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A group of American aerospace engineers have written a book on how to defend the earth against alien invasion.Travis Shane Taylor, Bob Boan, Charles Anding and T Conley Powell hold a variety of PhDs and other degrees in hard sciences and technology. All have worked on weapons and aerospace programmes for defence contractors, NASA and various parts of the US forces. Taylor and Boan also claim expertise in various kinds of technical military intelligence-gathering.Their book An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion is out now in paperback, and getting a fair bit of play in the media.
Depends on what they want and what their goals are....and their level of technology.Who knows, maybe our cold germs will get em!
Or they could be like the Psychlo: Gas Drones drop out of wormholes, unload their breathegas, and 10 minutes later we're done.
we already have the ultimate weapopns agains them, "windows vista" it will crash there computer and crash on earth so we can stole there technologie and kill them with there weapons or we can send mickael jackson after there kids and the will leave us alone