Topic: How do i edit shields, wepeons and speed in SFC 1 ???  (Read 2125 times)

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Offline Zainwood

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How do i edit shields, wepeons and speed in SFC 1 ???
« on: June 21, 2007, 09:05:07 am »
How do i edit shields, wepeons and speed in SFC 1. i had a go at the editing but cant seem to get it right? Abit confusing! has anyone got any ideas? just started playing this game and i love it. Is there any other games like this weather it be startrek or not?

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: How do i edit shields, wepeons and speed in SFC 1 ???
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2007, 08:25:35 pm »
This is an editor for the shiplist. It's been an awefull long time since I've looked at SFC1. I'm afraid that I can't give you much instructions on using it though. I'm old and my mind is like a sieve. Stuff just passes right through it. ;)
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: How do i edit shields, wepeons and speed in SFC 1 ???
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 09:40:59 am »
Take note that you can only have 64 x FFs, 64 x CLs, 64 x CAs and 64 x DNs in each races ship lists in SFC 1, which is a real pain.

Don't forget to copy and back up the original before making changes or additions.

I put auxilaries, freighters, stations, etc. in the DN group.

You can also make it so that Fed ships carry fighters and then replace the Hydran fighters with Fed types. The fighters must remain as Hydran and H- and not Federation and F- but can be changed to Fed F-14, F-15, etc. You can then also buy them in space dock for missions.

Non-stock additional ships (i.e. F-DD, F-DWD, etc. are stock ships) will show up as ??? when listed for selection in campaign or in multiplayer.

YOU MUST HAVE A STOCK SHIP I YOUR SQUADRON or the game will crash out i  SFC 1. The other ships can be additional additions into the game.

For instance I played a game with 2 x DPT+ Abbe Class PT destroyers with a F-DDG stock ship to prevent a game crash.

Your computer oponents can be anything you like as all additional non-stock game ships doesn't matter for them.

Above all have fun experimenting and trying ideas out.

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Offline Magnum357

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Re: How do i edit shields, wepeons and speed in SFC 1 ???
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2007, 02:28:15 am »
Wow!  I was not aware you could "add" ships to the shiplist file of Starfleet Command 1.  So basically, if you add new ship classes to the shiplist file, you must fly at least one Stock SFC1 ship with your squadron.  What about your opponent?  Do you have to have at least one Stock ship with its Squadron aswell?

Also, can you delete certain ship types from the shiplist? 
"I sure am glad I like SFB!" - Magnum357 (me)

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: How do i edit shields, wepeons and speed in SFC 1 ???
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2007, 06:01:23 am »
You oponent doesn't have to have any stock ships!!

If you have all additional ??? ships on all sides in a serial or multiplayer game, then the computer will play ALL sides and you can follow the actions of a particular ship by pressing the T key and scrolling through the participants. It's a useful bug in the game that I use to test out various ships in combat.

If you want to have the multiplayer option (you and 5 comptuer players) you'll need to fit a network card into your PC, which are either free from some old P4, etc. chucked in a skip or a £1 at a computer fair, car boot sale, etc.

This will allow you to fight large battles with both computer allies and opponents. It'll also allow you to hook up to another PC for LAN games against human oposition.

The consitions for this are that all LAN computers have the same SFBSPC13.TXT ship list, the same models and same version of SFC 1 otherwise a crash will occur.
I run SFC 1here and also run LAN games. I also create, kitbash and correct models for this version.

I also know how to convert SFC 2 and SFC 3 models to SFC 1 models.

 We have a large collection of models, which are used in LAN campaign games. We generally play SFC as we would SFB, as a wargame and not a computer game. In wargames sides are never "balanced" as in real warfare. You have to do the best with what you have given.

If you want any of our models for your own use just E-mail me and I'll attach some. You should see our Federation and Klingon fleets!!

The latest Klingon additions I've created are a J3 "Guardian" Internal Security Fleet border patrol skiff, J4 "Prowler" Internal Security Fleet heavy patrol frigate, J6 "Deceiver" Internal Security Fleet cruiser, Large Troop Barge and I'm working on a Klingon fast troop ship for Distant Action fleet actions in campaigns (the conventional K-FTL from SFB is just too slow as are F5G, D5G, D6G, etc. in our campaign games).

Chances are if you've seen it in a book somewhere, we have it in the collection or know where to download it.

I could just send our SFCSPC13.TXT ship list and you could just read down it and state what you would like.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: How do i edit shields, wepeons and speed in SFC 1 ???
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2007, 01:41:15 pm »
OK here's a tip on addin ships to the SFCSPC13.TXT in SFC 1.

First, back up your SFCSPC13.TXT obviously before every update.

Then open it up with notepad (I have shortcut for this) and copy an FF, CL, CA or DN in the chosen race and paste it inwher you want the additional ship to show in the selection order.

Next change the designation to what ever the new ship spec will be (F-DPT, F-CHW, F-DDC, F-DDF, K-N7, K-A2, L-PF, G-NDD, etc.)

Exit notepad and save.

Then start up Ship Edit for SFC 1, load the spec file and move to the comments mode.

Import the new SFC 1 model spec file and the save and exit.

Run SFC 1 and the ship will appear in the selection for the race where and when you intended it to be in the listings.

It's as simple as that!!

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: How do i edit shields, wepeons and speed in SFC 1 ???
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2007, 07:54:05 pm »
Here's a couple of my own Klingon models for you to try and paste into your SFC1 shiplist. We use these in LAN games.

All have Ship Edit files for SFC 1 attached so just follow the procedure like stated above this posting and see how it goes.

For a test scenario try a group of DDs against 3 of the K-A2s and see what happens.


The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!