Thanks marstone.
Has anyone else here used the solubility of carbon dioxide in aqueous solutions to adjust pH in the synthesis of organometallic compounds? I have. (with both dry ice and exhaled carbon dioxide)
Now this one I woke up this morning thinking about:
Here's an interesting medical fact.... The average healthy adult human being emits the same levels of CO2 in a year as a family car left running continuously for a year.
I can't let that go, there is no way that is a "fact". This whole "truthiness" concept has got to go.
Lets work it out. While the lung capacity of a large and healthy human might reach as high as 6L, larger than a performance automobile engine displacement, the average tidal volume of human respiration is in the range of 0.5L. (at "idle")
So lets be conservative and assume a small and efficient car engine with a displacement of 2.0L and an idle speed of 800 RPM. (e.g. a VW Golf, an extremely fuel efficient car)
And a typical human at idle: 0.5L and 30 "RPM".
Since the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in exhaled human breath is certain to be less than that of automobile exhaust, the volume and frequency would have to be equal or greater than that of a car engine...
Do you know anyone who has a tidal lung volume of 2L at rest and a respiration frequency of 800 breaths per minute? That's 13 breaths per second... that's 76 milliseconds per breath... now that is hyperventilation! The resulting respiratory alkalosis would almost certainly be fatal, should such a person be able to remain conscious. This alone should indicate that the human body cannot produce that much carbon dioxide.
I should not need to go any further to prove that "fact" is horrifically false. But let's go the extra mile...
OK, to the nitty gritty:
Lets assume a conservative fuel consumption at idle of approximately one liter per hour. (~16 mL/min)
For the sake of this calculation lets assume gasoline is 100% n-octane.
The density of octane is: 0.7028 g/mL (STP)
The mass of one liter of octane is therefore: 702.8 g
The molecular weight of octane: 114.23 g/mol
The number of moles of n-octane in one liter: 6.15
Assuming complete combustion (which of course is not true at idle):
2 C
18 + 25 O
2 -> 18 H
2O + 16 CO
2therefore burning 6 moles of octane (lets ignore the 0.15 - making this estimate even more conservative) will produce 48 moles of CO
The molecular weight of CO
2 is (12+16+16=44g/mol)
so the mass of those 48 moles of CO
2 is
2.112 KgSo, lets make this estimate even more conservative by assuming less than 50% complete combustion at idle so the idling car engine produces roughly 1 kilogram of carbon dioxide per hour.
Now on to the human:
Exhaled breath is roughly 5% CO
2 by mass.
0.5L (the average tidal volume) of air has a mass or approximately 0.636 g
0.05 * 0.636 = 0.0318g
Normal rate of breathing = 15 cycles per minute = 900 cycles per hour
which corresponds to an hourly total respiratory CO
2 output of a human at rest of
28.62 gCar at idle = 1000 g CO
2 per hour (very conservative)
Human at idle = 30 g CO
2 per hour
Ratio: 1000/30 = 33
So an idling car puts out approximately 33 times more CO2 than a human at rest.Where are you getting these "facts" Panzer?
To equal the output of an automobile a human would have to breathe at 495 breaths per minute, that's 8.25 breaths per second, or 121 milliseconds per breath. I'm pretty sure that would be fatal under any conditions.
All that said, automobile exhaust is by no means the largest source of anthropogenic CO
2, coal and oil fired power plants and cement production would represent a much larger portion of the carbon dioxide that we produce.
You really have to watch these medical "facts". Medicine is not a science, it is an art and will be for quite some time to come. Most medical doctors have no real science background, the majority have biology undergrads, and as discussed, biology is not a science. It irks the hell out of me how biologists and medical researchers are destroying the name of science (
example). Worse, the general public does not realise that biologists and doctors are NOT scientists, so we pure scientists get lumped in with these charlatans.

I just might find the motivation to do a detailed carbon analysis of ethanol as a fuel and expect to have a similar result as this analysis.
P.S. My apologies to any doctors or biologists present, it's nothing personal, it's just how I feel.