Constellation class star cruiser] 

27300  MacPherson* heavy transport
27301  Hunter
27302  Ireland
27303  Williams
27304  Crawford
27305  Richardson
27306  Montana
27307  Porizkova
27308  Seymour
27309  Everhart
27310  Taylor

28473  Wellington [Niagra class] <"11001001">

29402  Jefferson Randolph Smith [Sulek class] <"How Much For Just The Planet?">

29487  Ramon [science vessel] <"Interface">

30055  Fury* small frigate

31911  Saratoga [Miranda class] <"Emissary">

33184  Zapata [Surak class] <"Menage a Troi">

34043  Havana [Istanbul class] ("Lessons" [TNG])

34852  Constantinople [Istanbul class] <"The Schizoid Man">

37124  Trieste [Merced-class escort later Yosemite class] <"11001001">

38902  Gettysburg [Constellation class star cruiser] <"Too Short A Season">
38907  Intrepid [Excelsior class space control ship] <"Sins Of The Father">

40512  Gorkon [Excelsior class space contro ship] <"Descent, Part II">

42043  Centaur-class destroyer escort

42136  Cairo [Excelsior class space control ship] <"Chain of Command, Part I">

42285  Charleston [Excelsior class space control ship] <"The Neutral Zone">

42296  Hood [Excelsior class space control ship] <"Encounter At Farpoint">

43837  Lalo [Mediterranean class] <"We'll Always Have Paris">

45167  Aries [Renaissance class] <"Identity Crisis">

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50000  Wellington* light cruiser <FASA>
50001  Blucher
50002  Napoleon
50003  Colloredo
50004  Cordoba
50005  Bellisarius
50006  Garth II
50007  Rommel
50008  Mordaecai
50009  Montgomery
50010  Adolphus
50011  Tilly
50012  Marlborough
50013  Caesaria
50014  Trogan
50015  Wallenstein
50016  Saxe
50017  R'dannan
50018  Lur'Shann
50019  Davout
50020  Murat
50021  Nathaniel Green
50022  Uxbridge
50023  Ney
50024  Nelson
50025  Carver
50026  Drake
50027  Apollinari
50028  Hawkins
50029  Bagration
50030  Barcley d'Tolly
50031  Manstein
50032  Patton II

50446  Crazy Horse [Excelsior class space control ship] <"The Pegasus">

53847  Pegasus [Oberth class?] <"The Pegasus">

53911  Tsiolkovski [Oberth class] <"The Naked Now">

54927  Denver [Yorkshire class transport] <"Ethics">

57295  Rutledge [New Orleans class] <"The Wounded">

57418  Portland [Chimera-class]

57537  Armstrong [Challanger Class]

57580  Buran [Challenger class] <"The Best of Both Worlds, Part II">

59318  Cochrane [Oberth class] <"Emissary">

59621  Goddard [Korolev class] <"Redemption, Part II">

60000  Moscow* scout <FASA>
60001  Argana
60002  Leningrad
60003  Balthamar
60004  Jursinia
60005  Kincara
60006  Kloris
60007  Mattermaine
60008  Oslo
60009  Chirpenitar
60010  Murigami
60011  Quiberon
60012  Loris
60013  Hadsenn
60014  Silimari
60015  Hadley
60016  Florence
60017  Milano
60018  Stockholm
60019  Ambergis
60020  Oudinard
60021  Petersburg

61826  Monitor [Nebula class] <"The Defector">
61827  Merrimac [Nebula class] <"Sarek">

62043  Melbourne [Excelsior class space control ship] <"Emissary">

62095  Tolstoy [Rigel class] <"Best of Both Worlds, Part II">

62136  Zhukov [Ambassador class heavy cruiser] <"Data's Day">

62158  Akagi [Rigel class] <"Redemption, Part II">

62497  Akira-class

63102  Renegade [New Orleans class] <"Conspiracy">

65420  Phoenix [Nebula class] <"The Wounded">

65491  Kyushu [New Orleans class] <"Best of Both Worlds, Part II">

65530  Thomas Paine [New Orleans class frigate] <"Conspiracy">

68711  Concorde [Freedom Class]

68816  Valkyrie [Paladin-class]
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70637  Galaxy* explorer

70858 Andromeda* Class

71201  Prometheus [Nebula class?] <"Second Sight">

71206  Cheyenne-class*

71805  Endeavor [Nebula class] <"Redemption, Part II">
71807  Yamato [Galaxy class explorer] <"Contagion">

71832  Odyssey [Galaxy class explorer] <"The Jem'Hadar">

71982  Santa Ana [runabout]

71992  Kaskaskia [runabout]

72015  Sutherland [Nebula class] <"Redemption, Part II">

72307  Bradbury* <"Menage A Troi">

72452  Rio Grande [Danube class runabout] <"Emissary">
72453  Yangtze Kien [Danube class runabout] <"Battle Lines">
72454  Ganges [Danube class runabout] <"Armageddon Game">

