Topic: AOTK troubles  (Read 5448 times)

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AOTK troubles
« on: June 22, 2007, 05:45:49 pm »
I have an odd problem with AOTK (add as in I haven't seen it listed, but might have missed it).

Everytime I play,  I can log in, do everything in the game as normal including getting into a match.  But when I come out of a match, I always loose contact with the server. 

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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 05:54:33 pm »
Are you running a firewall by chance?

(I have no idea- but honestly you'll have 10 people jumping in here telling you about them, they're evil or something, and I just like to be first)
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 09:44:27 pm »
no firewall, they are all turned off, have all the port forwarding that was mentioned on others areas on here.  I can play the game on one of the other servers (can't remember the name, not the at war one, it sometimes looses connection returning from a fight also tho).

I haven't gotten to see if I am drafted into a fight if I would lose the server on return to the game.

I have done a clean reinstall, and rechecked firewall and  router info.
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2007, 09:52:43 pm »
Do you have any other internet related applications open while you are playing? If there is any bandwidth hogging process/service running while you play AOTK3, it could explain why your losing connection..
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2007, 10:02:16 pm »
Nothing else running that I know of (of course it is windows who knows what all might be going on).  Tho my ping on some  other games sometimes is a bit high, any way to check my ping for sfc:op?
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2007, 10:09:57 pm »
I'm pretty sure its being hosted on THOR (please do correct me if Im wrong) so... ping
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2007, 10:12:39 pm »
hmm, ping of 135 how bad is that guys??  got cable modem, 2+gigahertz amd
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2007, 10:19:10 pm »
135 isnt TOO bad..isnt the best either as DSL is within the range of <70 usually.. Cable could be the prob though..not 100% certain to tell you the truth though.. I did fine on dial up for the longest time and that was with approx a 500 ping or so :o (spiking up to 1000 at times).. it could be your ISP having trouble in your area, or perhaps a bad physical connection that drops you occasionally.. sorry I couldnt be of more help
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2007, 10:26:29 pm »
Well, it would be nice to fix, but if nothing comes up, I shall live with it.  I use to play it all the time years ago on dsl and I believe even dial-up.  (was part of GFL before SFCIII came out.)  It is sad tho, have played 20 or so combats and none have counted for anything.  ('tis nice when the ship gets beaten up bad to come back with a freash one tho).

But will keep reading to see if anyone has a suggestion that can get me back into playing again.
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2007, 10:31:51 pm »
One item to check out is your running services on your windows OS. Make sure that any network related service is not jamming things up.

OP is a finnicky game with regards to firewalls and net svcs. You can have firewalls up and intrusion scan services working with newer games, but they will cause connection problems with OP.


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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2007, 10:39:09 pm »
Well, it would be nice to fix, but if nothing comes up, I shall live with it. I use to play it all the time years ago on dsl and I believe even dial-up. (was part of GFL before SFCIII came out.) It is sad tho, have played 20 or so combats and none have counted for anything. ('tis nice when the ship gets beaten up bad to come back with a freash one tho).

But will keep reading to see if anyone has a suggestion that can get me back into playing again.

You can always try calling your ISP and see if it might be anything wrong with there side.. Ask for a level 2 tech or higher though as those that first take your call are reading basically from a script. They might be at least able to check their side of things, and you *might* get a answer from them if it is on their side. Elsewise if it truely isnt then I can only think its some security setting or protocol running that shouldnt be.. interfering with your connection. Its of course not fully disrupting your connection as otherwise you wouldnt be able to log in. None of that Windows internet security center stuff should be up. It could also be possible spyware/virus stuff, so be sure to check for spyware as well.
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2007, 10:42:25 pm »
daily spyware/virus checking being done.  I shall check my services to see how much maybe hogging speed.  (have to look and see what is the bare minimum I need to run my machine)
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2007, 10:48:42 pm »
Windows only requires 11 processes to be running (12 if you got ATI graphics card)  -  10 SYSTEM, 1 NETWORK SERVICE, 1 Your username-  when there is nothing else running. So if you have more then that and you find the process .exe name to be unfamiliar then be sure to check and make sure its something you want running
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2007, 01:36:20 am »
Well, just got back from the AOTK game.  I can get drafted, play the game out, but lose server coming back to the game.  Once I started a game, self-distructed and got back to the server.  ( I blew myself up as I lost a fight, but didn't lose my ship because of the server dropping)

So it looks like the problem is when I have to reconnect with the server and doesn't matter if I draft a game or enter a draft.
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2007, 11:40:01 am »
Well, just got back from the AOTK game. I can get drafted, play the game out, but lose server coming back to the game. Once I started a game, self-distructed and got back to the server. ( I blew myself up as I lost a fight, but didn't lose my ship because of the server dropping)

So it looks like the problem is when I have to reconnect with the server and doesn't matter if I draft a game or enter a draft.

If you just say wonder around the hexes for say 15 mins or so.. (just moving from hex to hex without running any missions), do you lose connectivity at all?
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2007, 11:51:54 am »
Nope, I can cruise around, sit and watch the movement, go to a base, refit, check out the other ships in the dock.  Do anything really and it plays fine.  Go to a fight, I can play it out, but when the fight is over.  I sometimes have a few seconds that I can text chat, but I 99.9% lose the server (only once I didn't, it was the one I SD in to get a smaller ship since I was defeated in a fight but didn't lose my ship)

Odd part is I can play a different server and it doesn't happen (at least not much, only in awhile)
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2007, 01:19:46 pm »
Typical connections are:




Just in general you should look for anything on the router, modem and PC that can time out. Look for anything that says On-Demand or Always on at both units.

Insure you have the latest firmware on your devices ie Router if you have one and the modem.

At the PC level make sure your power save features are set to always on, additional check your network drivers to make sure your at the latest, revision.

Check your event viewer for Errors.

I can probalby sugget more based on your feedback.

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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2007, 03:41:06 pm »
my system runs isp--cable modem--router--PC.  None of them time out.  (I can play all night on other online games without a glitch).  I can play on another server on the Dynaverse with narry a problem, even in AOTK I can play forever as long as I don't do a combat.
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2007, 04:02:21 pm »
my system runs isp--cable modem--router--PC. None of them time out. (I can play all night on other online games without a glitch). I can play on another server on the Dynaverse with narry a problem, even in AOTK I can play forever as long as I don't do a combat.
As Slider said above, Any odd errors showing up in your event viewer around the times that you entered/left a mission?
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Re: AOTK troubles
« Reply #19 on: June 23, 2007, 04:04:36 pm »
no, haven't seen anything.
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