Oh, sorry...
Coalition 1 planet with LOS=20 points
Kitties all the other planets with no LOS= 0 points. 
I'll add kills up later as well.
Confirmed and admin approved. Great hob guys 
And you are personally responsible for restablishing and maximizing each of those cut lines. 
Now get on the server and get to work Slacker! 
It was a Team effort, it took 6 guys total, running hours of missions without resupply to do it.
Verey Early today, when there was no Kitties on at all for a few hours, 90% of the damage was done.

Having a few others on to keep the Kitties occupied helped at the end.
Odds weren't even lopsided, 6 Kitties to 10 Coalition.
In the end, 4 guys ran the fianl few missions to flip them neutral just before the scoring round ended.
Outstanding work by all involved.

We're still in it...