73620   Ahwahnee [Cheyenne Class]

74205  Defiant* escort <"The Search">

74600  Intrepid* class
74656  Voyager [Intrepid class] <Voyager>

81000  Khai Tam [Qapla class heavy cruiser-exploratory]
81001  Relentless [Qapla class heavy cruiser-exploratory]

IF You dont's see a specific Registry listed feel free to add it. I omitted MANY MANY individual ships BUT I do have them. SO if there's a question just ask  :)
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CLASS TWO SUPPORT SPACECRAFT (23rd Century Designation)

NCC    Name

F1300  Independence* transport/freighter [thru F1399]
F1301  Kitty Hawk
F1302  Dierdre <"Friday's Child">
F1303  Nassau
F1304  Astral Queen
F1305  Moscow
F1306  Carolina <"Friday's Child">
F1307  Beagle <"Bread And Circuses">
F1308  Valley Forge
F1310  Bunker Hill
F1311  Forrestal
F1312  Antares <"Charlie X">
F1313  Huron <"The Pirates Of Orion">

F1400  Freedom* transport/freighter [thru F1499]

F1500  Equality* transport/freighter [thru F1599]

F1600  Liberty* transport/freighter [thru F1699]

F1700  Justice* transport/freighter [thru F1799]

F1800  Fraternity* transport/freighter [thru F1813]

G128   Symma* [ex-Q series] cargo vessel [thru G144]

G145   Sherman* cargo vessel [thru G146]

G147   Linda* cargo vessel [thru G149]

G150   Susan* cargo vessel
G151   Alana* cargo vessel [thru G152]

G153   Dirdra* cargo vessel [thru G160]

G420   Alexis* [ex-Q series] cargo vessel [thru G434]

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CLASS THREE SMALL SPACECRAFT (23rd Century Designation)

C1200  Aurora* space cruiser <"The Way To Eden">
C1395  Brisbane

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B2004             Prospector passenger starliner <"Sins Of Commission">
FLN-633136052SIE  Tan-Shra  Tellar-registered ship <"Foreign Foes">
NAR-18834         Vico research vessel <"Hero Worship">
NSP-17938         T'Pau Vulcan spacecraft <"Unification">
USA-3197BL-9      Eagle privately owned exploratory craft <"Foreign Foes">

Registries Preceded By "NC3" (Neutronic Carrier 3rd class):

HT03-23682  Kobayashi Maru <"Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan">
HW26-56191  Argus Valley
HW58-36913  Arcadia
KT12-32952  Siuwuskyn
KT56-43312  Astral Queen <"The Conscience Of The King">
« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 11:33:05 pm by ModelsPlease »

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Registries Preceded By "CC-" (Cosmodyne Corporation) c. 2187 A.D.:

750    Caracal* command cruiser
751    Navangar
752    Spartan
753    Reliance
754    Allegany
755    Matanzas
756    Saphir
757    Audace
758    Requin
759    Arroyo
760    Palomar
761    Long Beach
762    Tayi
763    Dominium
764    R'sah-Dan

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Registries Preceded By "GCC-" (Galaxian Construction Corporation) c. 2166 A.D.:

120    Almeida* heavy cruiser/freighter
121    Lorelei
122    Cryghton
123    Spectre
124    Mannara
125    Trident
126    Nemesis
127    Ta Sydra
128    Chandira
129    Beta-Aurei
130    Gentry
131    Arcturei

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Registries Preceded By "FR-" (Fleet Registry) c. 2130 A.D.:

250    Durance* cargo/tug
251    Heron Bay
252    Remagen
253    Avior
254    Manassa
255    Gridley
256    Cypress
257    Aberdeen
258    Rio Verde
259    Cay'Andera
260    Manheim
261    Halsey
262    Sierra Vista
263    Chandeleur
264    Grevenmacher

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S1100  Bonaventure* galactic survey cruiser [1st with warp] <"The Time Trap">
S1104  Valiant <"Where No Man Has Gone Before">

Registries Preceded By "DY-":

100    Savannah* interplanetary (sleeper) vessel
101    Mayflower
102    Botany Bay <"Space Seed">
103    Nikita Khrushchev
104    King Charles
105    Chairman Mao
106    Half Moon
107    Vasco da Gama
108    James Cook
109    Werner Von Braun
200    Brenton* interplanetary (sleeper) vessel
300    (unnamed prototype ion-impulse drone)
400    Helsinki* interplanetary vessel
500    Woden* interplanetary freighter <"The Ultimate Computer">

