Topic: STL: The Aftermath Mod - Featured on German Magazine DVD!  (Read 1482 times)

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Offline VanZan

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STL: The Aftermath Mod - Featured on German Magazine DVD!
« on: September 30, 2007, 05:44:43 pm »

Now 2months out from the first release of Stage I, Aftermath has been through its ups and downs just like everyone else. From the early beginnings of threats being made to have my mod shut down to the high praise that everyone has given my work and the close working relationships and friendships formed with many other people within the Legacy modding community.

Read on….. Check out the DVD Sleeves!

Greetings, iam VanZan part of STLegacy Aftermath mod and i wanted to stop by and let you all know about the first mod to be featured in a german magazine. We are about to put Aftermath away as we are moving into games such as Frontlines Fuel of Warfare and a few other games which we are beta testing currrently. If anyone might be interested in closed FPS/MMO beta check us out! We were told that you guys cover Star Trek games so i thought i would put it on here, sorry that this is our first post and its about a Mod for Legacy.



Offline Dash Jones

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Re: STL: The Aftermath Mod - Featured on German Magazine DVD!
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 10:36:27 am »
Nice, I went to the site but can't get much info.  What does the mod do?  What ships does it add, give, modify?  What else does it do in the game.

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Now where in the Bible does it say if someone does something stupid you should shoot them in the face?"


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Offline VanZan

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Re: STL: The Aftermath Mod - Featured on German Magazine DVD!
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2007, 01:48:50 pm »
Nice, I went to the site but can't get much info.  What does the mod do?  What ships does it add, give, modify?  What else does it do in the game.


If you check the forums under this Mod all the information in which you are asking for is and will tell you what the mod entails. This mod for Legacy is more less has a series of modifications to the upgrade system, special mode maps and alot more than i can tell here. This mod doesn't have any new ships, it uses all stock ships.