Topic: AOTK3: Legendary Crews  (Read 9564 times)

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Offline ChAotiCIllusion

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2007, 08:17:23 am »
Rommie KR to KRC is Plas F phasers and plas D its probably the biggest upgrade out of all the races.
Gorn get more marines!!!!!!
Mirak get power and 2 b to c racks
Hydran is next to impossible for a direct comparison
Lyran gets power and shields
Feds get power and arcs
Klink get phasers, shields, add and a better drone rack.
ISC isn't valid as the upgrade pushes the CC into a BCH

10 kills might possibly be obtainable but be very difficult if people stick to flying BCH's and DN's. What might be a better system is to take DN's out of the yards and award anyone with 10 kills without dying in a ship smaller than a BCH with a DN. Gives people a bigger incentive to try and get the kills and to fly a slightly smaller ship in the hope of getting a larger ship in the end.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2007, 08:27:18 am »
Consider this topic closed.   AOTK3 is going to start in 2263 with a 1.5 days per game years progression.  There will be plenty of time for people to rack up some kills in a CC.

The magic number is 10 without dying.  Partial point wil be awarded for partial kills.

The SCC and the HKIC will each get one, whoever they are.   Each side will also have 2 "Capos" who'll get a PP bonus that will allow them to start in a CC.

Everyone else gets a freightor  :P
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Offline Centurus

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2007, 08:36:22 am »
Why not have it so that no more than 3 ships on either side are legendary ships.  You make them extremely expensive compared to their standard counterparts, per class hull.  


You could always revive and adopt the old ship assignment system, in where a ship of a certain class or type is assigned to you, but in this case, you're assigned legendary ships.  Each time a particular ship is given an upgrade, such as the CA to the CAR or what not, for example, have at least one legendary ship for that new upgrade.

If this has already been suggested in here, then forgive me.  After the last post on the first page, it was hard to keep track of for me.
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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #43 on: May 01, 2007, 08:55:18 am »
Chuut, that is WAY too complicated and convoluted.  I am NOT under any circumstances making any more varients than what already exists.

It was 5 Kills to be an Ace in WWII, is that too low?  

Perhaps 5 SOLO kills?  I've been bitchin that you can't get enough solo action on servers these days, maybe solo kills in a CC will encourage people to fly solo?

DH, it was 5 kill in WWI that got you "ace" status.

And I do agree w/ Chuut, smaller line ships should be included for getting legendary crews.

Just think about this for a sec, in WW I in around 1916, most if not all German pilots were flying Eindeckers. Max Immelman was an early German ace in that plane. He was also shot down in that plane.

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2007, 09:14:10 am »

And I do agree w/ Chuut, smaller line ships should be included for getting legendary crews.

Not going to happen.  End of discussion.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2007, 09:24:30 am »
And I do agree w/ Chuut, smaller line ships should be included for getting legendary crews.

Its a nice idea Lyr, but Die Hard has pointed out that this would be complicated, and since he is the one doing the admin work, I have to respect this.  Sometimes cools ideas are just impractical.  The man does enough work for us, so I don't think we should push too much.  The idea was put forth and he vetoed it for that reason, I do not have a problem with that.

Offline FPF-Paladin

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #46 on: May 03, 2007, 06:48:49 pm »
Chuut, that is WAY too complicated and convoluted.  I am NOT under any circumstances making any more varients than what already exists.

It was 5 Kills to be an Ace in WWII, is that too low?  

Perhaps 5 SOLO kills?  I've been bitchin that you can't get enough solo action on servers these days, maybe solo kills in a CC will encourage people to fly solo?

DH, it was 5 kill in WWI that got you "ace" status.

And I do agree w/ Chuut, smaller line ships should be included for getting legendary crews.

Just think about this for a sec, in WW I in around 1916, most if not all German pilots were flying Eindeckers. Max Immelman was an early German ace in that plane. He was also shot down in that plane.

True.. but the Germans also were out of step from the Allies in expecting 10 kills to become an Experten (ace)

Just a thought: How about it costing a build point (s?) to upgrade the legendary ships?
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #47 on: May 03, 2007, 07:08:52 pm »
Chuut, that is WAY too complicated and convoluted.  I am NOT under any circumstances making any more varients than what already exists.

It was 5 Kills to be an Ace in WWII, is that too low? 

Perhaps 5 SOLO kills?  I've been bitchin that you can't get enough solo action on servers these days, maybe solo kills in a CC will encourage people to fly solo?

DH, it was 5 kill in WWI that got you "ace" status.

And I do agree w/ Chuut, smaller line ships should be included for getting legendary crews.

Just think about this for a sec, in WW I in around 1916, most if not all German pilots were flying Eindeckers. Max Immelman was an early German ace in that plane. He was also shot down in that plane.

True.. but the Germans also were out of step from the Allies in expecting 10 kills to become an Experten (ace)

Just a thought: How about it costing a build point (s?) to upgrade the legendary ships?

not using build points
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Offline FPF-Paladin

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #48 on: May 03, 2007, 11:36:38 pm »
Ah, no problem .. *goes back over the ruleset again*
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Offline FSD Warp10

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #49 on: May 06, 2007, 09:07:17 pm »
Do "aces" really need special ships anyhow?  Isn't it the newer and less skilled pvp players that would best be served by these ships anyway?  Giving a guy who has already proven himself an ace doesn't seem to make for the best matchups IMHO.

