
Topic: Heroes  (Read 1359 times)

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Offline S'Raek

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« on: May 15, 2007, 07:11:54 am »
Did anyone else watch Heroes last night?  Sometimes I think I'm one of the very few people to watch that show.  Anyway, it was very good with a couple of the main characters taking a dive and Silar looking as invincible as ever.  Hiro is a funny character and one of the most unlikely "heroes" that I remember in a TV show.  George Takei (sp?) was back again as Hiro's father and did a good job, though Hiro must be the fastest sword student in history.  Unless he messed with time that is.  So, I'm looking forward to the season finally next week.

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Re: Heroes
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2007, 12:04:48 pm »
I think Hiro's father was actually the "Wild Man" from the comics he told Hiro as a kid. Remember, he told Hiro that he had been waiting "a long time" for a Nakamura to ascend. The sword also has something to do with Nikki/Jessica because the symbol that appears on her shoulder when she turns is also the symbol on the sword "Godsend".

Sylar also has to kill and absorb the power of the woman who can make people see things. Remember, in the future he appears as Nathan and also appeared as Nathan when NYC is nuked.

I also liked how Nikki/Jessica's husband tore out part of Linderman's head...but is he really dead? He brought the dead plants back to life. Maybe his power is a little like Claires and can regenerate himself. ;)

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Offline S'Raek

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Re: Heroes
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2007, 08:07:48 am »
Yea, all good points.  I hadn't thought of a connection between the sword and Nikki/Jessica before but you may be right.  I too caught the comment that Hiro's father had been waiting for "a long time" (as I remember him saying too).  It made me wonder if he was older than we first thought.  And I did wonder if Linderman was dead, I had always wondered what his power was.  He was able to heal Petrelli's (sp?) wife but is he able to heal himself? 

Hopefully Sylar does not have the chance to kill the changeling woman as they will stop him.  The previews made it look like Peter blows up intentionally to try and kill Sylar, which we know would probably fail if nothing changes fro the trip Hiro and Ando made to the future. 

Good stuff.

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