Now you made me wish I had taken pics of the girls in Chihuahua, they have the Russian girls beat, IMHO. It's funny seeing the street vendors, that also reminds me of Mexico. I also see school uniforms? Is that what the girls in blue are wearing? In a way I'm all for that, just as they do in Mexico (Your color uniform tells people what grade level you are in, Jr. high, high scholl, etc... That eliminates people being looked down upon for not having the latest "fashion statements." You know how uncool some people in school can be.
Cool pics Cayne, keep more coming as I've always admired the Russians. F.Y.I. Many Americans are opting for vacations in the ex-Soviet bloc and Russia because our dollar is so weak and Europe has suddenly become very expensive. IMHO, it's a good thing, we need to interact with those people more, so they know us and we know them.
Captain Jack Sparrow "No, there will be no knowing here." "I thought I knew you..."