Topic: Coming SOON (tm) - suggestions welcome + advice/tips/etc  (Read 1963 times)

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Offline RazalYllib

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Coming SOON (tm) - suggestions welcome + advice/tips/etc
« on: April 03, 2008, 08:20:11 am »
Well, I have a hole in the floor, 35 feet of ethernet cable (need another lenth to run to cables from the router) 2 spare PCs one of will get the OP Server kit installed, though its been awhile since I even attempted messing with the server kit so I may get stuck and seek advice from those in that know. The other pc will host the families website and my other distrations.

At first it will be a casual test bed for ideas, but I have a couple ideas that have been floating around in the brain for some time (since EAW to be exact) of things Id like to see happen and its gonna take a little bit to to get my sea legs over the custom server configuration .gf again but i had at one time a decent understanding of their workings. So things should be interesting this year for those interested in long term casual OP server.
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Offline RazalYllib

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Re: Coming SOON (tm) - suggestions welcome + advice/tips/etc
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 07:16:44 pm »

Cables run...power run...machines boot.

The machine I installed the Server 2003 asked me for a login prompt and for the life of me I have absolutely zero idea of what I set it to...tried all the usual suspects and big fat to digg out the install and wipe/reinstalll...the other machine (donated by a good friend who upgraded gratis) is a 1.7 ghz celeron and and should run op server kit just fine.

Got a little more work to do on that in the next day or so...and Ill have more to share.

As for what kind of experience should I provide to those who choose to logon, I have couple ideas...which might not go over very well cause they are a little different -but what can ya expect from a deadhead Romulan; I want try something a little different with stock tools we have currently, with the end goal of haveing a fully integrated web-based front end to complement the server kit on SQL in the fullness of time. 

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Offline Bonk

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Re: Coming SOON (tm) - suggestions welcome + advice/tips/etc
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2008, 07:24:56 pm »
Kewl beans man! Different is good. I still want to see my Orion Enclave mod concept on a D2 server at some point. I think it would be a blast for a short run. Roms might be highly allergic to ASMs though. But you never know Roms vs Orion Enclave might be a lot of fun? You're welcome to give it a go if you want.

Offline RazalYllib

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Re: Coming SOON (tm) - suggestions welcome + advice/tips/etc
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2008, 10:20:41 pm »
Thx for the encouragement Bonk, I have no doubt your hard work and suggestions will make its way into the project.

Was thinking initially, more econ oriented....start early--dd's....mish's award minimal pts...ships are expensive (stripped down ship list but enough uberness to make it worth some application of raw grind time and hopefully some measure of pride/ and ownership of something valueble not to through away and buy another less expensive...large number of mishies required to flip hexes...something like that....still trying to work out some of the conceptials and not totally rip off other ideas.

Long term goal, if my limited skills and enthusiasm (or what ever skills i can beg/borrow/steal/extort/ect, to bring to the table, a functional and dream feature rich web based front end to the server including a webmap to allow a multi-faceted campaign...diplomacy-trade-internal development of resources to name a few things on the wish list.
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Offline FPF-Paladin

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Re: Coming SOON (tm) - suggestions welcome + advice/tips/etc
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2008, 04:10:13 pm »
I'd highly recommend asking for permission to access the D2 admin section.

Almost 99% of what I wanted to know, I found via Search there... and replies to questions are warpspeed-quick  :police:
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