How much for manslaughter? That black female singer in Cali that killed someone with her reckless driving faces 1 year, that's right folks, 1 year and a 1,000 dollar fine for driving like the idiot she is!

Of course she'll probably do the "Paris Hilton" special and be put in a "special needs" facility.
You brought up a good topic Nem regarding the Dept. of lack of Homeland Security. I had to go with wifey to San Antonio Wednesday to the regional office for the interview where they check to make sure that you are not married for money or doing anyone favors. This frigging Fed agent asked me why I only had her on the rental contract and just recently the bank account since I was married for 2 years. I just smiled and told him that Federal regs state that a foreigner must go through INS first and have a work permit before they will be issued a Social Security number, and most things in our country run off a Social Security number.
He then told me that I was missing a document, the marriage certificate. You'll love this one. I freaked out when I got home and looked all over Hades for it. Then I got on the internet and called the El Paso County clerk's office. Uh duh, the marriage license IS the marriage certificate in Texas as it has two parts on the same page, the top is the license, the middle is where the judge signs off on it with witnesses after performing the marriage. The dudround wasted my time and had it right in front of his face and did not even know his job??? WTF? I wish I had a scanner, you would love the way I "intelligently belittled" the sorry dudround.
Last but not least he tried to softly threaten my VA benefits by telling me "You know if you are married for money or convenience it is a Federal crime and you will go to prison and lose your Federal benefits." Sorry Charlie, latest regs on VA service-connected compensation (Not pensions or non-service connected compensation) state that if I go to prison, I get half my money each month, the wifey gets the other half.
Off topic I know brother, but the Feds just blow my mind. We do things legally and they harrass us and fluck things up, yet those that are breaking the law get away scot free.
At least I did not ask him "Don't you have better things to do like go catch illegals instead of harrassing your veterans?"

I totally agree, it is the Dept. of Lack of Homeland Security.