Topic: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread  (Read 11603 times)

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2007, 01:22:35 pm »
Nice Ferengi ship. My favorite ST related ship is probably Skinmans's TNG Gorn Design. I don't have a pic of it handy, maybe Skinman will post one if he reads this. That was a nice design.

I have an old pic of one of favorite non ST designs. Its rather simple and maybe thats why I like it. I never finished it, so its just an early concept. Its actually more of a fighter class than a ship.

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2007, 02:17:33 pm »
USS Majestic, Majestic Class.  My first original design (need to rebuild the original and then do the upgrade.. eventually)


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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2007, 02:58:59 pm »
U.S.S. Shaandra NCC-1795
Chancellor Class Cruiser

In 2335, five of the remaining Constitution Class ships were pulled from mothballs while a second major refit of the class was designed.
The refit would upgrade the class to the same standards as modern ships, Ambassador, Rigel, and Renaissance classes.
This refit not only addressed the ship's systems, but the ships outer appearance as well.
This upgrade gave these Constitutions the new Type-IX phaser array, modern sheilding and torpedo launchers, improved sensors, warpcore, computer systems and so on.
A new deflector dish, saucer section, and nacelles were also part of the package.
The down side to these upgrades was the extra volume of space needed.
Because of this, the ship has three fewer science labs then her predicessors, two less cargo bays, and 50 less crew.
The U.S.S. Shaandra was chosen to be the first ship to be upgraded over the 2270 refits. She arrived at the OutaLance Shipyards on Dec 1, 2335.
The Shaandra sat in dry dock for two years while work progressed.
Once the work was completed, the U.S.S. Resurrection was scheduled to under go refit, followed by three other ships. When the Shaandra proceeded on trials, problems began to manifest themselves.
First was the ship was heavily underpowered while at Red Alert.
Even with a new generation warp core and fusion generators the power needed for the new shields, weapons, sensors, and structural intergrity field over loaded the power systems.
Corrections were made and bugs fixed, but the power problems plagued the ship and Starfleet decided to postpone further upgrades to this class.
The other four Constitution Refits in the program would receive system upgrades, but not an overall refit.

the Refit .............

U.S.S. Shaandra NCC-1795 (upgrade of 2376)
Chancellor Class MkII Cruiser

In 2376, technology finally caught up to the Shaandra's energy issues, and many of the power problems were fixed.
Now the Shaandra serves, side by side, with modern Sovereign and Galaxy Class ships, as well as it's step-system class, the Mark 3 Constitution Refit.
All five ships that under went refit are in service, two of which are veterans of the Dominion war and Borg attacks.


ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2007, 08:53:37 pm »
U.S.S. Shaandra NCC-1795
Chancellor Class Cruiser

In 2335, five of the remaining Constitution Class ships were pulled from mothballs while a second major refit of the class was designed.
The refit would upgrade the class to the same standards as modern ships, Ambassador, Rigel, and Renaissance classes.
This refit not only addressed the ship's systems, but the ships outer appearance as well.
This upgrade gave these Constitutions the new Type-IX phaser array, modern sheilding and torpedo launchers, improved sensors, warpcore, computer systems and so on.
A new deflector dish, saucer section, and nacelles were also part of the package.
The down side to these upgrades was the extra volume of space needed.
Because of this, the ship has three fewer science labs then her predicessors, two less cargo bays, and 50 less crew.
The U.S.S. Shaandra was chosen to be the first ship to be upgraded over the 2270 refits. She arrived at the OutaLance Shipyards on Dec 1, 2335.
The Shaandra sat in dry dock for two years while work progressed.
Once the work was completed, the U.S.S. Resurrection was scheduled to under go refit, followed by three other ships. When the Shaandra proceeded on trials, problems began to manifest themselves.
First was the ship was heavily underpowered while at Red Alert.
Even with a new generation warp core and fusion generators the power needed for the new shields, weapons, sensors, and structural intergrity field over loaded the power systems.
Corrections were made and bugs fixed, but the power problems plagued the ship and Starfleet decided to postpone further upgrades to this class.
The other four Constitution Refits in the program would receive system upgrades, but not an overall refit.

the Refit .............

