Topic: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)  (Read 17857 times)

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2007, 11:44:10 am »

+1 Karma.

I LOVE where you are going with this! Please get this released for SFC.


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2007, 06:30:48 pm »
Is this what you want StarDragon ?

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #22 on: July 28, 2007, 07:45:30 pm »
yikes! A romulan

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2007, 07:53:28 pm »
Is this what you want StarDragon ?

Well done MP! +1 Karma

I'll take this and put Ganymad/Atrahasis' TMP romulan texture set on her when she's ready.


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2007, 08:09:03 pm »
Is this what you want StarDragon ?

Well done MP! +1 Karma

I'll take this and put Ganymad/Atrahasis' TMP romulan texture set on her when she's ready.



Hell yes. Make sure ya put up some huge screenies too...

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #25 on: July 28, 2007, 08:21:45 pm »
yikes! A romulan

Well then how about a variant like this?

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #26 on: July 28, 2007, 09:43:38 pm »
hahah... You read my mind! Please release both ASAP!

BTW have you been on some substance lately? I noticed you went silent for a bit and then releaed like (what) 12-20 ships?  ;D

I'll post your render on to see their reaction to how their old model inspired me...

Plus I'll be screwing around with WHITE/Green textures. In TOS they were white then in TNG Green.
I've seen some great KA ships/concepts for TMP era in White with Green accents. I had been stuck on the Roumaln "Imperium" for quite some time. If I dump the wings and use these it will be a radical change. I'll have to see how well the hull meshes visually.

Since my mod is a "Simulation" you get to fly a mission that involves the TMP era Preator in an extended way. (think like how the Klingons had Chronos-1)

Hmmm, "A Romulan Yamato..." I like that Description!

Test background (for your consideration)

Concerned that the Federation has fielded a virtual "Flying Fortress" (The Yamato), The Preator orders the navy to produce a ship superior to have in the inventory. Unfortunately they succeeded all too well and this design literally bankrupts the coffers of the Empire rasing the ire of the Senate and thus production was limited to the prototype (MP's Varient) and the production Model (Yamato analog).

No (or limited) support craft, but Faster, and more power to shields and weaponry make this literally a one ship army. I has seen limited action and so far no one who has engaged this vessel has survived to spread it's existance outside the Empire. It was stationed in the Romulus System as lead ship in the Homeguard. It was eventually mothballed as a museum piece when the D'deridex class Warbirds came online.

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #27 on: July 28, 2007, 10:08:33 pm »
hahah... You read my mind! Please release both ASAP!

BTW have you been on some substance lately? I noticed you went silent for a bit and then releaed like (what) 12-20 ships?  ;D

I'll post your render on to see their reaction to how their old model inspired me...

Plus I'll be screwing around with WHITE/Green textures. In TOS they were white then in TNG Green.
I've seen some great KA ships/concepts for TMP era in White with Green accents. I had been stuck on the Roumaln "Imperium" for quite some time. If I dump the wings and use these it will be a radical change. I'll have to see how well the hull meshes visually.

Since my mod is a "Simulation" you get to fly a mission that involves the TMP era Preator in an extended way. (think like how the Klingons had Chronos-1)

Hmmm, "A Romulan Yamato..." I like that Description!

Test background (for your consideration)

Concerned that the Federation has fielded a virtual "Flying Fortress" (The Yamato), The Preator orders the navy to produce a ship superior to have in the inventory. Unfortunately they succeeded all too well and this design literally bankrupts the coffers of the Empire rasing the ire of the Senate and thus production was limited to the prototype (MP's Varient) and the production Model (Yamato analog).

No (or limited) support craft, but Faster, and more power to shields and weaponry make this literally a one ship army. I has seen limited action and so far no one who has engaged this vessel has survived to spread it's existance outside the Empire. It was stationed in the Romulus System as lead ship in the Homeguard. It was eventually mothballed as a museum piece when the D'deridex class Warbirds came online.

This could be also be a D'deridex project proto-type as outlined by Kt' Hyla at KA.Com and his own website at Phoenix Experimental Yards under his history of the Romulan fleet. I see it as the bridge betweebn the TMP Era DC Comics D-7 based warbird and the Melak from ST: New Worlds. IMHO lack of dilithium resources pressures the Rihannsu to develop singularity drives which in turn require larger warship hulls to house those mechanations in...

At any rate, Kt' Hyla's Romulan Mobile Ship Repair dock has been on the okay to convert list but has not been converted for over two years IIRC.

Just my two credits from my corner of the Trek Multiverse.


HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2007, 10:27:30 pm »
yikes! A romulan

Well then how about a variant like this?

That looks good too. Is there anything else you can place in place of the 4 extra nacelles on the first variant, that would look more like some kind of weapon? 6 nacelles is kinda excessive, or so will no doubt say the flamewar if this is ported to BC :P but personaly I like both the 6 and the 2 version.

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2007, 10:46:50 pm »
yikes! A romulan

Well then how about a variant like this?

I like this version much better. It actually makes sense to me IMHO.

