Topic: Questions for SMRT SFB people..or anyone who can answer them..  (Read 1602 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Yes I should know all this- I blame my OP books for not being there when i need them the most..

1) Ship explosions- How is the damage caused BY the ship explosion determined?

2) CAn you make ships move 2 hexes per move on a D2 map? I know servers have done it before by accident, anyone know if it can be purposely recreated?

3) What were the Tavern servers- who did them? (not important, just bugging me for some reason... I know they were <blanks> tavern..

4) Are PPD dmg pulses (or whatver they're called_ the same in SFB as OP? Thoguht they were differnt for some reason, now thinking I was wrong..

5) How did drogues work (OP wise) ? Were there actual models and they were a differnt ship? Or were they a kinda invisilble second ship that was just there?

Remember a PRIZE for the person who answers the most correctly!
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Re: Questions for SMRT SFB people..or anyone who can answer them..
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 05:11:47 pm »
Yes I should know all this- I blame my OP books for not being there when i need them the most..

1) Ship explosions- How is the damage caused BY the ship explosion determined?

2) CAn you make ships move 2 hexes per move on a D2 map? I know servers have done it before by accident, anyone know if it can be purposely recreated?

3) What were the Tavern servers- who did them? (not important, just bugging me for some reason... I know they were <blanks> tavern..

4) Are PPD dmg pulses (or whatver they're called_ the same in SFB as OP? Thoguht they were differnt for some reason, now thinking I was wrong..

5) How did drogues work (OP wise) ? Were there actual models and they were a differnt ship? Or were they a kinda invisilble second ship that was just there?

Remember a PRIZE for the person who answers the most correctly!

1) It was a long caculation combining weapons, pwer, etc. divided by 3(?)...I'd had to dust off the books to be more specific.
2) I think so, we have had servers in the past with up to 3 hexes per move. But, IMOHPO more than 1 at a time is more problamatic than it's worth.
3) Strayy's Tavern...Assume some guy named Strayy did them. Define "What"
4) Pretty much...4 for reg, 6 for OV. As far as damage, not sure. Again, I'd have to look at the SFB charts.
5) WTF are you talking about?  :P
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Re: Questions for SMRT SFB people..or anyone who can answer them..
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 05:45:08 pm »
Yes I should know all this- I blame my OP books for not being there when i need them the most..

1) Ship explosions- How is the damage caused BY the ship explosion determined?

Originally there was an SFB formula for this, but somewhere along the line (when they consolidated the rulebooks perhaps?) they replaced it with an entry in the master ship chart (i.e. the explosion rating in the shiplist for SFC)

2) CAn you make ships move 2 hexes per move on a D2 map? I know servers have done it before by accident, anyone know if it can be purposely recreated?

I think that was one of the .gf settings,
perhaps either Radius in or Mode or Move in

3) What were the Tavern servers- who did them? (not important, just bugging me for some reason... I know they were <blanks> tavern..

you mean Rook's Tavern?

4) Are PPD dmg pulses (or whatver they're called_ the same in SFB as OP? Thoguht they were differnt for some reason, now thinking I was wrong..

Dunno - I've got the SFB tables handy but not the OP ones

5) How did drogues work (OP wise) ? Were there actual models and they were a differnt ship? Or were they a kinda invisilble second ship that was just there?

Hafta ask Scippy, wasn't that his baby?


Offline Hexx

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Re: Questions for SMRT SFB people..or anyone who can answer them..
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2007, 07:27:20 pm »
Thanks guys!

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Re: Questions for SMRT SFB people..or anyone who can answer them..
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2007, 11:23:37 pm »
Yes I should know all this- I blame my OP books for not being there when i need them the most..

1) Ship explosions- How is the damage caused BY the ship explosion determined?
Chart entry now-a-days
2) CAn you make ships move 2 hexes per move on a D2 map? I know servers have done it before by accident, anyone know if it can be purposely recreated?
You can set the move to as many hexes as you want.  Vaguely recalling that it seemed smoother to move, but crashed a little more frequently...
3) What were the Tavern servers- who did them? (not important, just bugging me for some reason... I know they were <blanks> tavern..
Rook's Tavern?  Only "Tavern" I remember.  Done by Rook, years and years ago.  Rook made the jump to OP early, then gave up while the rest was focused in EAW-land and basking in the glory of the patches...
4) Are PPD dmg pulses (or whatver they're called_ the same in SFB as OP? Thoguht they were differnt for some reason, now thinking I was wrong..
PPD damage pulses (yep, that's their name) are identical in SFB & OP, down to the splash elements etc.  Only thing not represented in OP is the "corner" shot, you know, the one that reads 3+3 cause you're probably shooting down a hex spline...
5) How did drogues work (OP wise) ? Were there actual models and they were a differnt ship? Or were they a kinda invisilble second ship that was just there?

Remember a PRIZE for the person who answers the most correctly!
IIRC, drogues used the mine graphic, and were IIRC PFs, available through the fighter subsystem.  They were heavy weight (as a ship towing a drogue is slown down tremendously) and speed 0 (so they don't move on their own.)

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Re: Questions for SMRT SFB people..or anyone who can answer them..
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2007, 07:46:32 am »
I think the damage from SD has been toned down.  A former evil tactic was to charge up an Enveloping R Torp, creep in to range zero from a Star Base in a cloaked War Bird, then SD. 

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Re: Questions for SMRT SFB people..or anyone who can answer them..
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2007, 09:41:32 am »
If I remember correctly, and I haven't read this SFB rules for about a week now, the explosion value of a ship was dependant of the remaining warp, ,AWR, APR and certain weapons system remaining on the exploding ship. Basically pushing the self destrct buttom makes a bigger bang with an intact ship than a chewed up one.

The damage is halfed per surrounding hex it spreads into (odd numbers round down) and it divides by half as the blast radius spreads until disipated by distance.

The biggest bangs are minelayers which have been used as "suicide truck" ships when attcking enemy starbases. A Klingon K-LMS took out more than 50% of a Fed F-BS in a convention game by self nuking at point balnk range!!

There is still a lot of bizare and ingeuineously cunning tactics that are possible in SFB but can't be used in SFC yet.

Another favourite tactic, taking advantage of the explosive force rules, is to remote control a mine sweeper shuttle loaded with two mines and fly it into the enemy's shields for a greater effect than suicide shuttles.

I've always thought taht SFC has always missed out by not including mine sweepers, MSB boxes on ships, using Special Sensors to attempt to detonate nearby mines (which is another function of scouts in battle fleets), and certain other SFB game features.

SFC has always had about 70% of the total SFB game and some of the missing 30% is core to the SFB game.

SFB does allow for more cunning and devious plans than SFC.

However, what it does use is true to the rules.

I use the SFB Volume.III. damage repair power cost tables to plan out the repair order in SFC games. Certain things cost a lot of power to fix and the most expensive is any Plasma Torpedo Launchers at 10 points of power a throw. If you can spare only 1 point of power per turn, it will take 10 turnas to fix!!

Having the SFB tables to hand does give one a bit of an advantage against other players in games.

If you want a proper understanding as to what is going on in the game and how it runs, obtain the rules and all will be explained.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Questions for SMRT SFB people..or anyone who can answer them..
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2007, 09:46:47 am »
Oh and another thing, Y146 in SFB is 2250 or Y0 in SFC!!

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!