Topic: A pacified Warrior: The official biography of General Kruk (long)  (Read 2423 times)

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Offline Kruk

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I would post this in the Character thread but it's too long for that


Born on Quonos in the year 2217, Kruk joined the KGS fleet (Guardian of Sto-Vo-Kor) under its leader KAYLUS KON in the year 2240 as a Captain. After scoring and impressive 10 consecutive victories in his first 10 engagements in the Starlance campaign, he was quickly promoted to the rank of Commodore and given the task to build his own Squadron. The KGS was being rebuilt at the time and that played a small part for his fast promotion. He formed the squadron “Knights of Sto-Vo-Kor” and recruited and trained many new captains. The Knights of Sto-Vo-Kor became the best and most active squadron in the KGS. Kruk, having no house affiliated to his name, was offered to join the House of Kon and he accepted. Now known as Kruk from the house of Kon. He became Executive officer and temporary leader of the KGS after Kaylus Kon became gravely ill. He was made a member of the Starlance Klingon High Council. The KGS thrive under his leadership. When Kaylus Kon returned, Kruk reassumed his duties as XO of the KGS.

A few weeks after Kaylus return, Kruk, while patrolling the Klingon-Federation border was attacked by an unknown species. His ship the IKV-KOSK was crippled with no survivors. Kruk’s body was never found in the wreckage. A few months past, the KGS without its XO started to crumble and eventually was dissolved by the High Council.

A few months after his disappearance, Admiral Phoenix from the United Federation of Planets, leader of the 3rd fleet was patrolling the Klingon-Federation border and came upon an escape pod. Within the escape pod was Kruk, unconscious but alive. Kruk had lost all memory of who he was except for a few childhood memories. It was later revealed that he was kidnapped by a species called the ISC (Interstellar Concordium) and they pacified him, made him into a peaceful being. The warrior within Kruk was forever gone, however, is skills as a Starship captain, the knowledge of fighting remained. Phoenix knew who Kruk was and took it upon himself to make him a Starfleet officer so that is skills could be put to use for the Federation. He trained him and made him learn the Prime Directive of the Federation. He also taught him the art of Starcastling, a deadly manoeuvre that is primarily used by Federation starships facing Klingons ships. Once training completed, Kruk was given a command of his own. The USS Explorer, NCC-2020, a light cruiser (NCL) and was asked to patrol the Federation-Klingon border. Kruk was responsible for destroying several Klingon ships that belonged to the KGS during that time. He killed many of his old fleet mates without even knowing who they were. That was part of the reason that the KGS was also dissolved.

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The oficial biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2007, 07:12:40 pm »

Then came the ArticFires campaign. Kruk was responsible for exploring the vast reaches of the galaxy in his new Heavy Cruiser the USS Starcastle (F-CC) and eventually made first contact with the ISC. The ISC was on a path of conquering and pacifying the Alpha Quadrant. Kruk managed to destroy the ISC heavy cruiser (I-CC) and reported the encounter to Starfleet Headquarters. The United Federation of Planets was currently at war with the Romulans and was losing grounds. The UFP chain of command was practically non-existent and Federation Captains, most of them fresh out of the Academy had no directions, no orders. Kruk and a fellow Starfleet Captain PNEUMONIC81 decided to patrol this new frontier. One day while Pneumonic81 was restocking his ship at a Starbase, Kruk came into contact with 2 ISC heavy cruisers (I-CC and I-CA). Kruk asked for assistance from Pneumonic81 but it was already too late, the battle had already started. Kruk with great skilled using the “peel tactic” managed to destroy the I-CA and heavily damage the I-CC who withdrew from the battle as the other ship was exploding.

Because the federation was lacking a chain of command, Pneumonic81 and Kruk decided to hunt for Federation captain and gather them together in order to have a general meeting. One of those Captains was CHEY MAREYN from the Federation 1st Assault Fleet (1AF). Together they established a chain of command for the Federation in order to ensure its survival. The Romulans were gaining a lot of grounds, the new threat of the ISC was real and the Klingons were making their way towards the Federation. The Federation were allied with the Gorns but their territory was far away from Federation space and they too had problems with the ISC. Out of that meeting, Pneumonic81 was named President of the UFP. Pneumonic81’s first action as President was to name Kruk Grand Admiral of Starfleet operations and head of Starfleet Academy. Chey Mareyn was named Admiral and responsible for fleet operations and communications.

