Just so eveyone kknwo what we are bickering about . . .
Capital Ships: Battlecruisers, Dreadnoughts, and Battleships:We will be using the “points at a time system” that was used on AOTK2. Each side will have 10 Capital ship points that can be fielded at a time (I reserve the right to increase this at any time if the player population suddenly explodes). Below is the breakdown as to what each ship costs to field:
BCH/BCV: 2 Points
DN: 3 Points
CVA: 4 Points (includes the F-DVL)
BB: 8 Points
Super BB: 10 Points (B11K)
Battleship activation: All BBs by default will be restricted. BBs can be unrestricted at the cost of 10 VC points. Upgrades to a BB (B11K) can be unlocked for an additional 5 VC points. Each side will start with 10 VC points in the bank to they will be able to unlock at least 1 BB or they can choose to not spend the points to add to their score.
Maximum X Ships on at the same time:- Each side gets 3 X points in 2281. This is increased to 6 in 2282. X points are in addition to capital ship points.
- If you fly an X ship, you must rename your ship adding an 'X' at the end of your ship name.
I-CCX/K-C7X = 6
CLX = 2
FFX and DDX = Free
PvP Kill VC Points
AOTK3 will be going back to the direct Points for kills system. Below is the scorecard:
Battleship: 20 Points
CVA/DN/I-CCX: 10 Points
CA X-ship/BCV/BCS: 7 points
BCH: 5 Points
CL X-ship: 3 Points
CA: 1 point (This includes the F-CS/F-CS+)
Specialty ships (regardless of move cost): 1 point
Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost: 0 points.
What this means is fly a D5L, F-CLC, L-CWLp, etc as suicidal as you want without costing your team any points.