This all sounds good, but if the main point (seems most the thread) was the cost issues and the fact there is no decimal values, I'm thinking increasing the numbers ratios up some might help.. that way you can still have the .67 ships cost a point, but not so close to a CA 2 points.
PvP Kill VC Points
AOTK3 will be going back to the direct Points for kills system. Below is the scorecard:
Battleship: 20 Points
CVA/DN/I-CCX: 10 Points
CA X-ship/BCV/BCS: 7 points
BCH: 5 Points
CL X-ship: 4 Points
CA: 2 point (This includes the F-CS/F-CS+)
Specialty ships (regardless of move cost): 2 point
Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost: 1 point *
* Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost are worth 0 points when flying solo.
You could increase the numbers, of course it makes things a little more complex math wise.. but gives the ability to assign ships values that would show as decimals in the current listing. For the example I'd just double them, but maybe a 1.5 times ratio might work. Some rounding up or down would be needed for say X-ship/BCV/BCS odd numbers though. But the end result would be a .67 could be worth slightly less, still worth something but not quite half a CA, perhaps enough difference to get the flavour DH seemed to be trying to accomplish.
My take on this would be to round up for carriers, round down for non carriers. It's only one point difference, but still an increase. Kind of a nod to the carrier issue. Adjusted numbers in brackets.
Battleship: 20 Points (30)
CVA/DN/I-CCX: 10 Points (15)
BCV/BCS: 7 points (11)
CA X-ship 7 points (10)
BCH: 5 Points (8 or 7, maybe give the obviously powerful BCH races the rounded up, the weaker rounded down)
CL X-ship: 4 Points (6)
CA: 2 point (This includes the F-CS/F-CS+) (3, consider 4 for something like fast cruisers/CS etc)
Specialty ships (regardless of move cost): 2 point (3)
(keep this part intact if you wish, I think I understand the intent)
Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost: 1 point *
* Line/Command ships with a lower than 1 move cost are worth 0 points when flying solo.
Again I realize this complicates the math, and I only used a 1.5x general increase. The higher the ratio, the more fine tweaking you could do with whole numbers.
Just an idea.