Pneumonic81 negotiated an 8 years cease-fire with the Romulans, the cease-fire was then broken by the treachery of the Romulans who kept making incursions into Federation space. By then, the Klingons had already conquered several Federation worlds and were also making in roads into Federation space. The Federation was on the brink of collapse.

Kruk’s first assignment as Grand Admiral was to make first contact with the Klingons using his Heritage and Klingon knowledge and try to broker a peace treaty with them. He entered Klingon space and encountered a Klingon battlecruiser (K-D7C) Captain by KBF-TETSUO. He opened channel frequencies and informed the Captain about his intentions. Tetsuo couldn’t trust Kruk at first so Kruk offered to lower is shields in order to prove he was serious. Kruk lowered his shield in front of a fully loaded D7C. Tetsuo couldn’t believe what he was seeing, a Klingon in control of a Federation Starship speaking on behalf of the Federation asking for negations for a peace treaty. Tetsuo lowered his shield and contacted the Chancellor of the Klingon Empire “KHANG”. Khang was the creator of the KGS and had briefly meet Kruk in prior years. After several days of negotiations, a secret peace treaty was established. This treaty would allow the Klingon Empire to search out and make first contact with the Lyran Empire and expand their territory, while the Federation was able to organise because they were now facing a war with 4 fronts (Romulans, ISC, Klingons and Miraks) and would allow the Federation to strengthen their defences and trained their Captains.

Kruk made a promise to Khang that he alone would patrol the Klingon-Federation border to ensure no Klingon or Federation Captains staged assaults on either side. The treaty was kept secret from other Empires and held for 4 years. Long enough for the Federation to comeback and strengthen their borders. Kruk was able to train several Captains in combat tactics and was now well respected by his fellow Starfleet Captains. He also managed with the help of Pneumonic81 and Chey Mareyn bring the Federation 9th Fleet into the ArticFires war. Several members of the 3rd-Fleet also joined in and the Federation were getting stronger everyday. The 1AF fleet grew under the leadership of Chey Mareyn and was now a well-respected fleet within the Federation. The Federation expanded their territory at a fast rate. The Klingon were able to make first contact with the Lyrans and sign an alliance pact with them. The plan worked perfectly for both sides.

One day while patrolling the Klingon-Federation border, Kruk encountered a Klingon Light cruiser (K-D5D) piloted by a rogue Captain. Kruk’s new ship the USS-Starcastle (F-CLC) went in with shields at green alert and opened communications with the Klingon vessel. The Captain of the Klingon ship wouldn’t listen to what Kruk had to say and fired on the Starcastle. Kruk kept his distance and the hit did minimal damage. Kruk revved up the engine and started flying at fast speed with shields down and kept trying to convince the Klingon vessel to contact Chancellor Chang regarding the cease-fire. The Klingon Captain didn’t listen; The Starcastle was forced to go to red alert. A scatterpack shuttle was readied and launched at the pursuing ship; it exploded at point blank range severely damaging the ship. Kruk tractored the ship and was going to bring it to the border and advised a superior officer of the Klingon High command of the incident, but the ship kept firing on the Starcastle and Kruk was force to destroy the vessel.  This ended the peace treaty with the Klingons. After 4 years without any incident, the treaty collapsed because of a rookie Klingon Captain fresh out of the Academy who was unaware of the secret peace treaty between his people and the Federation and wouldn’t listen to someone who came in the engagement on Green alert. The destruction of the vessel angered Khang and war broke out on the Klingon Federation border. However, the Federation was now able to hold ground against the Klingons.

Having pushed back the Romulans who were also at war with the ISC. Able to contain the Klingons, the Federation made first contact with the Miraks who were on their way to conquer the Gorns. The Federation were now at war on 4 fronts. Although due to the small size of the Mirak Empire, the war wasn’t as bad as the Starfleet first expected. First contact was established with the Hydrans and an Alliance was forged. The Hydrans kept the Lyrans and Klingons busy. The Romulans had their on war to fight against the ISC and the Gorns were able to hold on against the Mirak. The galaxy was at war.

