Topic: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread  (Read 11605 times)

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Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« on: May 06, 2007, 08:02:12 am »
You can tell a lot about a person by their art. I want to set this thread apart as an opportunity for modelers/texturers to show off their favorite ship models.


1. Ship (or other SFC model) can be of any race, size, or universe, but preferably one on which you yourself have done some work on the model, texture, or bash.

2. One ship (or other SFC model) allowed per member though more than one screenshot/render are certainly allowed. If you decide to change your mind, please edit the original post and place the new picture in it.

3. Background, both real life model information and history and in-universe history and statistics are welcome.

4. It does not have to be your best work (through it certainly can), just your favorite. Post the ship (or other SFC model) that you would like fellow members to think of when they see your screen name.

5. Discussion is welcome, however in this particular thread, I ask that critiques are only given when asked by the poster of the critiqued ship (or other SFC model), even then, critiques are to be constructive and encouraging in nature.

Offline VelvetAcidChrist

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2007, 08:25:24 am »
i made this ship in 2004 and its my favourite bch. i created a new race called KzinLyr, wrote plot and stuff. took me more than 6 months to complete all.

the model is uploaded and some already got it, there are some more available though.

i like the violet ilumination and the grey-green skin. its a scary ship.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2007, 08:31:12 am »

After the General War, the Federation continued to modernize it's Dreadnought fleet. A newly upgraded design, the DNG, was developed and had quite a few improvements over the DN+, the Federation's 'Improved Dreanought'. Boasting addional firepower, 4 more Phasers on the DNG, 6 for the DNH, adding drone racks (3 more on the DNG, 5 more on DNH), Phaser 3's in 360-degree arcs (2 on DNG, 3 on DNH), and more shields, the Mk I and II's were upgraded to the DNG/H. In addition to the extra mounts described above, the DNH picked up 2 more phaser 1's in the 360-degree arc and several more system and power upgrades. The improvements to the DNH Class came about on stardate 2278. The 1st ship to be refitted to this class was the MK II Federation Dreadnought, U.S.S. Star Union.

This model was done by myself and Major Racal. Original textures and some mesh by P81 and WZ. It is my favorite model of all and is the zenith of my modeling career... So when you think of Dizzy, think USS Star Union all the way, baby!!!

Offline Adonis

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2007, 09:09:41 am »

The Akyazi Class. Perimeter Action Ship class family.
Overall lenght: 216.5m (Akyazi), 215.5m (Akula), 215.8m (Arbiter)
Akyazi: 67000MT light, 68000MT standard, 68000MT full
Akula: 72500MT light, 74500MT standard, 75750MT full
Arbiter: 67000MT light, 69250MT standard, 70300MT full
Akyazi: 84 (8 Officers, 76Crew)
Akula: 75 (7 Officers, 68 Crew)
Arbiter: 77 (7 Officers, 70 Crew)
Akyazi: 6 dual phaser banks (7 for MkII), 2fore/1 aft torpedo tube
Akula: 7 dual phaser banks, 2fore/1 aft torpedo tube
Arbiter: 7 dual phaser banks, 2fore/2 aft torpedo tube

USS Arcadia, Enterprise B era refit of Joshua Class Command Cruiser.
Overall lenght: 347.9m
Displacement: 203000MT standard, 217000MT full
Complement: 100 officers, 300 crew
Weapons: 7 dual phaser banks, 2 fore/1aft torpedo tube
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2007, 09:16:54 am »
Adonis is that a DLable model?

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2007, 12:15:18 pm »
is your akiazy ,model ready yet?

Offline Adonis

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2007, 02:50:28 pm »
is your akiazy ,model ready yet?

Well, Rod O'Neil was doing the's really a question for him. The BC version is out for quite a while now.
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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2007, 05:38:10 am »
is your akiazy ,model ready yet?

Well, Rod O'Neil (it's O'Neal) was doing the's really a question for him. The BC version is out for quite a while now

I was :o I thought MP was doing it? I'll PM you.
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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2007, 08:28:58 am »
here my kitbash

well it was easy  :D

the story: the fed experiment with new engine on the endeavor a few year before the enterprise was refit

the starfleet consider the ship a bid under power compare to the refit enterprise and decide to convert it to a dreadnought

with a third warp engines the ship was a lot bether for any mission, but it was still a old ship and was consider too expensive to refit it to the Enterprise level of technologies and was class as a backup dreadnought, after 20 years the ship is still in service near the neutral zone and serve for training.

Offline AlchemistiD

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2007, 04:37:36 pm »



Concept was based on a paper model of the Enterprise-E I made as a child, from whatever I could see from the First Contact movie poster.  Just guessing on what the ship entire would look like.  I later added the split neck and swept wings after playing with the Soulwolf and the Windrunner.  The thinking was that the Osiris (Then named the Rhinemaiden-Class, going along with the Xenosaga theme for the class) would have been designed with some of the experimental technologies that would later have been incorporated in more advanced starships down the road. 



