And we've stopped that, you're trying to add a level of complication with everything your propose on every issue. And people wonder why the DIP failed.
I throw ideas out, some apropriate, some not, some totally hairbrained. You have to take the good with the bad and hopefully choose the good. Better than not posting anything I think.

If you used an idea that didn't work well on a server and I suggested it, I'll take the blame then.

In some areas, my ideas are more complicated, and I can certainly understand not being willing to go with them for that reason, but in others I'm sure they are more simple, you just have to pick and choose as you see fit.
Of course the simplier idea in regard to the legendary ships is to simply limit them to the overall commander on each side. No need to make additional edits, no need to keep track of kills, etc. You could even dispense with them altogether but I think the top guy deserves some reward.
As for the DIP failure, the main reason was that noone did any work or playtesting in most of the departments, however my section of it did, and was the only one that ever got any ideas that made it into the D2 Campaigns we fly today. But the main kudos go to Evil Dave and Corbomite regarding those.
Oh and here are some remarks about some of my recent ideas:
"a reasonable suggestion for another thread"
"Very good point, a CVA and 2 CVD is illegal as hell but can be used very effectively to crack any starbase in half. Your above sugesstion is makes sense."
"I can agree to this. I prefer the DNL anyway"
and verbally
"not a bad idea, just don't know exactly what the Gorn need, just something......"
Come on DH, admit it, you know you love me, in a love/hate sort of way.

just sift through the bad for what you can use. Don't make me bring S'Trupaul out of retirement White Boy!