Topic: Need Community Help! USS Andor  (Read 4621 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Need Community Help! USS Andor
« on: July 07, 2007, 05:25:29 am »
So far my research points to different sources from Fasa to SFB to TMP's era, some canon some not concerning the registries on the USS Andor in the famed 'Blue Fleet'. Well there is an Andor is this community's future, aint saying nothing else yet other than it's way too cool and unlike anything you've seen yet, but I need help with the registries.

What registry numbers can we all come up with for this torpedo cruiser? I'm in the process of texturing the final mesh now.


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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2007, 07:50:50 am »
If memory serves, the Andor class came out before the Excelsiors did, but not sure if there's supposed to be Andors in TMP.  If there are TMP, I would suggest a registry of NCC - 1925 or maybe NCC 2246, if those aren't already taken up.  I don't know much about the Andor history, so really can't give a reasonable registry number.
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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2007, 11:46:34 am »
Wonder if we have a list of registry numbers we can go by. Since this is a new class, I'd suspect it'd get it's own registry series it could use.

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2007, 12:34:23 pm »
The Andor reference here at and my FASA Federation Ship Recognition manual have the same information.

A 1900 NCC number series wouldn't be a bad place to start IMHO.

Note that Subodeon has a new take on the old Andor design at his site.


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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2007, 12:34:29 pm »
U.S.S. Andor NCC-2185 so the prototype would be NX-2185.

The Attachment may help ya as well............

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2007, 12:42:44 pm »
U.S.S. Andor NCC-2185 so the prototype would be NX-2185.

The Attachment may help ya as well............

What FASA Source is the NCC number from? I thought the Northampton class started with NCC 2100 with the Chandley Class starting with NCC 2300. I could be mistaken about the 2100 numbers.

Nice attachment Modelsplease, thanks for sharing that.

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2007, 02:13:58 pm »
FASA weapon stats don't easily convert to SFC/SFB stats. I've been buggered by every stat sheet in the recognition manuals trying to figure them into SFC stats. Just doesnt work well. There were multiple types of photon torpedoes and phasers each with varying ranges and damage and this goes for all FASA ships. If the Andor ever makes it into an SFC mod it will be to compete with the F-CFS which was under powered. There really isnt anywhere else for it to fit in. The Fed list really doesnt have any holes in it. But there's more to it than that because you just can't go adding ships to a campaign shiplist w/o introducing an imbalance somewhere. You have to be real careful.

Some FASA ships have been ported into SFC. These have often been referred to as the 'Taldren Cheese' ships that some say shouldnt see the light of day in any SFB scenario, but dont we all just love the FASA ships! Never the less, a lot of these Taldren ships were pruned from the list and past D2 servers havent fielded them. They are so cool looking tho! Er at least some of them are. Anyway, this new Andor will have it's own story line, and be as balanced a torpedo cruiser as it can be without pissing off the traditional fed enemy playerbase that will see an Andor fielded against them on a server they'd play on.

Some modelers just make models to make them. Some others make them specifically for use in an SFC campaign enviornment. The Andor Major Racal and I are working on fits into the latter camp. This model is designed from the ground up to fit the role of a federation torpedo cruiser in the SFC timeline. It's a hairy thing to do, put a FASA ship in an SFC Campaign shiplist, but I think it's gonna work. Be prepared for some unconventional takes on the Andor ship and it's 'Blue Fleet' paint job. Hopefully no one will call it the smurf ship when it's done. I'm really gonna have to watch the amount of blue that it gets... ;)

But I really need help on the registry.

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2007, 03:47:52 pm »
A flying trashcan? We are taking the Navy's F4 Phantom approach. They proved that you can make anything fly if u strap a rocket on it. So we are taking a buncha photon pods and strapping on some impulse and warp engines. There might be a saucer and aft hull we haven't gotten that far. ;)

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2007, 07:30:50 am »
Ouch, Fallen. hehe, well, most of that is years old anyway... I tend to agree... ::braces for negative karma::

Hey, would it be so bad if a modeler broke from the canon FASA look for a more practical SFC/SFB look? I never really liked the Andor design FASA came up with. The idea is cool... Photon pod structures, more protected warp engines (although many disagreed with this FASA seemingly blundered approach due to the argument that u cant easily cast off the warp engines in an emergency), and all around photon arcs... Truly a unique ship... But ugly.

