Haha cute.
Here I am trying to help people who've been cruely hurt by your installer and you'd rather them wipe everything out and install the whole thing again..for shame
Especially considering that it's not working for everyone.
Guess some of us just care more about the community than others....
All installer packages do is install the files you need. (uhmm obviously)
Now- some of them will installl extra model folders and stuff (this is how andros, different monsters and stuff appear on some servers), and most will install extra missions (which is what people are referring to when they talk about scripts)
So installers are good
It's when you UNINSTALL that all you have to do (usually) is reinstall the shiplists as I mentioned- the extra model folders (if any) and missions (if any) don't do anything.
You could have a thousand extra model folders- the game only cares about having model folders that the current shiplist and ftrlist point to. As long as those folders are there it doesn't care about any other folders you might have.
(Again using myself as an example)
Everytime there's a new server I play on I DL and run the installer.
If it's DH's it usually frops the fles in the games default directory (this is like C;/program files/taldren blah blah blah)
From there I just grab the shiplist, ftrlist, and any missions they have and drop them in the right places for my game to work.
Whe I want to uninstall I just flip the ship and ftrlists back as I mentioned before.