Topic: Before The Big Bang  (Read 1122 times)

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Before The Big Bang
« on: July 06, 2007, 09:45:37 pm »
Link to full article

New discoveries about another universe whose collapse appears to have given birth to the one we live in today will be announced in the early on-line edition of the journal Nature Physics on 1 July 2007 and will be published in the August 2007 issue of the journal's print edition. "My paper introduces a new mathematical model that we can use to derive new details about the properties of a quantum state as it travels through the Big Bounce, which replaces the classical idea of a Big Bang as the beginning of our universe," said Martin Bojowald, assistant professor of physics at Penn State.

Bojowald's research also suggests that, although it is possible to learn about many properties of the earlier universe, we always will be uncertain about some of these properties because his calculations reveal a "cosmic forgetfulness" that results from the extreme quantum forces during the Big Bounce.

Link to "cosmic forgetfulness article

Its an old idea I can think of at least 2 Sci Fi authors who used it (Poul Anderson - Tau Zero and Isacc Asimov - The last Immortal). 
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