Topic: The hunter becomes the hunted reversed. And sum Kat Tzu stuff...  (Read 1484 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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   In an asteroid field... somewhere...

"Commander, sensors detect two heavy cruisers off the port bow, range 100k."

"Make, course and speed, if you please," asked Dizzy, commander of the Interstellar Concordium's CCY Battlecruiser, Molly Hatchet.

"Sir, correction, one heavy cruiser and one heavy_battlecruiser. Sensors make them out as one Hydran MKE cruiser and one Klingon Battlecruiser, a C7, sir. Speed 24 intercept course."

"Grrrrr." Dizzy growled low, his hair raising at the prospect of fresh meat to hunt. "They must've known we were patrolling this area and were in wait for us. So now the hunters become the hunted."

Dizzy's second in command, Captain Lionel , was a very large and scary looking Korlivilar. Most of them served the ISC as marines for obvious reasons. Somehow, like Commander Dizzy, Captain Lionel made it through officer school avoiding the grunt service to command a starship, a very prestigious position for any Korlivilar. Captain Lionel turned to his commander and said as he rasied the latest casualty report, "Commander, perhaps we should call in for reinforcements to follow them into the next sector?"

Dizzy let out a barely auidible hiss as his eyes darted away from the report with disgust, instead gazing at his veteran bridge crew. Dizzy had seen the casualty report which was the list of all the captains, their crew and ships that had recently been destroyed in the latest coalition offensive in the west that had seen the Kitties lose several key planets. What was obviously disturbing to Captain Lionel, Dizzy sensed, was the number of battlecruisers and dreadnoughts the Kitties had lost, mostly to being outnumbered. "Rending that report into pieces was my 1st and probably right instinct as I read it. That you have read it too was probably a mistake on my part."

Captain Lionel shifted his stance. "Possibly true, Commander. I see the hair rising on your back. I detect the growl in your voice. I know you desire to engage. But.."

Dizzy interrupted, "But your primary job is to insure the safety of this ship and to back me. And while I respect that, do not piss on my bridge sugggesting that we run because we are outnumbered." As Dizzy turned slightly from his second, he noticed Captain Lionel's hair rising on his back and his razor sharp claws were starting to show behind the dark auburn hair of his paws. There was an intense untamed animalistic stare coming from him. For a moment Dizzy thought there might be two battles going on in just a few minutes. "That said," Dizzy followed quickly in a lower tone and softer voice but with a hint of a growl, "We both know you are a fine Captain and will get your ship very soon. I also know you are not a coward and would fight anything at anytime." He turned back toward the viewscreen at the rapidly approaching warships and then glanced back at Captain Lionel.

Captain Lionel relaxed ever so slightly. His course hair still stood up somewhat making him look even larger and meaner. He extended his claws fully while staring directly into the Commander's eyes and sunk his claws into the scratching boards that ran circular around the bridge. Walking toward the helm, his claws scrapping as he went, Captain Lionel called out, "Red Alert! All Kats and ISC to Battlestations! This is not a drill! Weapons officer, Overload Torpedoes. Helm, course three-four-four mark one-eight-zero, speed 16."

Like a lion leaping from cover to catch it's prey, the Molly Hatchet roared to life, her deck plates shuddering from the sudden power trip of the engines screaming to full power and her torpedoes oveloading to maximum. The red crimson of her engines lighted the desert battlefield of asteroids aglow and glimmered menacingly off their sharp jagged and unforgiving rock edges.

On board the bridge of the Molly Hatchet, the crew lustily prepped the ship for battle. There wasn't much time before the enemy warships would be upon them. "Captain Lionel, a word if you please. Our opportunity here lies in the fact that our enemy is inspired by their recent successes. That shall be their undoing. I once studdied under a great ISC Admiral, Kat Tzu who wrote, 'Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.' So, in step with your casualty report you waived at me..." Dizzy noticed his second stiffen slightly at that, "and in step with the Coalition's recent advances we let them think to force off yet another capital ship." Dizzy's nostrils flared as his voice rang higher with each following word. "And lay claim to yet another Kitty sector and tie up valuable resources that are needed in other forward areas..." Dizzy's eyes fixed Captain Lionel in his place, and with some pause and a stoned, far out wild-eyed carnal look, Dizzy said in a gravely serious slow gutteral growl, "We shall not give another system to these dogs." Barring his fangs he spat, "We shall not run another parsec. We shall not give in this fight. In fact, Captain Lionel, I will promise to go so far as saying we shall destroy this C7 or die trying." And with that, the hair of both kats on the bridge stood on end, their claws extending fully and they wailed their battle wail while crouching as if to pounce on their prey through the viewer itself.

