Topic: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money  (Read 10628 times)

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Offline Clark Kent

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Re: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2008, 07:41:10 pm »
There supposedly is a move afoot to release some code so people can write applications that can be uploaded to iphone.
Each iPhone update Apple issues has a habit (likely intentional) of breaking any hack or "unapproved" third party app.
Don't be the first to install an update if you've customized.

Apple did promise that they would open up the iphone/ipod touch for third party apps around this time...

But tell me, can you heal what father's done?
Or fix this hole in a mother's son?
Can you heal the broken worlds within?
Can you strip away so we may start again?
Tell me, can you heal what father's done?
Or cut this rope and let us run?
Just when all seems fine, and I'm pain free, you jab another pin,
Jab another pin in me

Offline Villa64

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Re: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money
« Reply #41 on: January 14, 2008, 07:47:55 pm »
Each iPhone update Apple issues has a habit (likely intentional) of breaking any hack or "unapproved" third party app.
Don't be the first to install an update if you've customized.

Thanks for the advice.  I was right on the verge of doing the hack for a cook program that lets the phone figure out where it is without a GPS.

Cool thing is that I read in USAToday today that Apple says that they are going to start allowing actual applications on the phone in Feb.

So hopefully something will come of that.  I guess my assumption is that the applications that will be created that go directly onto the phone will be more interesting than the ones right now that are webapplications, which are wholly uninteresting.
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Offline Leto Atreides

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Re: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money
« Reply #42 on: January 14, 2008, 09:31:28 pm »
Bah I have the Helio Ocean!!!

Offline Death_Merchant

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Re: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2008, 05:07:52 pm »
Each iPhone update Apple issues has a habit (likely intentional) of breaking any hack or "unapproved" third party app.
Don't be the first to install an update if you've customized.

Thanks for the advice.  I was right on the verge of doing the hack for a cook program that lets the phone figure out where it is without a GPS.

Cool thing is that I read in USAToday today that Apple says that they are going to start allowing actual applications on the phone in Feb.

So hopefully something will come of that.  I guess my assumption is that the applications that will be created that go directly onto the phone will be more interesting than the ones right now that are webapplications, which are wholly uninteresting.
MacWorld announcement today (1/15/08)
Apple today announced a free software update for its revolutionary iPhone that allows users to automatically find their location using the redesigned Maps application; text message multiple people in one message; create Web Clips for their favorite websites; customize their home screen; and watch movies rented from the new iTunes Movie Rentals right on their iPhone. [...]
  The iPhone software update 1.1.3 is available immediately for free via iTunes 7.5 or later for all existing iPhone customers in the US, UK, Germany and France. New iPhone products shipping from the factory will include the software update and existing iPhone customers will automatically get the update for free when they sync their iPhone with iTunes.

iPod Touch customers already have the most advanced mobile web browser in the world with Safari, and now Apple is adding five more great mobile applicationsMail, Maps, Stocks, Weather and Notes. The iPod Touch software upgrade also includes new features such as Web Clips, a customizable home screen and beginning today, the ability to watch iTunes Movie Rentals. New iPod Touch products shipping from the factory will include the software upgrade and existing iPod Touch customers can get the software upgrade for $19.99 by purchasing and downloading it from iTunes.

Position without GPS is being done now with Google & Skyhook wireless

Steve Jobs: "What everybody's really excited about is the SDK we're gonna release in late February to our developers"
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams (1952-2001)

Offline Villa64

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Re: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2008, 08:53:01 pm »
Well heck, I'd better get plugged in.

I'll let you know how well the locator works.
Engaging the precious snowflakes of the world.

Offline CaptStumpy

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Re: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money
« Reply #45 on: January 17, 2008, 11:30:41 am »
That update sounds good, have to check it out. Will be nice to customise the main menu.

I've owned an iPhone now for a few months and I have to say I love it.

Not much of a Mac fan. Never liked the cult-like aspects of the Mac but I have to say they nailed it with this one. At least for some market segments.

It's great for me because I don't use my phone that much and mostly rely on email communications for work. The iPhone kills both those birds for me. Of course there are phones that will do that as well, and I checked those out too. Not only did I find their UI clunky but with additional data plans they were actually more expensive than the iPhone, plus required purchased apps which the iPhone does not. I imagine that will change when 3rd party apps come out.

As a freelance graphic artist the iPhone is a great thing. The iPhone serves as a portable portfolio for me. When a potential client asks about my work I can actually show him samples right there through the picture feature. It doesn't hurt that the client is also facinated by the iPhone as I'm showing him my work.

In addition to sincing with my already owned iTunes library due to my earlier iPod purchase I use it constantly to web surf. I used to be tied to my desk practically all day during business hours. Now I don't even have to get out of bed to check my email and run through my morning surf. If nothing's going on I often don't even go to my office and am free to do other things.

I use my iPhone much more for surfing, email and image features than I use it's phone features. So for me, it's a win win. And all for only about 20 bucks a month more than what my wife and I payed with our mutual phone plan under Verizon with no data.

I've had no problem sincing with my PC and it downloads my outlook calendar, email, internet bookmarks, and sincs with my music choices on iTunes seamlessly once you figure it out. I use the note feature constantly to send email reminders to myself.


1. Battery: Cannot be replaced by user and there is a fee.

2. A little buggy: Being more sophistated software-wise and new has it's disadvantages. I'm not sure how this stacks up against other Windows based data phones since I've never owned one. But given Windows quality I think I can guess. So far it seems to be browser (Safari) issues (crashing, lock-up, link breaks. The iPhone software and firmware itself I haven't had a problem with).

