Topic: Star Trek Enterprise: The Good that Men Do.  (Read 1717 times)

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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Star Trek Enterprise: The Good that Men Do.
« on: May 07, 2007, 11:03:29 pm »
Interesting book.  Jake Sisko and Nog sitting in a Louisiana Bayou talking about a long covered up instance of Federation History.  The formation of the 'Coalition of Planets', the Immediate predecessor of the United Federation of Planets.  It took B&Bs: 'These are the Voyages' and declares it as a Section 31 cover up of the real events.

The real events, while much of the events in TatV did happen, they didn't happen at the time that it was said.  It happens 6 years sooner.  And Trip's death is faked, so that he can go undercover and stop a Romulan assault on the Coalition.  Of course the question is, if they don't know what the Romulans look like, they can't surgically alter Trip.  So they send them to a third party that does know.  Its a good read, certainly one I'd pick up if TatV left a bad taste in your mouth. 
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Re: Star Trek Enterprise: The Good that Men Do.
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 10:17:19 pm »
I still haven't watched these are the voyages, even though I have the dvd set. :-\
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