NAR 7678 Mariposa (modified DY-500 freighter) <"Up The Long Ladder">

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ChR    Name (Translation)

 63    ? (Bloodwing) <"My Enemy, My Ally">
222    Flethish (Prominence) [Klolode class]
316    Luctas (Starfire) [Klolode class] <"The Enterprise Incident">
333    Marta (Corona) [Klolode class]
381    Parno (Broadsword) [Klolode class] <"The Enterprise Incident">
385    N'lanaes (Predator) [Klolode class] <"The Enterprise Incident">
400    Meninarca (Gauntlet) [Klolode class]
566    Trelinitu (Starlight) [Klolode class]
718    Ch'lihime (Javelin) [K't'inga class] <"My Enemy, My Ally">
724    Crenitas (Battlequeen) [K't'inga class] "<My Enemy, My Ally">

Romulan bird-of-prey. Commanded by T'Cel. The Phoenix participated in an experiment with a Klingon starship in 2267 to attempt to attract and study extragalactic parasites that periodically inhabit a sector of disputed space. ("Debt of Honor" [DC TOS Graphic Novel]

Romulan scoutship. In 2366, Pi crashed on Galorndon Core, a planet a half-light year away from the Federation edge
of the Neutral Zone. Two Romulan survivors were found on Galorndon, although one died before being returned to Romulan
space. ("The Enemy" [TNG]).

Type of Romulan starship, also known by Starfleet as as a B-type warbird.
These vessels are somewhat larger and ore massive than Federation Sovereign and Galaxy-class starships, measuring approximately 1,600 meters, and are believed to have a greater combat firepower, although they suffer from a comparatively lower speed capability. ("The Neutral Zone" [TNG #26]; "Where Silence Has Lease" [TNG #28]; "Contagion" [TNG #37]; "The Enemy" [TNG #55]; "The Defector" [TNG #58]; "Tin Man" [TNG #68]; "Future Imperfect" [TNG #82]; "The Mind's Eye" [TNG #98]; "Redemption" [TNG #100&101]; "Unification" [TNG #107&108]; "Face of the Enemy" [TNG #140]; "The Chase" [TNG #146]; "Timescape" [TNG #151]; "The Pegasus" [TNG #164]; "All Good Things..." [TNG #177&178]; "Visionary" [DS9 #63]).
The D'deridex-class warbird was designed by Andrew Probert and first seen in "The Neutral Zone." Probert's original designs for the D'deridex featured the ship's double wings in a vertical rather than horizontal orientation, an idea that was nixed by producers because of the shows televised format and the traditional birdlike look of Romulan vessels.
On some occasions, such as "The Defector and "Tin Man" these vessels were classified as B-type warbirds.
It was not clear whether this designation refers to the class as a whole or to a specifically modified sub-class.
Decius ("Future Imperfect" [TNG #82]).
Devoras ("Data's Day" [TNG]).
Haakona ("Contagion" [TNG #37]).
Khazara ("Face of the Enemy" [TNG #140])

Romulan starship. ("Red Sector" [Pocket TNG #53]).

Romulan flagship, mentioned destroyed in DS9: "What You Leave Behind"
This could be easily yet another D'deridex or a ship of the Valdore type.

Romulan vessel that spotted the Rio Grande flying without pilot in DS9: "Paradise"

science (spy?) vessel, commanded by Telek R'mor in 2351 (VOY: "Eye of the Needle")
We may assume that it is of the same class as the science ship that appeared in TNG: "The Next Phase", but this is only speculation.

Mogai class
Type of Romulan Warbird which predated the D'deridex class but came after the C-10 class. Several Mogai class Warbirds were used to hunt for the Norexan when Romulan senior figures learned of its planned defection. The class was only used as a reserve type during the Dominion War and not on the front-lines. ["On Duranium Wings" (IST)]


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KL     Name (Translation)