Pathfinder:  USS Osiris (FLIGHT I), completed in 2385
Length: 340 meters
Decks: 18
Crew: 200
Construction Yard:  Earth Station McKinley

Armament: (As of 2403) 
4 Class II Torpedo launchers, one heavy torpedo turret. 
100 Replicable Photon, 50 Quantum, and 20 Transphasic kept under lockout unless authorized by captain.
7 type XII phasers
Auxiliary Craft: 
2 Los-Angeles Class Runabouts
3 Type 20 Personnel Shuttlecraft
Shields:  Miltiphasic Dense Adaptive Shielding

Maximum Warp: 14 (Research on Quantum Slipstream in the federation failed, but methods were learned from the experiments that allow Ships to pass Warp 10 speed without achieving infinite velocity.)
Max Cruising Warp: 11.5

Warp Nacelles:  Triton Dynamics "Slaying Tail" Type 60-A.
Warp Core:  Subach Innis Model "B", Type 12.
Main Computer:  Akheton Corp. "ZERO NH" AI System.
Ablative Hull:  Colossus Ind. S-20 Fabrication Mat.

Capabilities include:
Starship Separation.
Atmospheric Flight/Hovering.
Additional Vernier and RCS ports to increase ship's maneuverability.
Some equipped with prototype "Bosun Jump" FTL drives that no longer use Subspace as a travel medium.

The Flight IV refit was made to update the Flight II Osiris' for the increasing demands of the 25th century.  The upgrades include far more powerful weapons, sensors, faster engines, shields, and the addition of a Yacht.  Initially, Osiris Class ships were to be relegated to the known regions after 15 years of deep frontier service, however the USS Rico's singlehanded victory at the battle of Kzin convinced Starfleet that the class still possessed the longevity it had a decade prior. 
The Rico was the first to receive the refit, with every Flight II following.  Flight III "Recon" Osiris-class vessels were then reassigned to the inner regions. As of 2500, no Flight I or II Osiris' remain.  Only Flight IV types are currently in production.

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« Last Edit: May 13, 2007, 06:07:50 pm by AlchemistiD »

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2007, 07:46:48 pm »
hehee ok now i can jump on :D

This TNG Vulcan Carrier Sal'vec (so far unreleased aswell as a couple of others of a fleet) is loosely based on an Azel design for a TNG light cruiser. Built by Wulf, Manitoba, and textures and lightmaped by me. Build time was about a months work say about 3-5 hours a day.

Along with her sister ship the Tal'vec

Both are one of a kind ships but count as Super Command Carrier Craft, their roles are simple. Warp into a sector deploy its carrier pods (that have their own impulse drives and also able to launch 1 defiant sized vulcan escort (not designed yet) from an internal bay which is revealed once the fighter pod (or another mission specific pod depending on mission) And dominate the near by area untill such time where it can warp out.

Specs for both Sal'vec and Tal'vec
length: 983 meters
Width: 146 meters
Height: 278 meters
Weight: 920,560,37 metric tonnes Minus pod
Decks: 57
Crew: 800 Max capacity 7000 minus pod
         934 rescue pod increases Max Cap to 14,000
         867 communications/EEECM/Sensor pod
         1012 weapons pod 10 multi arch photon and quantum torp launchers, 12 Type XII phaser arrays
         1187 fighter pod - 48 light fighters, 25 heavy fighters, 12 shuttles and shuttle pod sized craft, 4 work bees
Weapons: 6 fore photon/quantum torp launchers 4 aft photon/quantum torp launchers, 19 Type XIF phasser arrays, 6 Type 3b anti fighter automated defense turrets

Max Speed: Warp 9.924 for 16 hours 9.991 for 2 hours at extreme caution
Max crusing speed: Warp 9.83 for 9 years without baryon sweep
Hull Life: 192 Terran years. Refit: 11 year periods.


With Starfleet's analysis of the pending Dominion threat, the Vulcan High Command called for the ASDB (Advanced Starship Design Bureau) and the leading vulcan ship designers to build 2 mammoth ships 1 for Planetary defense/Reserve (Sal'vec) and another for aiding Starfleets aging carrier fleet. After the Galaxy class Oddesy was destroyed the designs called for medium escort craft that could "piggy back" inside the superstructure to aid in defense during operations of its mother craft. Support craft that could transport mission specific pods to the often far from home craft were also designed (1 for each mothership)

Later additions to the design included an evacuation pod (after the dominion attack on betazed) where both the Sal'vec and Tal'vec would be able to move over 28,000 people at once with little effort. Both ships saw extensive action during the Dominion war and took part several key battles around the badlands area.

9 years after the end of the Dominion war a borg cube entered andorian/vulcan space both ships and a newly commissioned Dreadnought based off the same design not only acquired valuable data about the updated borg threat, but after an intense 3 hour battle destroyed the cube with a cost of over 72 fighters 1 fighter pod both escort craft and major damage to all 3 ships and over 2200 crew.

the tail's of your ships are cool, is it the warp engines?

