I have been creating a new mod for sfc3 build 464 and 534b, which looks cool and runs great except on multiplay, so I need your advice.
Here are my problems and advice requirements:-
(1) The test server's clock slows down until it is like playing on a 56k moden, laggy, etc. It is like something is filling the server registers up very quickly.
(2) I've tried to create a new map on the 464 build using a map editor from 534b, but it react like a 534b map and crashes, can i change this?
(3) On the 534b mod i've created a new map but unsure if I should save it as a 'Text' or 'Binary' file, this also applies to the build 464 map?
I have been working on the new
Shadow War Mod for 12 Months now, it is so very close to launch, I need to clear these issues first.
Hope you can help, many thanks.

Ps: I posted this on another forum but got no replies, hoping it was the wrong forum.
