It's alright a design for Enterprise's depiction of Pre-TOS, but it's not my cup of tea overall. Maybe it's just a gut feeling, maybe it's just a bias against it that had mild out over the years (but is still there), I don't know... I do like the bussard collectors, and although I'm not fond of the rear tips of the engines (although I realize it's an ENT-esque design trait), the engines look pretty good. I also, for the most part, wouldn't say the design looks out of place for a Pre-TOS ship, even if I'm not fond of it in general.
But it's probably just me.
I like how you can speak your mind, i really do. But bud you gotta learn when to cut it back into something that is more civil and little less rude. I know you may not like ent inspired stuff (this also happens to be inntially fasa inspired last i checked, as well as a few dozen other things according to atolm, some (if not most) are not trek related) , but you could tone it back just a bit and talk more about the ship and less about how you dislike ent, else it just sounds like you are ranting. just some friendly advice.
Tus, I like where you're comin from.
Back to the ship.
I like this design, I really do. It's nice and solid. It's like the TOS version of the Constellation. The decks shake, and the chairs squeek, and she'll groan past warp 6, but damn shes got character. She won't ever let her shields go out so long as you believe in her. You know what I'm sayin'? I'd love to see just a little more grunge and carbon build up, just to take the edge off, but that's small cookies.
I like how you have the nacelles, the indented parts look like they are exposing more basic structure, like the coil housing is exposed - In the design I would have exposed more, just to give ita more primitive/inefficient look, which could add to the Old Warhorse nature - follow me?
Just musin along, don't be minding me. ^_^