   02  Amak <"The Wounded Sky">
    8  Kaza <"The Wounded Sky">
   14  Kj'khrry <"The Wounded Sky">
   55  Kytin <"The Wounded Sky">
   66  Enekti <"The Wounded Sky">
   94  Tukab <"The Wounded Sky">
   96  Menekku <"The Wounded Sky">
  762  Quapla* (Success) strike cruiser
  763  Targ [Qapla class]
  782  Okuv <"The Wounded Sky">
  818  Ekkava <"Doctor's Orders">
 1017  Hakkarl (Vanguard) [K't'inga class] <"Rules Of Engagement">
 1018  Tazhat [Bird Of Prey scout] <"Rules Of Engagement">
02529  Klolode* (Destruction) battlecruiser <"Spock Must Die!">
05431  Kivord (Tumultuous) [K't'Inga class]
08405  Kahless (The Merciless One) [Klolode class] <"Pawns And Symbols">
08422  Gortuk (Furious) [Klolode class]
09893  Skelpf (Battle) [K't'inga class]
10097  Atropos (Invincible) [Klolode class]
11805  Arakkab (Indignant) [K't'inga class] <"Star Trek-The Motion Picture">
12550  Qrish (The Lion Of Kazh) [K'teremny class]
14523  Raga (Passion) [K'teremny class]
15474  Uu'wa (Beware) [K'teremny class]
17674  Ykir (Usurper) [K't'inga class] <"My Enemy, My Ally">
17767  Kenek (The Ruler Of Many) [K't'inga class] <"My Enemy, My Ally">
23523  ? [K'teremny class]
26803  ? [K't'inga class]
31060  Makita (Executioner) [Klolode class]
32533  Jurakte (Assassin) [Klolode class]
35635  ? [K't'inga class]
40200  Losu (Cold) [K't'inga class]
42481  ? [K'teremny class]
44104  K'teremny* (Great Slayer Of Enemies) destroyer
49329  Sharug (Fire Wind) [K'teremny class]
61196  Taku' (Ice Wind) [K'teremny class]
63573  Thanatos (Vengeance) [Klolode class]
63606  Raatid (Anger) [K'teremny class]
65481  Malig (Terror) [K't'inga class]
66065  Lachesis (Havoc) [Klolode class]
67348  Make' (Death) [K't'inga class]
68953  Klathas (Pestilence) [Klolode class] <"The Counter-Clock Incident">
69916  Nawrya (Success) [K't'inga class]
73742  Seertel (Determination) [K'teremny class]
73796  Tor'stog (Deviser) [Klolode class] <"More Tribbles, More Troubles">
74350  Menhaden (King) [K't'inga class]
74717  Tuer (Murderous One) [Klolode class]
77356  (Alliance) [Empire class]
78991  (Revenge) [Empire class]
78992  (Vengance) [Empire class]
78998  (Destroyer) [Empire class]
79321  (Punisher) [Empire class]
79622  (Imperial) [Empire class]
80124  Mejab (Thief) [K't'inga class]
80336  Kor'sachem (Warrior Chief) [K'teremny class]
81949  Sakar (Good Hunting) [K'teremny class]
83452  Eelst (Hunter) [K't'inga class] <"Star Trek-The Motion Picture">
85269  Tabor (Powerful) [Klolode class]
88685  Ehhak (Venomous) [K't'inga class, originally 77] <"My Enemy, My Ally">
91499  Drell (Mighty Flying Lizard) [K'teremny class]
94557  ? [K'teremny class]
94598  Sabog (Fire Breathing Lizard) [K'teremny class]
98520  Amar (Revenge) [K't'inga class] <"Star Trek-The Motion Picture">
99019  Hakask (Horrendous) [Klolode class] <"My Enemy, My Ally">
99594  Ekru (Fire) [K't'inga class]
99634  K't'inga* (Great Powerful Conqueror) heavy battlecruiser
99817  ? [K't'inga class]
99970  Klothos (Carnage) [Klolode class] <"The Time Trap">

 7C    Name

 2164  Matara
 3051  Asgarth
 3625  Kroll
 4530  Pak't Marr
 4572  K'tara* Bird of Prey scout
 5016  Q'var
 5883  Krugg
 5907  Rustarr

 * = class/series ship
 ex- = original name of ship, hull constructed from, or disused name

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Type of Klingon battlecruiser, classified as a D-7.
The Akif-class was the main symbol of Klingon power in the 23rd century, and the same basic design was utilized for the uprated K't'inga-class D-7 battlecruiser first constructed in the 2270s.
This class was eventually phased out by those ships.
Many ships of this type were sold to the Romulans in the period where these two empires formed an alliance.
("Elaan of Troyius" [TOS #57]; "My Enemy, My Ally" [Pocket TOS #18]; "The Romulan Way" [Pocket TOS #35]). 
I.K.S. Akif
I.K.S. Bortas
I.K.S. Fire Blossom ("How Much for Just the Planet?" [Pocket TOS]).
I.K.S. Fury ("The Final Reflection" [Pocket TOS #16]).
I.K.S. Gal'tagh ("In the Name of Honor" [Pocket TOS]). 
I.K.S. Gr'oth (varient) ("The Trouble with Tribbles" [TOS]; "Trials and Tribble-ations" [DS9 #104]; "Rules of Engagement" [Pocket TOS #48]).
I.K.S. Hakask ("My Enemy, My Ally" [Pocket TOS #18]).
I.K.S. Hakkarl, Defense Force registry KL-1017. ("Rules of Engagement" [Pocket TOS]).
I.K.S. Klolode
I.K.S. Korezhima  ("World Without End" [Bantam TOS]).
I.K.S. Terror ("The Klingon Gambit" [Pocket TOS #3]).
I.K.S. Terthos  ("In the Name of Honor" [Pocket TOS]).
I.K.S. Varchas ("The Fires of Pharos" [Marvel EV #2]).   