Offline CC22

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2007, 11:49:18 am »
Well I have worked my ar$e off with this one... Started as Khalibans brilliant Enterprise A model, but the textures always bugged me because of the unfortunate jpeg moire patterns on them so I set about making my own textures from 'scratch' (although I did use WZ's top and bottom Saucer textures as a base for the saucer as they were very nice lol, aswell as for other bits like the bridge and sensor dome).
Then when I was finnished I plucked up the courage to make the mesh more akin to how the old girl looks to me on screen, so I swapped out the bridge module for a slightly altered WZ model, a new bottom sensor dome, changed the shuttle bay doors and other numerous changes, all in an effort to make it more on-screen 'canon' like. I have 2 variations, Refit and Ent A with different details.

I then had such an urge to do a STV style shuttle bay, which I want for a BC project I have in mind... was going to leave it bare but it nedded some shuttles so I stuck kreeargh's nice models in there (after 'turning off their engines' and adding some diffuse lightmaps from the bays lights of course lol).

I also wanted to make a refit with aft torpedo launchers, for a ship I wished to be called USS Discovery and the configuration shown is the one I finally felt happy with - after many variations.

I also added some extra phasers to cover a blind spot below the shuttle bay fan tail.

I know its just a 'bash' but I am pleaed with it, and untill I can get a hold of max and am stuck with milkshape its about the limit that I can achieve for the time being!

I'd love to release them, just need permissions from Khaliban, WZ and kreeargh (hint haha).

« Last Edit: May 12, 2007, 08:02:35 pm by CC22 »
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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2007, 03:32:39 pm »
I tend to have an over inflated opinion of my work so I am tempted to post a whole bunch of ships. However, I want to post just this one because I think that it embodies most of my goals for modelling a ship.

Those goals are:

Original Design
Clean Textures
Low Poly

Here is the back story:

S H I P   I N F O R M A T I O N

The Flounder Class Transport was designed as a high-powered tug with engines designed to push heavy equipment between stellar bodies. At the start of the war, the transport was retrofit for defense purposes. The two large liquid fuel tanks where removed, and in there place, rail turrets where installed. Because the original design was not conceived with combat in mind, the clearance of the turrets is very limited. With fuel-less engines, the transports were used at stationary defense positions. The Flounders proved to be viable battle platforms. Many Flounders were retro fit once again, replacing their bulky dormant liquid fuel push engines with the newly introduced and conveniently sized micro fission drives. These new drives gave the transports the speed one might expect from a combat craft of its size.

M O D E L   I N F O R M A T I O N

This model is my attempt to further distance myself from traditional Star Trek and Star Wars design styles. The Flounder features an asymmetrical silhouette and a feeling of the militarization of a civilian design. The seemingly random bulges and awkward shape were meticulously thought out over time with the goal of melding an intriguing shape with a functional look. One should be able to imagine a legitimate function for each characteristic of the transport. The intricate paneling brings a utilitarian feel, while the large stripes and color scheme show an attempt by someone to bring humanity and identity to the otherwise cold metal machine.

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2007, 03:01:44 pm »
That Constitution with the open shuttlebay detail is friggin' awesome!
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2007, 06:11:12 am »
That Constitution with the open shuttlebay detail is friggin' awesome!

Yeah I want that. I want to steal that shuttlebay design and redo the 'pass thru' aft hull connie carriers where you can see the ftrs in the launch bay. Ship'd gonna have open doors on the front and aft. PM me when you got the permissions so I can start. I love that connie!

Offline atheorhaven

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2007, 05:15:42 pm »
You know, I have five favourites for different reasons.

a) TOS Defiant - first ship I ever worked on.
b) USS Doohan - Phase 2 CA that made the prettiest render that I've done to date
c) GAW TMP Enterprise - Some of the prettiest work I've done to date with illumination maps
d) Babylon 5 - simply put.. I love seeing it ingame.  :D
e) and my flagship... and that's the one I'm going to post. 

New screenshot of it.. still to fully finish  the illumination maps yet.
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

Mare Imbrium Shipyards -

Don't bother checking out my website for the most recent updates, because I've
been too lazy to update it!  Check Battleclinic!

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2007, 10:34:19 pm »

The Ferengi D'kora-class starship (also sometimes referred to as a Ferengi Marauder, Ferengi warship or Ferengi trader) A  24th century vessel operated by the Ferengi Alliance . The D'kora was an advanced vessel, comparable in power to a Federation Galaxy-class starship and almost as fast. (TNG: "The Last Outpost", "Ménage ŕ Troi")


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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2007, 06:42:08 am »
WOW  :o

That is THE BEST Ferengi ship I have ever seen!

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2007, 09:19:04 am »
No sorry. But i know its  in some sfc mods people have made.
So i know its InCirculation on the web. You can download it for BC, maybe  someday ill get someone to export it to sfc, or get off my lazy butt and find the Cd with the 3dmax file on it and just do it my self. lol

on a side note i like my starwars stuff more :P but i think he said sfc ships or i would of post this as my fave ship.

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2007, 09:21:18 am »
ok i got unlazy and did find a max render i did years ago of the model.