Topic: OT: Vista and SFC  (Read 5242 times)

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Re: OT: Vista and SFC
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2007, 08:22:15 pm »
Funny. All the complaints your making about Vista were made about XP.

You don't have to upgrade if you don't want to.


Goodness... and there we were thinking we had to....

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Offline atheorhaven

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Re: OT: Vista and SFC
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2007, 09:00:44 am »
Just throwing in a few quick sentences on this one.

My day job is working in the PC support field.  Been doing that for a few years now.  Have worked for, and supported four major PC manufacturers now (the oldest being Compaq, and now a two letter, three letter, and four letter computer company).  I started off supporting Windows 98SE, Windows 2000, and XP.

My home systems run Windows 2000 (except one box that I keep running as an experiemental box.. it's still running Windows 95 with Litestep).  ;)  My upgrade path?  I'll be moving to Linux as a serious path.

Activation was bad enough in XP, but I'm not going to be spending time futzing around with an OS that will disable parts of itself because of concerns that someone may lose imaginary revenue from some imaginary people that aren't buying enough commercial DVD's.  To me, that's the reality of Vista.  Not mention the hardware upgrades (again), the useless features, the more intrustive acitvation.  Forget all that.

I've already been spending some quality time with PCLinux, and am going to spend more working with VMWare and creating a virtual Windows 2k box to run my bought copy of 3dsMax 3.1 and Paint Shop Pro 7.  Anything else is migratory into Linux.  And may go with something like CrossOffice to migrate over some of the other Windows applications into Linux.

I may make my living off supporting Windows, but I have not sold my soul to it..

(edit:  Just found this doing my morning reading.. :)  I'm not the only one with concerns.. ;)
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 10:09:42 am by atheorhaven »
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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Offline Sandman3D

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Re: OT: Vista and SFC
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2007, 03:06:38 pm »
Easy way around it...keep your hd that's running all your programs right and dual-boot...or just replace Vista all together. I hate it when they make these "major improvements" to something that worked at least most of the time. I have a puter for the kids that still runs 98SE...actually made my 1st model on that machine, using anim8or...the Ent.A. My wife's machine, which was what was hooked up when we 1st got back from our move of hell, is dead in the water...power supply went kaput. :-\ Now we have mine, which I am completely happy with, does all I want it to, and then some. When we get my wife a new computer, I'm just gonna throw her hd in it and go from there...XP works fine for me and her so why bother with vista...until they fix their fixes and runs everything I need it to...or until I can longer run software due to compatability issues, which I don't see happening anytime soon.

The point to this around the problem anyway you can until you have no other recourse but get new software that you can run on vista. ;D
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: OT: Vista and SFC
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2007, 07:36:50 pm »
I run Vista Home premium here and it fires up on a laptop in the same time as a mate's desktop running Windows Xtra Problems.

Actually, compared to a 1982 Sinclair Spectrum loadinga word processor package from tape, both are dog slow. The ancient Speecy would be ready to word process in 3 minutes or less!! Ah progress eh??!!

I can remember, when I were a lad, when computers were primituve but reliable (before Windows!!) of the CPM versus MS DOS debate. I had machines that ran both and CPM did allow a data salvage option on corrupted discs. It was better but Joe Public went for MS DOS. The same for the story of the 2 meg 3 inch discette. It was water proof, tough, etc. but JOe Public wanted cheap 1.44 meg 3.5 inch discs and that's what we ended up with, discs that fall apart in the drive every so often.

This was the subject in a University lecture years ago demonstrating to engineers how marketting an ill imformed public purchasing choices hpld back engineering progress.

And did anybody read the presient if GM's reply to Bill Gates stating that the car industry would be better run like the comuter industry?? It was entitled "If Microsoft Made Cars!!"  and was very funny.

OK, the GM Pres said that if Microsoft made cars they would require an engine re-installation at least once a month and would crash for no apparent reason at least a couple of times a week. It would be always under factory recall for modifiation and design fault correction. 

He also said that Macintosh would make a car that was 5 times faster, used half the fuel but would only run on10% of the roads.

And SUN and Gateway Amiga would make super expensive cars for the stupidly rich.

And finally....

I saw T-shirt last year with the slogan....



The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!


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Re: OT: Vista and SFC
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2007, 08:10:16 pm »
I can't hold on to this any longer.

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: OT: Vista and SFC
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2007, 10:07:06 am »
Here's a great Vista HP bug.

It's with the over zealous phishing filter.

It prevents me from logghing into my E-mails because it claims that the security certificate for the site is revoked.

OK, once in a blue moon, I try to log in to my E-mails and I do make it in. So far it hasn't after 8 seperate attempts so far.

The E-mail site??

Microsoft's own HOTMAIL ID server!!

This problem has started ever since my son joined up with the X-Box 360 freebee 1 month trial thing. As we don't use a router, either the laptop or X-Box 360 can alternately use the broadband connection.

Anyway, VIsta help is that same as all Windows help thingees, useless and just tells me what I already know, things are fecked up!!

Anyone else had ths problem with Vista??

How the hell do I turn the phishing filter off as the computer is running Norton 360 anyway. I've experienced the "protection" given by Microsoft defence products and all I can say is French Army 1940!!

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: OT: Vista and SFC
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2007, 10:08:31 am »
Mudd's correct, mostly. I say we hijack the next delivery of Vista bound for Boston though and throw it in the harbor. That'll get their attention.  :P
After reading your post though, we did ask for XP. We wanted a stable windows that didn't require constant rebooting, and didn't crash and lockup all the time.
We wanted Vista. We want a windows that's safe and secure from all those badguys out there.

I think that if you are licensed for the latest that your license should also cover older ones, as well. If you have a license for Max 9 but you want to run the Bridge commander plugin your license should allow you max 3 as well. If I want to make models for Freelancer, for example, I need an older version of Milkshape. I can legally have the older version of milkshape, for Freelancer work, and the latest version installed on the same PC at the same time.
I'm running XP home. There are certain libraries for C++ 6.0 that run fine with '98, but won't work on XP home. If M$ doesn't want to make XP home backwards compatible (actually they wanted to sell you XP pro) then they should allow the use of an older OS with the same license.

Now, if they could make an OS that used about 64 megs of ram at idle and didn't need AV or a firewall.  Can everyone please start asking for that now, please?

Apple has answered your call, but sadly there are few game companies porting to Mac.  I'm sure you could make damn awesome ships on the Mac for your WinBlows friends though ;D
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