D8 K't'inga-class.
Type of Klingon battleship, classified as a battlecruiser. ("The Motion Picture" [Pocket TOS #1]).
I.K.S. Amar ("The Motion Picture" [Movie #1]).
I.K.S. Arekkieh ("Epic Proportions" [DC TOS vol.2 #52]).
I.K.S. B'Moth ("Soldiers of the Empire" [DS9 #119]).
I.K.S. Kerla ["I.K.S. Klinzhai: Glory and Honour" ]
I.K.S. K'mpec ["The Dominion War" (SO) The K'mpec was part of Ten Forward's Klingon fleet. It was destroyed due to the Chancellor-class K'mpec in the I.K.S. Gorkon novels]
I.K.S. Kluggoth  ("All the Infinite Ways" [Marvel TOS #13]).
I.K.S. Kor
I.K.S. Korrd
I.K.S. Kronos One ("The Undiscovered Country" [Movie #6]).
I.K.C. Qo'noS Wa'
I.K.S. SoSoy tuj ("Ship of the Line" [Pocket TNG HC #8]).
I.K.S. T'Acog ("Heart of Glory" [TNG]). 
I.K.C. T'Ong

D7 "Klolode"        
This ship is called the D7 Battlecruiser (Code D Mark VII), the D designating a Klingon warship whose hull is designed after the Drell (Drell-design), a
lizard like creature native to the Klingon homeworld... There's LOTS of confusion over what a D7 Battlecruiser actually is, as there's a major
split between how Technical Fandom and FasA interprets these warships... In Tech Fandom only the "Klolode" class is a D7... FASA calls EVERY Klingon warship, aside from the Klingon Bird of Prey, a D7 with a letter suffix appended to indicate subdivision of class...
Atropos (Invincible)             KL 10097
Flethish (Prominence)          ChR 222 (In Romulan Service)
Gortuk (Furious)                  KL 08422
Hakask (Horrendous)            KL 99019
Jurakte (Assassin)                KL 32533
Kahless (The Merciless One)  KL 08405
Klathas (Pestilence)             KL 68953
Klolode (Destruction)           KL 02529     
Klothos (Carnage)               KL 99970     
Lachesis (Havoc)                 KL 66065     
Luctas (Starfire)               ChR 316     (In Romulan Service)   
Makita (Executioner)           KL 31060       
Marta (Corona)                ChR 333    (In Romulan Service)     
Meninarca (Gauntlet)        ChR 400  (In Romulan Service)   
N'lanaes (Predator)          ChR 385   (In Romulan Service)     
Parno (Broadsword)         ChR 381  (In Romulan Service)     
Tabor (Powerful)               KL 85269       
Thanatos (Vengeance)       KL 63573       
Tor'stog (Deviser)              KL 73796       
Trelinitu (Starlight)          ChR 566  (In Romulan Service)     
Tuer (Murderous One)        KL 74717

Type of small dogfighter vessel of Klingon design.
A ship of this type was used by the Pak Dorren terrorist cell in Bajoran space in 2372. ("Time's Enemy" [Pocket DS9 #16]).

Birok class
Type of strike cruiser that was deployed by the Klingon Defense Force in the 24th century (and possibly earlier).
As strike cruisers, Biroks lacked the firepower and endurance of full battle cruisers, but in packs or supporting heavier ships they could be quite effective. Birok class vessels took part in a number of skirmishes against Cardassian ships during the Betreka Nebula Incident, and continued service through the Dominion War and its aftermath. By the 2370s, however, the design was dated and the Biroks were being replaced with a more modern strike cruiser design. (Star Trek: The Lost Era novel The Art of the Impossible, Star Trek: IKS Gorkon novel Honor Bound)
IKS Dogal
IKS Kazin Captain G'Zar

vessels were assault ships employed by the Klingon Empire in boarding operations. They were created to carry two companies of the fierciest Klingon warriors; namely the Klingon Marines. The Chava'Kal were designed to capture both starships and space stations whose shields were brought down, allowing transporters to function effectively. For this, they were known as 'Dagger of the Empire' by their crews. The Chava'Kal possesses minimal weaponry which means it had to be escorted when on a mission but they were very capable of accomplishing their goal. It is known that a single vessel of this class is capable of taking over even the largest of vessels.

bIQ'a' veqlarg'a'
Name of a new Klingon battleship designed by Captain Qeyn.
It is arrow shaped, weighs over a quarter-million tons and took 5 years to build.
The name means, "Great Demon of the Ocean".

