Topic: Do you know why its such utter...  (Read 8776 times)

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2007, 05:01:34 pm »
I was shot in the ankle/foot with a Webley 0.22 rifle whilst out poaching by a "friend" who didn't understand the concept of putting on the safety catch. I was lucky as the  crosshead bullet splatted against the bone and it had the tail stuck out through my skin. Pulled it out with pliers. Lucky the British Army trained me in millitary first aid when I was younger.

It left a tiny scar.

Being shot never feels like you'd expect being shot would feel like. He had to tell me I was shot!!

It was way back in 1985 anyhow.

God was certainly smiling on you that day.

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Offline Electric Eye

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2007, 07:43:53 pm »
oooops, we had a "Cheney" hunting day?

Sorry, that was wide open!  ;D

Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2007, 07:53:38 am »
Yeh, kind of!! Except that I was shot at a range of just inches!! My mate fell down a bank and I thought that he'd prodded me in the leg with the muzzle.

His exact words were, quote, "I don't know how to tell you this but I've just shot you!!"

My reply was, on seeing the blood now running out of my left boot, "Oh well done!!"

At the time it was raining heavily (the best weather to hunt deer in!!) and we were two miles from the truck in hilly country.

General rule is never go hunting with Dick Cheny or my mate!!
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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2007, 12:03:31 pm »
At least with Cheney you can expect to be in a hospital within a half an hour.  Unlike a certain guy by the name of Kennedy...
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2007, 01:39:24 pm »
I was hopping mad with him at the time!!

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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2007, 11:47:36 pm »
Hope all is well, Mackie. How antisocial does someone have to be to go out drinking armed and then stab someone for trying to throw him out of a bar? I'd be curious to see what happens to him.

Can you sue in Britian? :p
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Offline Mackie

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2007, 07:14:45 am »
Hope all is well, Mackie. How antisocial does someone have to be to go out drinking armed and then stab someone for trying to throw him out of a bar? I'd be curious to see what happens to him.

Can you sue in Britian? :p
Not necessarily antisocial but when people have long drinking sessions, ones that last sometimes for days, even when sober they have that "drunken crazyness" going on and acting completely demented. This gentleman however did act fairly normally until it was his time to go and thats when he went crazy... and I wasnt really even throwing him out... Just helping him get there! My co-worker was calling him a cab and I was helping his jacket on and ready to tell him "Have good night sir and see you again tomorrow" o_o

They propably can sue there, I dont know? Why?
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #27 on: June 21, 2007, 07:39:09 am »
Our justice system here in the UK has been so diluted by Do Gooders and Bleeding Hearts that your attacker would most usually receive a few months if that.

Our judges are forced to give out lenient sentences on bad people.

Ask anyone in the UK how useless our legal system has become.

At the moment there is a media outrage happening because it has been announced that they're having to release 83,000 criminals early because the prisons are full up and over crowded!!

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #28 on: June 22, 2007, 05:44:02 am »
I was shot in the ankle/foot with a Webley 0.22 rifle whilst out poaching by a "friend" who didn't understand the concept of putting on the safety catch.


Being shot never feels like you'd expect being shot would feel like. He had to tell me I was shot!!

At the time it was raining heavily (the best weather to hunt deer in!!) and we were two miles from the truck in hilly country.

It must have been a low velocity round you were shot with. You must also have some very small deer in the UK to be able to hunt them with a .22. Here in the US, a .22 is more of a squirrel round.

I was shot during a fight. I had put one guy on his arse when his friend attacked me from behind. I broke his hold and gave him a shot to his nose with the "heel" of my hand. That's when the first guy pulled a small calibre pistol. He must have thought it would be funny to shoot me in the arse, because thats exactly what he did. It bounced off my pelvic bone after travelling through the right "cheek", continued it's tour and eventually lodged in one of my vertebrae. Its still there. It was too close to my spinal cord for the doctors to remove at the time. My knees buckled when I was shot

I broke the guys wrist disarming him. I grabbed the second guy by his testicles and tried to pull them down to his ankles, twisting them as I pulled.

The guy that shot me pleaded his case down to illegal use of a firearm, discharging a firearm in a residential area, and assault. He got two years and a day. The District Attorney said that he got off so lightly because it was the guy's first offense and that he showed "genuine remorse". I told him that it was because he (the DA) and the judge wore pink, lacy panties and were "on the rag" at the time.

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2007, 08:56:55 am »
We were after a Seika deer which are both small and can swim.

I had the halogen lamp to dazzle the deer, my mate had a 0.22 Webley single shot live round rifle loaded with a cross head dum dum round.

We've both served in the British Army and could probally have choked the deer on the round in needed.

If you "lamp" a deer you can close to within 50 feet or less if you're good.