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #30 on: July 28, 2007, 11:10:08 pm »
Something I haven't touched, well forever...

  Just a tweak to Adonis's Stype1 Fighter

A.) original
B.) My tweak (a hair thinner, but not too thin or it would effect the wings) and retextured, I am not done yet I need insignias, squad badges etc...

The back needs to be checked for errors, and I noticed the upper right (engine intake) housing is larger/higher than the others.

Unless the copy I have is an old one (it was the original release I asked him about).  ;D

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2007, 12:33:19 am »
I'm diggin that tweek of yours.

BTW have you been on some substance lately? I noticed you went silent for a bit and then releaed like (what) 12-20 ships? 

R/L health issues are keeping me limited right now, but as for the ships, heck at this point I figure all in all I musta bashed and worked on 500+ models so bashing is pretty easy for me (depending on the design) and I can usually get them done in an hour or less  :). But some stuff is still beyond me.

Now getting back to this Rom beastie.....
The Schimitar was larger and outgunned the Sovie and everything else, and was a prototype IIRC.
The Norexan (Valdore type) was a direct response to the Galaxy, though a match size wise (from what we see on screen) to the Sovereign, no match firepower wise, but perhaps more firepower than a Galaxy?.
The D'deridex is a massive design as we all know (about 900m IIRC) but was on par firepower wise with that of the Galaxy perhaps the Rom answer to the Ambie?
The Melak (560m) was on par size wise with the Ambassador Class yet it took 3 of them to destroy one Ambie "Yesterdays Enterprise" so maybe the Melak was designed to dwarf the Excelsior?

SO if we use this formula to determine this as yet unamed beastie, sizewise I would think slightly larger than an Excelsior but with comperable firepower ? (my version)
Same size, but Yamato equilavent firepower ? (SD's concept)

That would then have it correspond to being much larger to the Constitution and Constellation Class ships.  My reason being even though the Gal and Amb are massive ships they were the CA's of their times, so are the Connies and Constell were and the Excel was a BCH in her time.

In a nutshell I see it like this .......
 Romulan point of view .......

-We have nothing to match the Connie and or the new D7 (K'Tinga) lets build this (unnamed beastie)
-R&D drawing board circa 2260's Our new ship is in design phase

-Mid 2270's Our Beastie is launched, those Connies won't know what hit them  ;D
Oh crap the humans built the Excelsior Class?   :huh:...well back to the R&D drawing board........

During this time my variant and then Star Dragons upgrade (since his has more warp nacelles) is the Romulan bad boy

2230's AHA we have our Melak !!!!! Bigger and badder then the human Excelsior
Are you kidding me?  The humans built the Ambassador Class >:( ...well back to the R&D drawing board........

-2360's Success we have the D'Deridex !!!! Let's see the humans deal with.......WTF is a Galaxy Class ??????  :smackhead:
Several Romulan Ale's later .......back to R&D

-2370's HAHA ya human bastards behold and fear the Norexan (Valdore type)  :flame: 
 :o A new Sovereign Class ??????????????  :banghead:
Back to R&................. Enough ! You Romulans had your chance DIE SCUM and now behold the Reman Warbird  :thumbsup:

Always one step behind most of the time :laugh:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 08:48:21 am by ModelsPlease »

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #32 on: July 29, 2007, 09:32:22 am »

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #33 on: July 29, 2007, 10:49:11 am »

Can I have the new warbird to retxture?

Also, in regards to the Melaks vs the Ent-C there are a lot of details that episode leaves out. On purpose.  I prefer to believe that the Ambassador ENT-C was thougher than the standard issue Ambassador. Lets not forget that Picard let Yar go back in Yesterdays Enterprise and I bet she'd made damn sure she modified the ship as best she could given the limits of time and resources available. It wouldn't surprise me to find out she acquired some special surprises from the ENT-D that could be retrofitted to ENT-C with a little TLC...

Now having said that, I prefer to believe that the Melaks were in a very target rich environment a la Centauri Vaughns SFC: OP TNG mission script "Tomorrows Enterprise."

Also three Melaks vs 1 Ambassador makes sense tactically. Its overkill true, but is not 100% indicutive of a ships power. You want to have more targets for the enemy to shoot at so that they won't concentrate fire on one ship (usually) and increase the chances you will defeat your opponant as quickly as possible.

HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2007, 11:39:24 am »

Can I have the new warbird to retxture?

Also, in regards to the Melaks vs the Ent-C there are a lot of details that episode leaves out. On purpose.  I prefer to believe that the Ambassador ENT-C was thougher than the standard issue Ambassador. Lets not forget that Picard let Yar go back in Yesterdays Enterprise and I bet she'd made damn sure she modified the ship as best she could given the limits of time and resources available. It wouldn't surprise me to find out she acquired some special surprises from the ENT-D that could be retrofitted to ENT-C with a little TLC...

Now having said that, I prefer to believe that the Melaks were in a very target rich environment a la Centauri Vaughns SFC: OP TNG mission script "Tomorrows Enterprise."