D-4 battlecruiser type
I.K.S. Bluefire ("The Final Reflection" [Pocket TOS #16]).
I.K.S. Fencer ("The Final Reflection" [Pocket TOS #16]).

Type of Klingon battleship, classified as an attack cruiser. ("Reunion" [TNG]).
I.K.S. Bortas IKC-11546 ("Redemption" [TNG #100&101]).
I.K.S. Buruk ("Reunion" [TNG #81]).
I.K.S. Drovna IKC-11563 ("Sons of Mogh" [DS9 #87]).
I.K.S. K'elest IKC-11673
I.K.S. Key'vong IKC-11233
I.K.S. Klinzhai
I.K.S. Kohna IKC-11678
I.K.S. Mahk'tar IKC-11452
I.K.S. Maht-H'a IKC-11574 ([TNG] "The Chase")
I.K.S. Marok
I.K.S. M'Char  ("The Way of the Warrior" [DS9 #73&74]; "For the Cause" [DS9 #94]). 
I.K.S. Maht'Ha ("The Chase" [TNG #146]).
I.K.S. Neng-ta IKC-11684 ([TNG] "The Mind's Eye")
I.K.S. Qam-Chee
I.K.S. Qu'Vat  IKC-11591 ("Aquiel" [TNG]).
I.K.S. R'kang IKC-11478
I.K.S. T'Kora IKC-11274
I.K.S. Toh'Kaht IKC-11515
I.K.S. Vor'cha IKC-11500
I.K.S. Vor'nak IKC-11544 ("Sons and Daughters" [DS9]).
I.K.S. Ya'Vang/I.K.S. Yavang IKC-11553 (DS9 "You Are Cordially Invited")

Latest class of vessel commissioned by the Klingon Defense Forces during the Dominion War.
It has the latest equipment and technology available.
The captain’s chair is located at the front of the bridge, in the center with a small space between it and the main viewscreen.
The helm controls were immediately to the captain’s left, with the operations and tactical controls located behind the captain’s chair.
The entrance to the captain’s office is to the right, and the main entrance is in the rear of the bridge. ("Diplomatic Implausibility" [Pocket TNG]).     
I.K.S. Gorkon.("Diplomatic Implausibility" [Pocket TNG]).
I.K.S. Qang.

Type of Klingon bird-of-prey. ("The Search for Spock" [Movie #3]; "The Voyage Home" [Movie #4]; "The Final Frontier" [Movie #5]; "The Undiscovered Country" [Movie #6]; "Generations" [Movie #7]; "Rascals" [TNG #133]).
I.K.S. Amar
       BaHwil' Name of the bird-of-prey commanded by Commander Keraz.
       Botka   Name of a Klingon bird-of-prey. The Botka was commanded by Captain cha'DIch.
I.K.S B'rel [H.M.S. Bounty] IKC-9200 ("The Search for Spock" [Movie #3]; "The Voyage Home" [Movie #4])
I.K.C. Buruk ([TNG] "Reunion" )
I.K.S. Ch'Tang IKC-9237  Commanded by General Martok  (DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach")
I.K.S. Chak'tor ("War and Peace" [Marvel SA #4]; "Love and Death" [Marvel SA #5]).
I.K.S. Chontay/IKS Okrona  -  Captained by Klaa. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier )
I.K.S. Ch'vag ["I.K.S. Klinzhai: Glory and Honour" (SO)]
I.K.S. Etam
I.K.S. Falchion ("Dreams of the Raven" [Pocket TOS #34]).
I.K.S. G'gtah ("Heart of Darkness" [Marvel Unlimited #6]).
       Kad'nra  Name of a Klingon bird-of-prey spacecraft commanded by Captain Vheled.
I.K.S. Ki'tang (DS9 "When it Rains...")
I.K.S. Kla'Diyus/[Dakronh]   Commanded by General Chang (Star Trek VI:The Undiscovered Country)
I.K.S. Korinar (DS9 "Sons of Mogh")
I.K.S. Koroth IKC-8314 (DS9 "Tears of the Prophets")
I.K.S. Kothulu
       Krogshat Name of a Klingon B'rel class Bird-of-Prey operating in the Beta Promethean system.
I.K.S. Kruge   A Klingon bird-of-prey commanded by Captain K'Vada.
I.K.S. K'val
I.K.S. M'Char Commanded by Commander Kaybok (DS9 "The Way of the Warrior")
I.K.S. Malpara (DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach")
I.K.S. Mok'tal IKC-9336 Captain K'Vada commanding ([TNG] "Unification")
I.K.S. Ning'tao/I.K.S. Ning'Tau IKC-9270 Commanded by Kor (DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach")
I.K.S. Orantho/I.K.S. Orintho IKC-9212 (DS9 "The Way of the Warrior")
I.K.S. Slivin (DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach")
I.K.S. Tazhat ("Rules of Engagement" [Pocket TOS #48]).
I.K.S. Vorn ("Reunion" [TNG]).
I.K.S. Y'tem Captain K'Temang (DS9 "Return To Grace")