"Commander," the science officer spoke, "I have identity markings on both ships. The H-MKE Heavy Escort Cruiser is commanded by Captain Scytale. The Klingon Heavy BattleCruiser C7 is captained by Reejr. Both veteran captains."

"Indeed. Well, we are up for one hell of a fight. Helm, smart course three-three-seven mark zero-one-zero, speed 26... Reejr is one very determined captain who shows no quarter to his enemy. We shall use that to our advantage." Dizzy scanned the intel report on Scytale... he is somewhat unconventional in his approach to traditional hydran tactics which makes his use of fighters less effective, but still a very capable captain, so we shall not underestimate him."

The CCY shook. "Disrupter salvo from the C7. Range 26, negative shield drain. Reinforcement held. They have opened the battle. Incoming string of drones from C7. Counting four singles," the Helm officer stated.

"Helm slight to port. Drone strings or waves in this rockfield will prove useless. Helm, show them." The CCY manuevered through the asteroids and brought the self guiding drones to smack into intervening rocks on the way in.

"Helm, Speed 27, Defensive measures on full, turn into port and fire Plasma S (Pseudo) at MKE when range is 20." Dizzy ordered.

"Aye, pseudo away. MKE at range 20, speed 31, C7 at range 16 speed 27."

The MKE banks hard right and exposes the C7 alone for a moment. The Molly Hatchet then turns to starboard and belches out a Plasma S on the C7 at range 15. The C7's shields flared bright white as the enveloped torp spreads over it and dissipates. The C7's shields hold for now.

Turning back away from her pursuers and turning to port. the Molly Hatchet plots a course going between two large rocks. The C7 and MKE regroup formation and continue on the far side rock from the CCY and around the rock to avoid a second S torp and maintain range 16 following the CCY on a parallel course at high speed.

Dizzy immediately saw an opportunity arising. "Helm, set tractor beam engage at level 1. As soon as they reappear from the rocks, we will turn to fire!" The distinctive boom of the C7 cleared the asteroid's edge. "There they are! Hard to Port! Speed 28. Oblique angle firing solution on C7. Open PPD’s at range 12, then begin banking hard to starboard and increase to maximum speed!"

The white lances of PPD pulses smashed into the C7 bringing down a shield and draining several others ending at range 9. The C7 began bearing down hard at speed 29.5, the MKE was at range 10, speed 31 as the Molly Hatchet attempted to turn away as her pursuers rapidly closed the gap on her port side.

"Fire port Torp at C7!" Dizzy watched on as yet another enveloped S torp tore away from the CCY and smashed into the C7. This time all her shields were stripped bare at just range 7.

"Commander," the helm officer noted, "Approaching rock on starboard range 6k."

Dizzy leapt to his feet. "Heavy weapons offline! Max speed, full defense and ECM! All power to speed, remaining divert to aft shields. Helm, Perpendicular pass to the starboard rock at range 5k. Tractor engage up to level 2." Dizzy ordered rapidly.

The CCY took return fire from C7. Disruptors and Phasers splashed across her aft shield downing it.

"C7 breaking chase turning off to Starboard, Commander." The Helm officer reported. "The MKE is speed 31 unchanged pursuit course, range 7, closing distance. MKE firing. Gatlings, Phasers." The CCY shook again and the bridge lights flickered momentarily. "Minor damage reports. PPD and Ph3’s hit. Slight system damage. No damage to engines, Commander".

"Commander," Captain Lionel said, "They are empty and the C7 is turning back in to avoid our starboard rock. Range to C7 is 10, speed 31."

"Helm, Perpendicular pass to rock, at 5k. Speed 31." Dizzy turned to Captain Lionel and said, "Kat Tzu once told me that 'what is of supreme importance in battle is to attack the enemy's strategy.' It is time."

