Topic: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!  (Read 2946 times)

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Offline Electric Eye

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I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« on: June 04, 2007, 03:54:53 pm »

"Why did they have to use deadly force?" Johnson asked. "We can't afford to keep having these kinds of incidents in our community."

Uhhh, maybe because it's not normal for citizens to be running around with guns near nightclubs, especially in a troubled part of the city? Maybe, when a cop tells you to stop, you might really want to listen and stop?  ::)
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Offline J. Carney

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2007, 04:24:59 pm »
Don't worry... they'll outlaw punishing criminals soon enough.
Then there won't be any more of these nasty articles.
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The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2007, 05:41:27 pm »
The Do Gooders have already done that here in the UK.

If a criminal breaks into your house and accidentally trips over a child's toy and hurts himself, he can sue you and YOU can be arrested  for being responsiblle for the hasard.

They outlawed embedding glass on top of walls because it might wound a criminal climbing over it to rob a plaace.

If you want some idea of what happens when punishing criminals  is made illegal, just look at the UK.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions laid by do gooders and bleeding hearts.

To quote Sledge Hammer, "Criminals don't have rights!! They gave those up when they decided to break society's laws!!"

In the Czech Republic, a 14 year old will reciev an automatic jail term of 7 yeras for vehicle larsony (1st Offence). In the UK he'll recive a small fine (optional to pay) or a communty service order (optional to attend again). 


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Offline Centurus

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2007, 06:00:39 pm »
I thought I was the only one that liked Sledge Hammer!!!!

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Offline Electric Eye

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2007, 11:42:12 am »
To quote Sledge Hammer, "Criminals don't have rights!! They gave those up when they decided to break society's laws!!"

Well, obviously the family involved can't find a lawyer that will touch the issue now, seems some of the supposed "eyewitnesses" stories did not match the ballistics specs and entry wounds, etc... Like I would trust eyewitnesses from East Austin (Crackville) anyways?

But, but he was such a good person! Here is his rap sheet, mighty impressive for a "good person."

Kevin’s rap sheet includes:

Possession of marijuana (2007)
Convicted for assault (2004) where the victim was pistol whipped during a botched drug deal with Brown
Convicted of unauthorized use of a vehicle (2003)
Sentenced to four months for misdemeanor charges ranging from drug possession in San Angelo to burglary of a vehicle in Austin (2002)
But let’s remember him as a good kid. Riiiightttt.


Sensitivity training? Give me a frigging break! That area is crackville in public housing!

I remember that, I thought it was hilarious, they were saying "Burn, baby burn!" ;D Can't say Austin cops don't do their job, and they also have a great sense of humor!  ;D

Offline Electric Eye

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2007, 06:20:41 pm »
People still don't listen to police officers here in Austin, sigh...

(CBS 42) AUSTIN One man is hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after police say he led them on a chase through Downtown Austin early Saturday -- a chase that ended with a crash into the William P. Hobby state office building.

A parked car was also hit.

Police engaged in the pursuit of a Ford Expedition with two male occupants after the suspect vehicle failed to stop when pulled over.

A report indicated the driver was displaying a gun earlier in the evening -- near Red River Street and 6th Street. Police say he had approached several people.

Police received a description, and shortly thereafter an officer observed a vehicle matching the description.

The officer attempted a traffic stop around 3 a.m. -- but the Ford failed to stop.

The suspect vehicle left the roadway in the 400 block of West 4th Street and crashed into the Hobby building.

The driver was transported to Brackenridge with life-threatening injuries.

Formal charges have not been filed.

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2007, 02:51:06 am »
The Do Gooders have already done that here in the UK.

If a criminal breaks into your house and accidentally trips over a child's toy and hurts himself, he can sue you and YOU can be arrested  for being responsiblle for the hasard.

They outlawed embedding glass on top of walls because it might wound a criminal climbing over it to rob a plaace.

If you want some idea of what happens when punishing criminals  is made illegal, just look at the UK.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions laid by do gooders and bleeding hearts.

To quote Sledge Hammer, "Criminals don't have rights!! They gave those up when they decided to break society's laws!!"

In the Czech Republic, a 14 year old will reciev an automatic jail term of 7 yeras for vehicle larsony (1st Offence). In the UK he'll recive a small fine (optional to pay) or a communty service order (optional to attend again). 


Wow! A UK redneck. Dont take offense. Around here, being called a redneck is considered a badge of honor. A Redneck is someone who works for a living (instead of being a bum and being a lifelong welfare recipient), are honest, WILL protect their families and homes, and doesnt wear lace on their..."knickers".