type of Klingon freighter. It was capable of atmospheric flight allowing it to reach the surface of a planet. (TNG novel: War Drums)
Type of Klingon battlecruiser. ("The Final Reflection" [Pocket TOS #16]).
I.K.S. BortaS
I.K.C. Klothos

Type of Klingon bird-of-prey, taken out of service to faulty cloaking device coils. ("Generations" [Movie #7]).

Type of Klingon starship. ("Armageddon Sky" [Pocket Day of Honor #2]).

K'hanakh Class
A class of Klingon Bird-of-Prey.
They are smaller than the Akif or K'Tinga class ships, but they have a lot more firepower.

Khitomer Class
Name of a Klingon class of bird-of-prey spaceships. The Khitomer class bird of prey was a Klingon warship class that was active in the 24th century.
They possessed cloaking capability and were armed with disruptors. (DS9 novel: Vengeance)

Klingon "hunter-killer" class ship
K'chss - The K'chss was defeated by the USS Tori during the Taal Tan Offensive.
K'utuul - The K'utuul was defeated by the USS Tori during the Taal Tan Offensive.

D9 K'teremny-Class
A new class of Klingon Destroyer.

Type of Klingon battleship, classified as a bird-of-prey. ("Yesterday's Enterprise" [TNG #63]).
The K'vort resembles the Bird of Prey but is larger, with a corresponding larger crew, and lacks the ability to lower its wings. 
I.K.S. Antarr ["I.K.S. Klinzhai: Glory and Honour" (SO)]
I.K.S. Hegh'ta IKC-55342 ([TNG] "Redemption, Part I")
I.K.S. Klinzhai
I.K.S. Koraga IKC-95121 (DS9 "Penumbra")
I.K.S. Kormag IKC-73100
I.K.S. K'Ratak
I.K.S. K'Vort IKC-95008
I.K.S. Kuras
I.K.S. Lukara
I.K.S. M'Char ("The Way of the Warrior" [DS9 #73&74])
I.K.S. Pagh IKC-95295 ("A Matter of Honor" [TNG #34]).
I.K.S. Rotarran IKC-92127 (DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire")
I.K.S. Sung puq loD  ("Bonds of Honor" [Malibu DS9 Worf Spec.#1])
I.K.S. Vorn IKC-49001  ([TNG] "Reunion")

Class designation for a Klingon 4 passenger long range interstellar and atmospheric vehicle.

Type of Klingon warship used in the last half of the 23rd century. ("All Good Things" [TNG]).
I.K.C. Chang
I.K.S. Fek'Ihr
I.K.S Voodieh 

I.K.S. Hegh'mar IKS-7503
I.K.S. K'mpec IKS-7502
I.K.S. Kormat IKS-7501
I.K.S. Mogh IKS-7504
I.K.C. Negh'Var (I.K.S. Negh'Var) IKS-7500 (DS9 "The Way of the Warrior")

Type of Klingon military craft, a Z-1 fighter. (Star Fleet Battles [Amarillo]).


Unknown Class:
K'lss, I.K.S.
Klingon battleship, an attack skiff.  The K'lss retreated after engaging the starship Akitsu at Korta Fe.  (Ships of the Star Fleet, vol. 2).

Korinar, I.K.S.
Klingon warship. ("Sons of Mogh" [DS9 #87]).

K'trk, I.K.S.
Klingon battle skiff that was captured by the starship Akitsu at Korta Fe. (Ships of the Star Fleet, vol. 2).

Okuv, I.K.S.
Klingon battleship, Defense Force registry KL 782. One of the eight ships that attacked Inversion drive test ship Enterprise in 2268. ("The Wounded Sky" [Pocket TOS #13])

Vo'taq, I.K.S.
Klingon cruiser that destroyed the U.S.S.Gagarin in 2279. Commanded by K'lavut. ("In the Name of Honor" [Pocket TOS]).

Y'tem, I.K.S.
("By Inferno's Light" [DS9 #113]).

