Topic: Attention Veterans Living in California  (Read 1421 times)

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Offline TheJudge

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Attention Veterans Living in California
« on: June 13, 2007, 12:36:57 pm »
I wouldn't normally put something like this from my work here, mostly because my work is all political, and this is not Hot & Spicy (no objections if someone cross-posts this there too).  However, this issue affects veterans, and as a California veteran, I think it's important to get the word out as widely as possible.

Right now the California state budget is in 'Conference' and has to be passed by June 15th (this Friday).  Included in the budget is cuts of about $27 million to the EDD (unemployment offices).  These cuts will directly impact the already-strained Veteran Services Officers program in many EDD offices.  The VSOs are specialists (many of them are also veterans themselves) that newly discharged veterans are supposed to be referred to when they apply for unemployment, or when they apply for job search assistance from the state EDD agency.  Many times the VSO in the EDD offices are the first person a vet talks to after discharge that can help them not only with the services offered by the EDD, but with veterans services in general (here in California most VSO are 'hooked' into the various veterans services programs and are trained by their union to help with mental and physical health services and other veterans assistance programs that are available in their communities). 

For the past two years the VSO progarms have been suffering cuts so that while the need for assistance to our veterans grows, the EDD has cut, or left unfilled vacant VSO positions in many areas (the Modesto VSO retired and was never replaced.  You now have to go to Stockton or Fresno if you're a vet returning home to Modesto and looking for work.  The VSO in Modesto was the one who helped me get work and get into school when I got out of the Navy). 

We are trying to get veterans, and anyone else who might be concerned about this cut in services to our veterans to write the Governor and ask him to remove the cuts from the budget conference. 

Here's a link for e-mail:

State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633

Fresno Office
2550 Mariposa Mall #3013
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: 559-445-5295
Fax: 559-445-5328

Los Angeles Office
300 South Spring Street
Suite 16701
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: 213-897-0322
Fax: 213-897-0319

Riverside Office
3737 Main Street #201
Riverside, CA 92501
Phone: 951-680-6860
Fax: 951-680-6863

San Diego Office
1350 Front Street
Suite 6054
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619-525-4641
Fax: 619-525-4640

San Francisco Office
455 Golden Gate Avenue
Suite 14000
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-703-2218
Fax: 415-703-2803

BTW, this is an example of why I really love my job.  I get paid to do things like this, help real people on real issues.  SEIU Local 1000 is the client that came to us on this issue, and represents 91,096 state employees throughought California.  As a veteran who actually was helped by this program, it's something I feel so strongly about that I'm literally going everywhere I can think of to get this issue out there.  If you live in California, please think about this issue (and either e-mail me at work or PM me with questions). 

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