The reason why we were out at night in the middle of a torential downpour was that (A) we were poaching, (B) is's illegal here in the UK, (C) nobody would be around at 4 in the morning in early spring, (D) the prey would not be able to scent us even close up and (E) the prey would be not that alert.

Also a 0.22 doesn't make as much noise as a 0.303 or slightly smaller. In the rain it wouldn't carry that far.

The bullet hit the part of my foot where it joins the ankle, the pivot joint part which is the thickest part. As bone is 6 times harder than steel and the bullet was a dum dum it went through the skin and splatted against the bone. A normal round would have shattered the bone. We also had stainless steel headed rounds as well so I don't want to think about the what ifs with those.

If you hit a small deer in the throat with a 0.22 dum dum it goes straight down. We weren't sports hunting.

I hope that explains things.

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Offline Mackie

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2007, 09:26:54 am »
Whatnow? .22 is fine for hunting anything if you know how to use it, the only downside that you have to get really close to your prey. It has no recoil, its silent for all purposes... its a crossbow that shoots bullets :D
I've killed a full grown moose with one my self, just have to hit the head on the spot (do _not_ use the "soft" bullets, rather the ones with hard head which penetrate better, cant remember correct terms in english).

As for the stabhappy drunk dude, im getting paid some 2000€ in damages plus expenses, he'll be in jail for some 8 months.
(Im a Finn and a native at that, to those that didnt know)
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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2007, 10:06:23 am »
You were lucky with the bullet when it hit your pelvic bone.

A documentary on TV showed a guy on the slab who was hit in the same place except the bullet left through the top of his head.

Calibre isn't the issue with KEPs, it's the length of the barrel divided by the bore that determines muzzle velocity.

Being hit by a bullet fired form an L30 barrel length is not the same as being hit by the same bullet fired from an L90 barrel length.

The world's most powerful rifle is the Austrian Steyer Anti-Attack helicoptor rifle which fires a 7.92mm. cobalt tipped titanium flechette over a kilometre at 6,800 feet per second through 45mm. of stainless steel helicoptor armour (twice as much as on an Apache!!) The propelling cardridge is a modified 30mm. Rarden cannon shell.

One has been recovered from insurgents in Iraq according to one report. How the hell did those bastards manage to obtain one??!!

By comparison, the pistol that shot you would have been in the region of between 600 to 800 feet per second. A 0.303 hunting rifle pushes around 1,500 feet per second at most.

2 years for discharging a firearm into someone?? That's a joke surely?? It should always be treated as if person (A) intended to murder person (B) as firing any weapon into someone could end in death.

The weapon is stablised and can snipe at ranges of miles if needed. Makes a Barrett M.1982. look like a Saturday night special.

I see that the do gooders and bleeding hearts are messing with the justice system over the pond as well.

He would have received 10 years just for posession of a hand gun here in the UK!! Shooting you would have been tacked on. We are still very tight on firearms over here at the moment but the do gooders have their eyes on that as well, you bet.

I've noticed that folks who are agressive wankers when drunk are the same when sober. It's just their temperament to be arseholes to everybody. It's the same the world over and will always be so.

Hope that you heal up OK.

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Offline Grand Master of Shadows NCC37385

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2007, 01:33:42 am »
Ive heard about how tight the UK is on firearms. I could never live there. In order to legally own a firearm here in the US you cannot be a convicted felon, convicted on a violent crime, or be mentally ill. If you dont fall into one of the categories I mentioned, you can own nearly any firearm except a fully functional assualt rifle/sub-machine gun. If you can obtain the necessary Federal licenses, you can even purchase those. I own quite a few weapons and I also have a permit to carry concealed firearms.

Here in the US, a person can plead to a lesser charge if they are willing to plead guilty. They claim it helps to free up space in our prisons. The DA claimed that because the guy had no criminal record, was intoxicated, and stated that he only shot me because he was "in fear of his life" that they considered it "special circumstances". It also didnt hurt that the little turd's father had money and that I had a reputation in that area. (I used to live in eastern Tennessee). My whole family had a reputation there...stretching back more than a century. They should have my family's portrait next to the word "redneck" in the dictionary. LOL!  ;D

During the 90's there was a guy that purchased alot of .50 cal BMG rifles and shipped them to the former Yugoslavia. They are accurate up to one mile and can penetrate any type of body armor. He bought them "over the counter" since they dont require special permits.

Believe me, I know how lucky I am. That round could have just as easily have torn through a major blood vessel or vital organ if the angle had been just a little different.

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: Do you know why its such utter...
« Reply #33 on: June 23, 2007, 06:40:56 am »
mackie, if you're feeling a bit low at anytime over this episode in your life just remember one thing......


Life just doesn't seem so bad when you consider the misfortune of others in the universe!!

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!