IKS Par'tok
cargo vessel, mentioned in DS9: "Sons and Daughters"

IKC P'Rang
cruiser, mentioned in TNG: "The Emissary" as the ship to intercept the T'Ong

IKS Hor'cha
mentioned in the Species 8472 simulation in VOY: "In the Flesh"
We should assume that the ship actually exists, considering how meticulously the simulation was prepared.
IKC K'Tanco, Kang's old ship, mentioned in DS9: "Sword of Kahless".

IKC T'Acog
ship destroyed by renegade Klingons in TNG: "Heart of Glory"
In contrast to the entry about this starship in the Encyclopedia II it was never visible on screen, as the Enterprise arrived at the scene after the fight. It may be another K't'inga, but as well it could be any other class of ship (preferably something small because it seems unlikely that a freighter may be able to destroy a battlecruiser).

IKS Ya'Vang
battlecruiser, mentioned in DS9: "You are Cordially Invited"
This may have been an old K't'inga, but somehow I have the impression they meant a Vor'cha.

Name of a Klingon Frigate that self destructed, rather than be captured, following an engagement with the USS Cyane and the US Reprisal.

A Klingon warship of the KDF. Toq had served aboard it.

Name of a Klingon warship. M'Raq was serving aboard as its First Officer.

K'Stek Nak
Name of a Klingon cruiser and a member of General Martoks' taskforce to planet Helena.

Name of a Klingon battle skiff (frigate) that was damaged during an engagement with the USS Akitsu.
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Cardassian Ship names and Registries

Aldara. Cardassian warship. ("Past Prologue" [DS9 #4]).
Aldea. ("When the Bough Breaks" [TNG #18]).

Empok Nor.
Cardassian space station, identical in design to Deep Space Nine. ("Empok Nor" [DS9]).

Type of Cardassian starship. ("Ensign Ro" [TNG]).
Galvar ("Requiem, Part II" [Malibu DS9 #9]).

Bird of Prey-class
Gul Dukat managed to seize a Klingon Bird-of-Prey in 2373.
I.K.S. Y'tem - Renamed to Naprem (DS9 "By Inferno's Light")

Type of Cardassian spaceship, used as fighters and patrol vessels carrying a crew of about 30. Gul Evek was commanding a Hideki-class patroller when he took O"Brien into custody in 2370. Several of the vessels were involved in the Cardassian invasion of the Bajor system in 2373, and throughout the current Cardassian/Federation conflict. ("Tribunal" [DS9]). In real life, this class may have been named by writers in honor of Japanese physicist Yukawa Hideki, who first postulated the existence of the subatomic pion in 1935. However, it is unclear why Cardassians might so recognize an Earth scientist. It seems more likely the Cardassian version of the name is only coincidentally the same.

Type of Cardassian warship, similar in configuration to the Galor-class except with an expanded secondary hull, providing more advanced armaments and defenses.  ("The Die is Cast" [DS9 #67]).
Barano CUW-8132   (DS9 "What You Leave Behind")
Hanund CUW-8130   
Keldon CUW-8000 
Morag OUW-80013   
Rildon OOX-90100   
Zalkan CUW-8151   

Keldon Advanced
Koranak    (DS9 "The Die is Cast")
Nammar OUW-80009  (DS9 "The Die is Cast")
Okara OUW-80004  (DS9 "The Die is Cast")
Sinalon OUW-80005   
Sudanit OUW-80012  (DS9 "The Die is Cast")

Cardassian warship. ("Armageddon Sky" [Pocket Day of Honor #2]).

Cardassian transport vessel. ("Indiscretion" [DS9 #77]).

Cardassian warship.

Kornaire, first posting of Dukat as a glinn, mentioned in DS9: "Waltz"

Manora shipyards, potential Klingon attack target in DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach"

Outpost 47, located in the DMZ, mentioned in DS9: "Defiant"

Rabol, transport, transferred Gul Dukat to Deep Space Nine in DS9: "Indiscretion"

Tevak shipyards, mentioned to have been sabotaged by the Cardassian resistance in DS9: "When It Rains..."
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 04:45:57 pm by ModelsPlease »

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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There is no reason to assume that all these ships were in service at the same time.  In fact, some of these registries span centuries, certainly with the addition of Next Generation starship NCCs.  This list is also certainly not complete, and probably never will be, but it does give the best overall view of Star Fleet's complement of ships.  Emphasis is upon registries.  There are many episodes, movies, and novels where ship names were given for specific classes but if their registries remained undefined they were not incorporated into this post.  Also note that ships are routinely converted from one class to another.


« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 11:32:31 pm by ModelsPlease »

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.