Will "The Redneck"

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2007, 12:00:32 pm »
They showed on a TV show here the Russina Police in action.

Two Spetsnaz officers pulled over two guy in a car full of guns destined for the underworld.

Now here's the interesting part.... they don't cuff the suspects, they just tell them to stand to attention and draw a chalk circle around they're feet and then search the vehicle for evidence. The perp know for sure that if even one toe touches or crosses the chalk line he's dead!!

Theye also showed the Spetsnaz in action against Soccer holigans at a Dynamo Keiv match. These baying herds of skin headed thugs was doing OK against the normal nice police and roit cops..... then the Spetsnaz arrived, identified the chief loudmouth, pulled him out of the mob and beat him to death.

Everything just stopped..... all the thugs were now like frightened kindergarten children and did exactly what they were told, to sit in the ground on their hand to await carting off to jail. Someidiot decides to smart mouth the Spetsnaz and is dealt with. He died later in hospital from the beating he received.

In Russia aparently even the deaf listen to the cops when they say, "Stop!!"

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

Offline Electric Eye

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2007, 04:37:54 pm »
Plus one and I agree, if we had the Polizei here in the U.S., many cases of "civil liberties" would have been thrown out of court. A cop tells you to stop when you KNOW you have done something wrong, then stop! I cannot see a case of abuse happening as all squad cars in Austin (And most of the U.S. for that matter), have cams that record every single moment. If some cop wants to beat me half to death when I did nothing wrong then fine, I'll take 32 million dollars.

If the U.S. keeps this up, our police officers will be defenseless and scared for their careers and jobs.

As for the L.A.P.D.? They are screwed but it makes no sense to me. During the immigrant protests they clearly told everyone "Disperse NOW!" It's not their fault the immigrants did not understand English. I can only imagine me living in Germany and not trying to learn their language (I did, and I got so much more from them than if I'd been uppity and demanded they speak English in THEIR country!). If you come to the USA, please do us the courtesy of learning English, otherwise the blame is on yourself, not our police officers.

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2007, 12:15:00 pm »
Now i am dating myself a bit  :D but when i was a kid in the early 70's if a cop told you to stop you did, because if you couldn't outrun the cop and the crusier you were going to be introduced to mr. nightstick and a beating imho you well deserved.  Should we beat people just to beat them......NO, but if a lawful authority tells you to do something and you don't then you deserve what you get.

my 2cents worth  :)
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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2007, 07:23:33 am »
Now i am dating myself a bit  :D

I hear that will make you go blind.  ;)  :angel:

but when i was a kid in the early 70's if a cop told you to stop you did, because if you couldn't outrun the cop and the crusier you were going to be introduced to mr. nightstick and a beating imho you well deserved.  Should we beat people just to beat them......NO, but if a lawful authority tells you to do something and you don't then you deserve what you get.

my 2cents worth  :)

Absolutely. I think that people today have no respect for authority. Theyve been raised to believe that the world revolves around them and that the world owes them a living. Its the entitlement mentality. "How dare a cop try and stop me from taking whats rightfully mine...even if I didnt work for it".

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Offline Panzergranate

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Re: I don't understand people nowadays, stop means STOP!
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2007, 08:57:43 am »
I generally have the views put forward the general concensus over here from the meidia and majority law abiding public.

Over here we end up with "Clans" running (ruining) everyone else's lives inan area. These "Clans" are basically a family that can trace criminal records back generations. You know, son is a scum bag, father is a scum bag, grand father was a scum bag, great grand father was a scum bag, etc. The basic family ethos is that everyone else around them is prey to exploit. You can figure the type out as they're found all over the planet.

OK over here the do gooders suck up to them, say that the're just misuderstood, don't deserve to go to prison, etc.

OK if you see one of these slime balls climbing out of your window with your VCR, when the police ask if you saw anything, you say nothing.

I know a cop from one of our southern cities and he told me that until the Hells Angels started laying down the law in one problem estate to a "Clan", the police were round there all the time.  Now things are at peace.

I'm a biker and so associate in these circles.

OK here's something that happened a few years ago. The local teenage yobs decided it would be a laugh to burn out one of the local Hells Angel bike garages around here. And they were stupid enough to brag about it.

An associate of mine was involved in kidnapping one of these yobs into a van, taking him deep into a forest and nailing him to a tree with a nail gun. He said, quote, "He was all mouth until we nailed him up through the hands to an Oak tree. When he realised the no policeman, judge, social worker or even God could save him, he "Grassed" up everyone involved."  All were subequently dealt with.

There is a moral here..... sometimes natural justice can come from unlikely sources!!
The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!