3. Non customizable interface: (At least until the patch. I'll let you know how "customizable", customizable is. Sometimes with Macs that means, not very)

4. No self-made custom ringtones: Custom ringtones only through limited iTunes snips for .99c  (Not a biggie and I HATE music ringtones, it does come with a better than usual array of pre-available ringtones. I use crickets myself)

5. Battery-Life: It goes through charges fairly quickly. I get about two days of use before recharge. I'm sure that really nice screen doesn't help battery life. If I've got to choose between the really nice screen and battery life, I'll take the screen.

6. Must use AT&T: I think this will change after the exclusivity contract expires. While I'd like to shop competing plans, I'm getting better reception with AT&T than I did with Verizon, so it's been a plus for me.

7. Edge Network: Your default AT&T wireless network. Slow and somewhat flaky but pretty reliable overall. iPhone will also sinc with other wireless networks and it really hums at the local coffee shop.

The big plus for me. Three things.

Interface. Interface. Interface.

Last night, a not so tech savvy friend asked me to help him with something on his cell phone. Even after two months, I stared at the interface like it was a model T Ford. The iPhone is wonderfully intuitive and well designed. It puts other data phones to shame in interface even if the other data phone is more flexible and has more available functions. Even after 3 months it is a joy to use. Which I could never say about any previous cell-phone I've had which any time using the interface makes me want to hurl the thing against the nearest brick wall.

Of course, designing interfaces might have something to do with my appreciation of the iPhone. Finally a product who's interface is designed by actual, real, interface designers rather than just some programmer or worse, an engineer.

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Offline knightstorm

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Re: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2008, 07:20:20 pm »
The iPhone isn't meant to be practical.  Aside from some extra storage space it really doesn't add any features that today's smartphones don't already have.  Its a fashion accessory.  A large part of the success of the ipod line in general is the fact that its a trendy.

Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money
« Reply #47 on: January 30, 2008, 08:20:09 pm »
That update sounds good, have to check it out. Will be nice to customise the main menu.

I've owned an iPhone now for a few months and I have to say I love it.

Not much of a Mac fan. Never liked the cult-like aspects of the Mac but I have to say they nailed it with this one. At least for some market segments.

It's great for me because I don't use my phone that much and mostly rely on email communications for work. The iPhone kills both those birds for me. Of course there are phones that will do that as well, and I checked those out too. Not only did I find their UI clunky but with additional data plans they were actually more expensive than the iPhone, plus required purchased apps which the iPhone does not. I imagine that will change when 3rd party apps come out.

As a freelance graphic artist the iPhone is a great thing. The iPhone serves as a portable portfolio for me. When a potential client asks about my work I can actually show him samples right there through the picture feature. It doesn't hurt that the client is also facinated by the iPhone as I'm showing him my work.

In addition to sincing with my already owned iTunes library due to my earlier iPod purchase I use it constantly to web surf. I used to be tied to my desk practically all day during business hours. Now I don't even have to get out of bed to check my email and run through my morning surf. If nothing's going on I often don't even go to my office and am free to do other things.

I use my iPhone much more for surfing, email and image features than I use it's phone features. So for me, it's a win win. And all for only about 20 bucks a month more than what my wife and I payed with our mutual phone plan under Verizon with no data.

I've had no problem sincing with my PC and it downloads my outlook calendar, email, internet bookmarks, and sincs with my music choices on iTunes seamlessly once you figure it out. I use the note feature constantly to send email reminders to myself.


1. Battery: Cannot be replaced by user and there is a fee.

2. A little buggy: Being more sophistated software-wise and new has it's disadvantages. I'm not sure how this stacks up against other Windows based data phones since I've never owned one. But given Windows quality I think I can guess. So far it seems to be browser (Safari) issues (crashing, lock-up, link breaks. The iPhone software and firmware itself I haven't had a problem with).

3. Non customizable interface: (At least until the patch. I'll let you know how "customizable", customizable is. Sometimes with Macs that means, not very)

4. No self-made custom ringtones: Custom ringtones only through limited iTunes snips for .99c  (Not a biggie and I HATE music ringtones, it does come with a better than usual array of pre-available ringtones. I use crickets myself)

5. Battery-Life: It goes through charges fairly quickly. I get about two days of use before recharge. I'm sure that really nice screen doesn't help battery life. If I've got to choose between the really nice screen and battery life, I'll take the screen.

6. Must use AT&T: I think this will change after the exclusivity contract expires. While I'd like to shop competing plans, I'm getting better reception with AT&T than I did with Verizon, so it's been a plus for me.

7. Edge Network: Your default AT&T wireless network. Slow and somewhat flaky but pretty reliable overall. iPhone will also sinc with other wireless networks and it really hums at the local coffee shop.

The big plus for me. Three things.

Interface. Interface. Interface.

Last night, a not so tech savvy friend asked me to help him with something on his cell phone. Even after two months, I stared at the interface like it was a model T Ford. The iPhone is wonderfully intuitive and well designed. It puts other data phones to shame in interface even if the other data phone is more flexible and has more available functions. Even after 3 months it is a joy to use. Which I could never say about any previous cell-phone I've had which any time using the interface makes me want to hurl the thing against the nearest brick wall.

Of course, designing interfaces might have something to do with my appreciation of the iPhone. Finally a product who's interface is designed by actual, real, interface designers rather than just some programmer or worse, an engineer.

I like my blackberry 8830 =)

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Offline Death_Merchant

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Re: The iPhone- personally, it sounds like a waste of money
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2008, 10:41:52 am »
Yup, I have the BB Curve. Need the corp push-email.

But lookie here. iPhone survives falling off some guy's car & getting run over by a semi at 70 mph
Still works & screen is ok
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams (1952-2001)