In a Federation council meeting, Kruk, Admiral GHIS leader of the 9th fleet, NANNERSLUG XO of the 9th fleet and Admiral Chey Mareyn managed to convince the Federation President Pneumonic81 that the time had come to strike the enemy hard. A grand master plan was designed for a full scale attack on the Miraks, Romulans, ISC and Klingons. All Federation fleets were ready to strike at the exact time. Federation Captains were ready and in positions. Then disaster struck. The Organians (database) crashed down on the Galaxy and forced all species involved to make peace. This turn out to be a good thing in a way as a Romulan spy had managed to infiltrate Starfleet and had gotten a hold of the strike plan. The Coalition of the Klingons, Romulans and Lyrans were aware of the plan and was preparing accordingly. Needless to say that this would have been a battle those generations would have remembered, it would have been the ultimate battle of the Dynaverse. Only the flatfiles Organians are to blame for this battle not to occur.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 10:33:43 pm by Kruk »

Offline Kruk

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The oficial biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2007, 07:13:04 pm »

After the end of the ArticFires campaign, Kruk decided to launch a new Squadron, the X-Task Force. He went on to recruit some of the best Captains the Federation had to offer in order to create this new Task Force that would be called upon for unique special missions the United Federation of Planets needed to conduct. Kruk first recruited FOX,  LANCE MARSHALL and ZIPPY. Pneumonic81 having served his full term as the UFP President also volunteered to be part of the XTF. The XTF first appeared in the first Rooks Taverns campaign but wasn’t officially a Fleet yet. Kruk sat out most of this campaign in order to prepare the XTF for the second Rooks Taverns campaign. During this time he also recruited a young, prominent, and full of energy Captain named DIZZY. ROOK himself also became a member. The X-Task Force was set. When the second Rooks Tavern campaign started, the XTF was a dominant force within that war. They conquered several planets. Kruk, having spent most of the first Rooks Tavern at Starfleet headquarters hadn’t lost any of his skills. In his first engagement deep in Klingon space he encountered his old friend KBF-Tetsuo who was piloting a Klingon battle frigate and who was accompanied by TOTENSBURNTCORPSE who was flying a K-D7L. Kruk aboard his USS-Starcastle (F-CLC) used the Starcastle tactic to defeat both Tetsuo and Toten. Kruk was in his prime and Tetsuo knew this wasn’t a good thing for the Klingon Empire.
The Federation conquered Klingon space and Kruk alongside his Executive Officer Fox and the members of the XTF, reached Quonos in a matter of months. Conquering Klingon planets and destroying Starbases that happened to be in their path. Quonos fell in a matter of hours and Kruk was the first to set foot along side Fox on what used to be his homeworld. All the XTF members were there, Dizzy, Lance Marshall, Zippy, Pneumonic81, Rook all accompanied Kruk on the planet. Kruk located the House of Kon by pure coincidence and that’s where he finally found out who he really was. Kaylus was long dead but his family still lived. Kruk found some Klingon scripts and medals that once belonged to him. Looking at The House members, Kruk apologize for what he’s done. He didn’t know who he was until this very moment. He sat down at the family table, opened up a barrel of bloodwine and asked all members of the House to sit down and listen to him explaining what had happened all these years. From his abduction to recovery, training with the 3rd fleet and the ArticFires war. He didn’t regret anything as he lived a very nice life full of wars worthy of songs, but he wasn’t proud of it either. The house made the only decision they could make, banished Kruk from the House never to return. Kruk agreed with their decisions and never set foot again on Quonos.

Offline Kruk

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The oficial biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2007, 07:13:23 pm »

Kruk went on to fight in many other campaigns. From the Vanilla campaign to the Canada West, Slave girl 1, 2, 3. To the Storm seasons 1 and 2 all the way to Attack of the Kitty’s. Many battles he had fought and won, many battles he also had lost but survived. The XTF no longer exists but they have their place in the Halls of the Federation Headquarters. This old Klingon now retired sometimes reappears on the battlefield in the hope of having one more chance at glory. One more chance at dying in battle and hopefully, to join Sto-Vo-Kor with full honours, only time will tell.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 08:48:16 pm by Kruk »

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The official biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2007, 07:26:43 pm »
Why did an image of Worf in a diaper and sucking on a pacifier flash through my mind? 
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The official biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2007, 07:38:55 pm »
LMAO. I always wondered how a Klink got to fight for the Feds. I never asked you that. Hrmmm. I wonder what else the ISC pacified...  :o

Hey, I know we've talked about this before, but I was right there with you when we got together and decided what to name the XTF. I can't get into the XTF forums in the old CIC to show u because the password valdation scheme is bad me thinks. But oh well. Maybe an ISC tried pacifying you tween then and now and you forgot that. :P Good history tho in your write up...

You know, a good part of the reason we didnt connect on articfires till the RT days was because of your postment along the Klink and ISC borders. By the time u transferred to the ISC front I had left it for the Mirak front and started huntin Brezgonnes pack of DNH+MDC/DF sissy fleets. We were on totally different fronts fighting the same war for the same race yet never flew together in battle on articfires. Wild isnt it?

