Topic: A Little Something for the Discriminating Who Fan.  (Read 1273 times)

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A Little Something for the Discriminating Who Fan.
« on: July 07, 2007, 03:18:21 am »
I found this clip on You Tube.  It's a series of short colorisations of old black and white Doctor Who episodes.  It's done by a guy/group called Babel Fish.  I believe his real name is Stuart Humphries, and the man is a raving genius.  As I understand it, he has achieved near life-like color in 40 year old television clips with nothing more than Photoshop and a lot of patience.  His work is genuinely mind-boggling. 

As a lifelong Who fan, I feel compelled to show a toke of my respect and admiration for the greatest villain Doctor Who has ever known--the Master.  Once a friend of the Doctor's, he eventually became evil.  He was to the Doctor what Moriarty was to Holmes.  A fellow Time Lord, the Master delights in chaos, destruction, and dominion over others. 

Following the Time War, the planet of the Time Lords, Gallifrey, and the Time Lords themselves, have been utterly annihilated.  Until now, the Doctor thought he was the last Time Lord in the Universe.  Then, suddenly, the Master reappears, hidden at the end of the Universe.  The Master has spent the last year as the absolute ruler of Earth, with the Doctor and his TARDIS completely in his power.  However, the tables are suddenly turned on the Master, and soon tragedy ensues. 

If you're not sobbing, you just haven't got a heart.