U.S.S. Shaandra NCC-1795 (upgrade of 2376)
Chancellor Class MkII Cruiser

In 2376, technology finally caught up to the Shaandra's energy issues, and many of the power problems were fixed.
Now the Shaandra serves, side by side, with modern Sovereign and Galaxy Class ships, as well as it's step-system class, the Mark 3 Constitution Refit.
All five ships that under went refit are in service, two of which are veterans of the Dominion war and Borg attacks.


interesting ships you got there mp :)

is it availavle for download?

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #24 on: August 09, 2007, 02:26:28 am »
interesting ships you got there mp

is it available for download?

Yes Don, both are. Type in Shaandra at Battleclinic and they'll pop up  ;)

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #25 on: August 09, 2007, 03:16:17 pm »

After the General War, the Federation continued to modernize it's Dreadnought fleet. A newly upgraded design, the DNG, was developed and had quite a few improvements over the DN+, the Federation's 'Improved Dreanought'. Boasting addional firepower, 4 more Phasers on the DNG, 6 for the DNH, adding drone racks (3 more on the DNG, 5 more on DNH), Phaser 3's in 360-degree arcs (2 on DNG, 3 on DNH), and more shields, the Mk I and II's were upgraded to the DNG/H. In addition to the extra mounts described above, the DNH picked up 2 more phaser 1's in the 360-degree arc and several more system and power upgrades. The improvements to the DNH Class came about on stardate 2278. The 1st ship to be refitted to this class was the MK II Federation Dreadnought, U.S.S. Star Union.

This model was done by myself and Major Racal. Original textures and some mesh by P81 and WZ. It is my favorite model of all and is the zenith of my modeling career... So when you think of Dizzy, think USS Star Union all the way, baby!!!

where can I get my hands on this bad boy?

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2007, 07:40:27 pm »
Luxor class Heavy Science Cruiser.

(Future JoAT submission) specs: first commissioning date 2295, dimensions L:270.2m, W:126.243m, H: 63.0m, 18 decks, displacement: 870000MT, crew complement: 380 (50 officers + 330 crewmen), Speed: Warp (cruise): factor 7.0 ;Warp (max): 7.3 ;Warp (max. emergency): 8.4, Evac limit: 590, max sublight speed: 0.395c, Armament: 10 dual phaser banks, 2fore/2aft torpedo tubes.

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Offline Don Karnage

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2007, 05:32:42 am »
Adonis: is your ship ready for download?

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2007, 06:48:09 am »
Ok, I'll have to wax nostalgic to show my favorite. Still, after all this time, few ships inspired such a reaction as seeing this one appear on your screen during random battles in SFC and SFCOP/2.

The Dark KCA.

I remember seeing it appear for the first time, and I think I actually jerked slightly in suprise. I knew I was in trouble.

This ship was deadly. Facing this ship usually meant death, no matter how strong your ship was. And it also meant alot of cussing, spinning your ship around trying to desperately face that slight remaining sheild you had against the 8 drones heading toward your ship.......that was untill you heard that awful launch noise and saw 8 more heading your way. You know what came next....


And here it is. From the Newships days. A trip down memory lane....enjoy. And yes, I know its hard to see....that was the point ;)
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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2007, 07:51:31 am »
I luv the neck and secondary hull Adonis  :thumbsup:. And I've always luved that Klink Raven.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Post Your Characteristic Ship Thread
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2007, 07:56:44 am »

The Ferengi D'kora-class starship (also sometimes referred to as a Ferengi Marauder, Ferengi warship or Ferengi trader) A  24th century vessel operated by the Ferengi Alliance . The D'kora was an advanced vessel, comparable in power to a Federation Galaxy-class starship and almost as fast. (TNG: "The Last Outpost", "Ménage à Troi")

Ok my friend she's in SFC  :thumbsup:,230139dfd85fec85e49f04f80547bbf6.rar

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.