LOL, Deep breath.....ummmmmmmmmmmmm, JOKE! Yea thats why I typed (dig and dig-2), and no it wasnt meant to insult you (just Hydrans who are killiing me in general in fact ive seen nothing but IDs coming at me for the past 5 days in PvPs including my battle that started this whole post (by the way DH my alleged team mate nearly killed me),
so dont flatter yourself by thinking my post is directed at you(dig3).
Its all fair bro and I really have no problem with ship selections, I know its there I know it can kill me. Ive been killed by IDs 2x now once with the assist of a Rock once and Rocks dont read forums so I thought I'd pick on you fighter scum. The fact that I lost 2x now to IDs makes me want to kill them even more....silly me.
Reason why I fought you guys even though you drafted bigger is because I try to fight period, im not looking for an advantage if I lose I get mad at myself and go sulk in the bathroom under the shower turning the lights off and on with the clapper.
But if really think this is about you I'll take it off. (Stinking fighter Jock) (Damn I called you a prick last night and didnt get a rise out of you.)
Please forgive me Dax i cant keep flying if you dont

oh and give me back my Karma Fighter scum you know how hard it is to get to 11!!
your Cheese flying, non-sportsman, cheap border runing jerk and now thin skined Slider_____

(im not...really)
Oh and Shadowload your a blackhole surfing runner, turn and fight dog take your drone enema like man.