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2007, 01:38:14 pm »
ugly is an understatment the very fact that the nacelles wouldnt be able to fuction correctly (well its bussards are totaly useless as they cant collect anything been stuck behind such a foul shaped hull) the concept is a great idea but the design is totaly messed up and not wantign to upset anyone here, Not even Azels redesign could save it.

If the nacelles rotate upward like the Intrepid Class it works. And when in combat, having the nacelles tucked away behind the sec hull like that gives them more protection.  :P

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2007, 09:16:58 pm »
Does any fed ship start with the 2800 series?

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2007, 11:00:17 pm »
Does any fed ship start with the 2800 series?

Constellation Class 2800's
U.S.S. Stargazer NCC-2893

Loknar Class 2700's
U.S.S. Loknar NCC-2700

Royal Sovereign-class 3000's
U.S.S. Valiant NCC-3010

Andor Class
U.S.S. Andor NCC-2185

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2007, 08:08:19 am »
2100's were Fed DN's tho? What about 2400? 2185 is fine, but that kinda jumps deep into a number system for a 1st of its class, doesnt it? That makes me wonder if the numbering scheme isnt just a buncha voodoo magic.

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2007, 11:12:06 am »
2100's were Fed DN's tho?
Perhaps because they are DN's the production run was only 50 ships which could explain the Andor reg number.

Ariel Shuttle Carries are low 2200's
Orion-class are mid 2200's

Belknap-class strike cruiser are 2500's

Chandley's are 2300's

Loknars are 2700's

Podesti class cruisers are NCC-2400 (NCC-2400-NCC-2488) 89 of them  ;) SO unit runs could be a factor in the reg numbers

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Re: Need Community Help! USS Andor
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2007, 02:32:05 am »
AHA I was correct only 50 DN's

'James Dixon'  9501.11

2100   Federation* dreadnought
2101   Star League* dreadnought
2102   Unificatum [later Nichter, Star League class dreadnought]
2103   Compactat
2104   Corporation
2105   Archangelese [Star League dreadnought, later Balson* command ship]
2106   Konkordium <"The Klingon Gambit">
2107   Star System
2108   Affiliation
2109   Concordat
2110   Directorate
2111   Organization
2112   Star Union
2113   Alliance [proposed Federation class dreadnought]
2114   Confederation [proposed Federation, later Snitger/Star League]
2115   Dominion [proposed Federation class dreadnought]
2116   Star Empire [prototype Star League/Federation II] <"Dreadnought!">
2117   Trusteeship [proposed Federation, later Starstalker* patrol cruiser]
2118   Association [proposed Federation class dreadnought]
2119   Consortium [proposed Federation class dreadnought]
2120   Entente [Balson class command cruiser thru 2123] <"ST-TMP">
2121   Pact [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2122   Territory [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2123   Formality [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2124   Affinity [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2125   Participation [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2126   Union [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2127   Coalition [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2128   Implication [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2129   Domain [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2130   Realm [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2131   Sector [proposed Star League dreadnought, later Etna* command ship]
2132   Kinship [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2133   Unity [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2134   Ward [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2135   Institution [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2136   Foundation [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2137   Province [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2138   Arrangement [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2139   System [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2140   Unification [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2141   Widgren [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2142   Concurrence [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2143   Confederation [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2144   Region [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2145   District [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2146   Allman [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2147   Roadman [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2148   Gatlin [proposed Star League class dreadnought]
2149   Pratico [proposed Star League class dreadnought]

2150   Kirov* dreadnought [thru 2154]

2155   UNKNOWN [thru 2160]

2161   Iowa class Battleships [thru 2184]
Iowa NCC-2161
New Jersey NCC-2162
Missouri NCC-2163
Wisconsin NCC-2164
Colorado NCC-2165
Kentucky NCC-2166
Montana NX-2167 (experimental-heavy phasers)
Washington NCC-2168 (mega-photons)
Oregon NCC-2169 (mega-photons)
Yamato NCC-2170 (mega-photons)
Texas NCC-2171 (mega-photons)
King George V NCC-2172 (drone)
Jutland NCC-2173 (drone)
Lion NCC-2174 (drone)
Jean Bart NCC-2175 (drone)
Frunze NCC-2176 (plasma)
Musashi NCC-2177 (plasma)
Von de Tann NCC-2178 (plasma)
Kuzentsov NCC-2179 (plasma)
Kirishima NCC-2180 (plasma)

2185   Andor Class

2200   Ariel* shuttlecarrier [ex-Crusaider*]


ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.