"Aye, Commander. Perpendicular pass to starboard rock at range 5k," The Helm office confirmed his order.

"Hit and run raid to the C7 tractor beam system standby. HET Starboard! Target C7." Dizzy leaned forward and sunk his claws in deep on the paw rails. He braced himself and noticed others among his bridge crew do likewise.

"Commander Dizzy, Tractor reports level 2. Scatterpack launch detected! Range to C7 is 6. Range to Rock is 3. Tractor beam engaged on C7 We have positive lock, sir, negative repel. I repeat, negative repel."

"Hit and run raid stand down," Dizzy ordered. "Phaser crews hold fire. HET complete heading zero-four-five mark zero-two-six. Rotate C7 Portside."

The Molly Hatchet sank her claws deep into the C7's neck not willing to let her go and pulled it down closer to the rock below. Dizzy, not aware his claws were embedded into the railing nearly all through, watched intently on the viewscreen as the C7's shadow fell across the asteroids jutting barbed rocks. "Captain, Lionel, the sleek angles and sharp curves of the C7 are impressive are they not?"

"Yes," Growled the Captain in a low voice. "Impressive and deadly. It is good they will be destroyed this day."

"Commander," the helm office suddenly interjected, "MKE ftr launch! 6 Stinger 2’s detected range 4+. MKE over flying us, range 3, now range 4 and widening. Fighters turning to pursue. Speed increasing... Range to rock, 2. C7 still rotating to portside... Impact! Perpendicular pass to rock at range 1.45k. Passing asteroid and debris field. Scatterpack destroyed in explosion. Stinger 2’s in pursuit."

The jutting rock received the C7 with an embrace that lit the asteroid field with a brilliant kaleidoscope of myriad colors showering the sector with light as if from twin suns.

"Drop mine screen! Fire phasers at nearest squadron. Evasive manuevers! Go completely defensive!"

The fighters got as close as range 7, but no further.

"MKE coming about range 10 speed 31 in pursuit, sir."

Regaining his calm, Dizzy ordered, "Maintain speed 30. Charge defensive plasma, prepare to destroy fighters. Captain Lionel, impression?"

"Brilliant manuever Commander. I am impressed. Why now speed 29 and allow the enemy to close the gap?"

Turning toward his second, Dizzy spoke, "Simple. Kat Tzu. 'Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.' The MKE has 37 power. She cant pursue and charge. She might have trickle charged her gats by now, but I don't intend to let her get too close." Turning toward the comms officer Dizzy ordered, "Open a channel to the enemy fighters. They deserve to hear this. 5 second delay."

"Channel open sire. 5 second delay. You are... on."

"Weapons officer?"

"Defensive plasma ready, Commander."



After action battle report.

Commander Dizzy's ready room door rang. "Enter."

Stepping through the door was the imposing figure of a Korlivilar. "Ahh, Captain Lionel. Good to see you. Please sit down. Watch you tail that door snaps close quickly. I see from your battle report you disagreed with my decision to let the MKE disengage."

"Aye, Commander. We were pursuing and you could have dispatched it without overt risk to the ship. Why did you not aggressively pursue?"

"Simple. Kat Tzu. 'Do not thwart an enemy retreating home. If you surround the enemy, leave an outlet.' It is not my job to win the war by defeating every foe. Let him run home and tell others what happened this day and perhaps they will defeat themselves with the futility they face each time they engage us. How many battles have we won, Lionel?"

"Not yet a hundred, Commander."

"Ah, yes... but we will, Captain. We will indeed..."

« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 05:25:52 pm by Dizzy »

Offline Wraith 413

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Re: The hunter becomes the hunted reversed. And sum Kat Tzu stuff...
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2007, 07:03:59 pm »
 Nice read there Dizzy !!!

Offline Dfly

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Re: The hunter becomes the hunted reversed. And sum Kat Tzu stuff...
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2007, 07:16:42 pm »
VGJ, writing and flying

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The hunter becomes the hunted reversed. And sum Kat Tzu stuff...
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2007, 06:54:33 pm »
Great read but 1 error,

KAT Tzu was a Kzinti.  His fleet tag makes it obvious.   ;D