Creative use of a roll bar photon housing, but seriously lay off the Trania! (or were you kidnapped by Pakleds and forced to build it?).

I think I dislike the cockpit most of all, try some variations and it might grow on me...
Now seriously, any news on the Arrow Hopper??? 
Oh and glad you're ok...
Yer ive noticed that I can stick pretty much anything on the wee box and make it into things
I would believe this ship is the effect of the drugs wearing off that they shot me up with while in the hospital, or something like that :>
Other cockpits yeah, im open to suggestions on that, this one just seemed to fit the best so I put it on for now... and what arrow hopper? -im fairly demented so I dont remember if i've made any prior commitments when it comes to bashing something, please do refresh my memory. A sixpack does it fine, usually ;]