Topic: Two men enter One Man Leaves....Kreug vs. Dizzy Battleship duel coming soon?  (Read 1980 times)

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Build it and they will come....

The gauntlet is cast who will be warroir enough to pick it up?


Two men man leaves.....

Two men man leaves.....

Two men man leaves.....

Two men man leaves.....

Offline Braxton_RIP

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Big Brother is watching, Kreug  :flame:
Old Geezer

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Braxton's Fleet:

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Surprised neither has responded, might have to break out the milcartons.   ;D

Offline Dizzy

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The BBZ Molly Hatchet is ready and waiting.

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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I havn't responded because I just finally got back online after last night's amazing display of lightning and rainstorms.
Lost power for 30 min, Cable for a couple hours, and didn't have internet back by the time I went to bed.

As far as fighting Dizzy, perhaps we will meet, perhaps not.
I do not feel the need to have a "ruler" contest... ;) :P
And I'm not going to order 3-4 guys oiut of their Capitol ships just so I can have a single ship on.
If it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, oh well...
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline Dizzy

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Well said Krueg. Personally, I find it really limiting having to knock off so many heavy metal ships to just fly the thing. I think if you pay for the BB in kill points to unlock it that's it. Shouldnt count against heavy metal. Mb thats something to discuss for next server. Anyway, I dont like the prospect of facing off my BBZ against a B11K. Having a wing or two would make me feel better about it.

Offline [ISC]Phaser

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 Dreads and BB's lmfao!

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Well said Krueg. Personally, I find it really limiting having to knock off so many heavy metal ships to just fly the thing. I think if you pay for the BB in kill points to unlock it that's it. Shouldnt count against heavy metal. Mb thats something to discuss for next server. Anyway, I dont like the prospect of facing off my BBZ against a B11K. Having a wing or two would make me feel better about it.

If BOTH RMs can come to an agreement, I'm open to negotiations not to a rules "adjustment."  I thought the same thing.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline KBF MalaK

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If you guys do this somenoe PLEASE make a film of it, I gotta see it !!
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Offline Dfly

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Krueg and I have not talked about it, yet.

However I did get to fly vs that B11K in a 2v2, and although our 2 CAs took good damage and made it off the map we did bloody the nose of the B11K and the butt of the Rom ship. ;D