Wasnt there a captain roster write up for every captain to ever play a server? I dont think I ever had a write up but I think it's damned cool stuff to see a captains history, where he came from and what servers he fought on. Whatever happened to Capt. Jeff's campaign ribbons? I'd like to be able to use them!

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The oficial biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2007, 08:29:49 pm »
One more chance at drying in battle and hopefully, to join Sto-Vo-Kor with full honours, only time will tell.

Bot that is a pacified Klingon, drying in battle, wow.   I think you also have to fold to get into Sto-Vo-Kor however.


Just teasing ya Kruk, great story!

P.S.  Cant help but ask, Do you do windows?

« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 08:46:36 pm by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

Offline Kruk

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The oficial biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2007, 08:49:31 pm »
One more chance at drying in battle and hopefully, to join Sto-Vo-Kor with full honours, only time will tell.

Bot that is a pacified Klingon, drying in battle, wow.   I think you also have to fold to get into Sto-Vo-Kor however.


Just teasing ya Kruk, great story!

P.S.  Cant help but ask, Do you do windows?


Drying, yeah I made a mistake, just corrected it.

Windows, what you mean?

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The oficial biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2007, 08:50:48 pm »
Drying, yeah I made a mistake, just corrected it.

Windows, what you mean?

Had this vision of a Klingon in a french maid outfit when I read "drying".

Better not to ask anything more, I think I read too many of Centaurus' posts.   ;D

At least I'm not thinking too often about Bea Arthur naked anymore.   :o

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The official biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2007, 08:56:49 pm »
LMAO. I always wondered how a Klink got to fight for the Feds. I never asked you that. Hrmmm. I wonder what else the ISC pacified...  :o

Hey, I know we've talked about this before, but I was right there with you when we got together and decided what to name the XTF. I can't get into the XTF forums in the old CIC to show u because the password valdation scheme is bad me thinks. But oh well. Maybe an ISC tried pacifying you tween then and now and you forgot that. :P Good history tho in your write up...

You know, a good part of the reason we didnt connect on articfires till the RT days was because of your postment along the Klink and ISC borders. By the time u transferred to the ISC front I had left it for the Mirak front and started huntin Brezgonnes pack of DNH+MDC/DF sissy fleets. We were on totally different fronts fighting the same war for the same race yet never flew together in battle on articfires. Wild isnt it?

Wasnt there a captain roster write up for every captain to ever play a server? I dont think I ever had a write up but I think it's damned cool stuff to see a captains history, where he came from and what servers he fought on. Whatever happened to Capt. Jeff's campaign ribbons? I'd like to be able to use them!

The XTF started on Rooks two, nothing was official until then. I recruited you during Rooks one. The name X-Task Force was my idea and was voted in by all members, you included.

Yeah on Articfires I started on the Romulan, then ISC, then made up the chain of command with Chey and Pneumonic and moved to the Klink border until the server ended. It's a shame it crashed. I will never forget that server. In my opinion still the best ever. The Blue plague was born on that server. lol. So may memories, so long ago.

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The official biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2007, 09:05:07 pm »
I still remember fighting Kruk early on in my first full major server on Storm Season I, its great to see people come back to the game, especially those with a roleplay talent.   :thumbsup:

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The official biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2007, 09:06:07 pm »
Aye. Articfires was too cool. Everything was new back then. You know... when I first played that server, and this is really funny... I didnt know you could scroll the map around. So after I zoomed out and saw our little blue blob all alone amid a sea of neutral hexes I figured for days that the Feds were just furiously fighting AI just for the fun of it to turn the neutral hexes blue. Little did I know, or at least till a few days later what those arrows were for. And then when I finally clicked on them and found this red finger stretching up toward fed space I freaked out... So did everyone else when they found out I had just found out there were enemies to fight. Can anyone say noob? But I quickly established myself a force to be reckoned with in battle, luckily enough, hehe.

Damned fun server. I think one of the reasons it was so good was because there were people fighting to get into the server because of the 75 player limit. Damn, those were the days...

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Re: A pacified Warrior: The official biography of General Kruk (long)
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2007, 06:52:26 am »
I think one of the reasons it was so good was because there were people fighting to get into the server because of the 75 player limit. Damn, those were the days...

Gawd  That was my 1st server. I can remember waiting to get on and praying that someone would Drop ;D

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