Here is an alternate proposal.  

2 legendary ships on a side at one time (3 if the overall commander is flying one as it doesn't count toward the total).  These ships cannot be flown by a veteran which could be defined as a player who has either more than 5 dyna servers experience, or 5 poits worth of kills on this server.  Once you start making an impact on the kill list your "newbie" status is revoked.

This gives the newer players a better chance of helping their side and presenting an even better fight to experienced veterans.  Giving the aces the ships only makes them less likely to be able to do so.  Some aces might find fun in killing the players in Legendary ships, but not exactly what I'd call sporting, even though I can't blame them for using the best tools at their dispossal.  Lets give the "newbies" the tools to make it a better fight.


    Your idea has good intentions behind it and I do understand where you are coming from...but I flew on the recent B5 server and we used the same idea of giving "newbie" pilots better and more powerful ships in order to level the playing field. This resulted in the newbie pilots not learning what they would have otherwise. Yes it made the battles more even but in the long run I think it does a disservice to the newbies by not letting them progress as veteran players have. They don't learn as much because they do not experience the same things in there Uber ships. Just my take on this type of experiment. Additionally I agree with you about veteran pilots not needing enhanced ships. To me it is kind of odd to give the best pilots better ships, but it's all good.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #50 on: May 06, 2007, 09:11:38 pm »
Do "aces" really need special ships anyhow?  Isn't it the newer and less skilled pvp players that would best be served by these ships anyway?  Giving a guy who has already proven himself an ace doesn't seem to make for the best matchups IMHO.

Here is an alternate proposal.  

2 legendary ships on a side at one time (3 if the overall commander is flying one as it doesn't count toward the total).  These ships cannot be flown by a veteran which could be defined as a player who has either more than 5 dyna servers experience, or 5 poits worth of kills on this server.  Once you start making an impact on the kill list your "newbie" status is revoked.

This gives the newer players a better chance of helping their side and presenting an even better fight to experienced veterans.  Giving the aces the ships only makes them less likely to be able to do so.  Some aces might find fun in killing the players in Legendary ships, but not exactly what I'd call sporting, even though I can't blame them for using the best tools at their dispossal.  Lets give the "newbies" the tools to make it a better fight.

To me it is kind of odd to give the best pilots better ships, but it's all good.

You suggest to mischaracterize. Only a few are available. And newbs have equal chances of getting one. If a newb flies in enough successful fleet battles using a line ship, then they are in like flynn as long as they always manage not to die. Not too hard for the ultra-cautious. Besides, these 'better ships' are only marginally so. BC's and DN's outclass them. So they are not ott in any way.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #51 on: May 07, 2007, 09:08:04 am »


    Your idea has good intentions behind it and I do understand where you are coming from...but I flew on the recent B5 server and we used the same idea of giving "newbie" pilots better and more powerful ships in order to level the playing field. This resulted in the newbie pilots not learning what they would have otherwise. Yes it made the battles more even but in the long run I think it does a disservice to the newbies by not letting them progress as veteran players have. They don't learn as much because they do not experience the same things in there Uber ships. Just my take on this type of experiment. Additionally I agree with you about veteran pilots not needing enhanced ships. To me it is kind of odd to give the best pilots better ships, but it's all good.

With all due respect, this is kinda covered.

I said

"These ships cannot be flown by a veteran which could be defined as a player who has either more than 5 dyna servers experience, or 5 poits worth of kills on this server.  Once you start making an impact on the kill list your "newbie" status is revoked."

So, once they got "a feel" for things they would have any "training wheels" removed.

Offline The_Joker

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #52 on: May 07, 2007, 11:12:35 am »
Did I read correctly that partial kills will earn partial points toward legendary ships?  This appeals to me as pretty much anybody in KHH or PGC can attest that I'm a pretty crappy solo pilot, but a good wing.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #53 on: May 07, 2007, 01:24:53 pm »
Did I read correctly that partial kills will earn partial points toward legendary ships?  This appeals to me as pretty much anybody in KHH or PGC can attest that I'm a pretty crappy solo pilot, but a good wing.

Partial kills will count.
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Offline FSD Warp10

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #54 on: May 07, 2007, 11:15:25 pm »


    Your idea has good intentions behind it and I do understand where you are coming from...but I flew on the recent B5 server and we used the same idea of giving "newbie" pilots better and more powerful ships in order to level the playing field. This resulted in the newbie pilots not learning what they would have otherwise. Yes it made the battles more even but in the long run I think it does a disservice to the newbies by not letting them progress as veteran players have. They don't learn as much because they do not experience the same things in there Uber ships. Just my take on this type of experiment. Additionally I agree with you about veteran pilots not needing enhanced ships. To me it is kind of odd to give the best pilots better ships, but it's all good.

With all due respect, this is kinda covered.

I said

"These ships cannot be flown by a veteran which could be defined as a player who has either more than 5 dyna servers experience, or 5 poits worth of kills on this server.  Once you start making an impact on the kill list your "newbie" status is revoked."

So, once they got "a feel" for things they would have any "training wheels" removed.

Aye sir, my mistake. Not a bad idea with these provisions!

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: AOTK3: Legendary Crews
« Reply #55 on: May 08, 2007, 02:42:18 am »
Well maybe another time, its already been ruled out for this one.