Also three Melaks vs 1 Ambassador makes sense tactically. Its overkill true, but is not 100% indicutive of a ships power. You want to have more targets for the enemy to shoot at so that they won't concentrate fire on one ship (usually) and increase the chances you will defeat your opponant as quickly as possible.


Tasha Yar's going back with the updated Ent C didn't really make the eventual outcome any different though it was assumed they lasted a bit longer. But prior to the rift the Ambie was hanging in there even though it was on the losing end, and as we all know Roms go big size wize and not firepower wise in a ratio aspect of size to power as clearly seen in TNG.

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #35 on: July 30, 2007, 05:49:18 am »

Lets not forget what kind of damage the klingons might have done to the attacking 3 vessels before the ent-c arrived. The outpost may have had atleast one or 2 small ships or a destroyer gaurding it as well. Depending on how they each used their cloaking abilities a DD could concievably play cat and mouse with 3 larger ships for quite some time before someone got a lucky shot. If the base cought a melak (or whatever it was) while cloacking or uncloaking serious damage could have been done as well.

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #36 on: July 30, 2007, 09:55:59 am »
I love MP's 2-nacelle version. Great looking ship!

Unfortunately, I cannot see anything but a "." for StarDragon's pictures, so I can't comment on them. :( Sorry.
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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #37 on: July 30, 2007, 11:30:28 am »
Ok so going on this ......
-Larger than the Excel but smaller than the Ambie?
-Firepower CA,BC, or BB ?
-In Service: 2280's or 90's?

Yes agreed F_W the D7 K'lode's sold to the Roms in the mid 2260's IIRC were mere shells,
Hence this concept.....
C-10 Type
Late TOS/Early TMP Era Romulan Warbird Prototype

Owner: Romulan Star Empire
Class: Heavy Combat Vessel
Availability: Unlimited Deployment
In Service: 2265
Out of Service: 2290

C10 was the Starfleet designation for a class of Romulan Warbird in the late 23rd century.
Refits and upgrades kept the original KR7 an effective combat vessel throughout most of its long service life, but by the mid 2200s the Federation was fielding designs such as the Constitution class which considerably outclassed it.
As a result, the Romulans fielded a modified version of the ship during the 2270s.
This variant shared the same basic hull form with the original vessel, but included various detail changes including the edition of a second primary hull, combined with redesigned nacelles that increased the top speed.
The armament was also boosted dramatically.
Despite the changes, the C10 was still not a match for the Excelsiors.
Several skirmishes occurred with the Federation during the 2280s, generally pitting the C10 against the Excelsior class Starships.
The Federation design was generally the victor in these encounters.

Which I think is a logical upgrade for that era, the above design is the Romulan attempt comperable to a Light BC but only 230m in length.
Based on the hull used, as the KR7 would have been the Rom CA  of the mid 2200's (obviously).

Now for my version .....
Vellius I.R.X. 1900 A-type Warbird
Late TMP Era Romulan Advanced Warbird Prototype

Owner: Romulan Star Empire
Class: Capitol Ship
Availability: Unlimited Deployment
In Service: 2290
Out of Service: 2325

(pic will go here)

This early prototype, became foundation for the D'Deridex-class Warbird B-type.
This vessel class would become known by Starfleet as an A-type warbird.
These vessels are somewhat larger and more massive than Federation Constitution and Excelsior-class starships, measuring approximately 500 meters, and are believed to have a greater combat firepower, although they suffer from a comparatively lower speed capability.

And Star Dragons Version..............
T'seren I.R.C. 1902 A-type Warbird Varient
Late TMP/Early TNG Era Romulan Advanced Warbird

Owner: Romulan Star Empire
Class: Capitol Ship
Availability: Unlimited Deployment
In Service: 2295
Out of Service: 2330

(pic to go here)

Assigned to covertly patrol the Neutral Zone, also known by Starfleet as an A-type warbird.
These vessels are somewhat larger and more massive than Federation Constitution and Excelsior-class starships, measuring approximately 500 meters, and are believed to have a greater combat firepower, although they suffer from a comparatively lower speed capability.

How's this sound?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 11:46:17 am by ModelsPlease »

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #38 on: July 30, 2007, 11:58:13 am »
Hey MP  .....

What ever happened to that Klingon BB I sent ya?  Ya want me to fumble through my files and see if we can dig that up again?  Perhaps updating it as well we might just come up with a "late" TNG version of a relay bad BB.  That is something that has always kinda bugged me any ways.

That said ...  if ya think it would be best ...  please start up another thread so we dont get this one waaaaaaay off topic.

If I dont see a new thread .. I'll just let it pass.


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Re: Noob Kitbashing! I suck :)
« Reply #39 on: July 30, 2007, 11:58:59 am »
Star Dragon, I never noticed that engine issue on Adonis's Stype1 Fighter when I did a Mirak/Kzin version, LOL.,

Hey MP do we have an STA on that Thulls style Warbird?



HoD Radjekk Vor Thruum
IKV Kraag Dorr
SuvwI' Qeh KCC
Commander, Task Force Kraag Dorr's Teeth First Strike Squadron