BCH/BCV/BCS will be the same. Remember, the I-CCZ gets some Mech-links in this mod and with the 2 PFs it should be more than a match for a BCV.
On the off chance you haven't noticed, I'm a card-carrying member of the
Anti-Fighter League. Barring a fall back to SFC I days where Hydrans were the only fighter-race, I'm at least part of the "make the carrier pay for what he's getting" movement...
Thing is, no sane pilot with the PP available would choose to buy a stock BCH once the BCVs come out. Think about it:
- Identical loadouts, except for ISC identical powercurves
- Nearly-identical BPVs in the shiplist / mission matching math
- Easily DNH, more like BB level BPVs / power when done up according to SFB rules
- Costs the team the same either way
Remember, per SFB-math, a 12 pack of SFC-F-18Bs w/fast drones
should add 180 BPV to the carrier. That,
alone, is the SFB-BPV cutoff to "qualify" as a BCH. Nevermind the fully loaded BCH following them in...
I'll take your experience that 2 "unrepairable" (per our rules) I-PFs are a match for the squadron of recallable F-18s...