Funnest part:
Being able to "race whore" while still flying my favorite race (ie, Rommie w/ ISC ships)
Other fun part:
Fairly relaxed CnC / fleeting rules. I like flying heavier iron without too many worries about who I can / can't wing with, and the large "slot" kept small ships viable all server...
Part most hated:
Still too long a period of "attrition unit heaven", I hate fighters / PFs with a passion. Not sure if my hatred of them stems from the fact that SFC doesn't include attrition BPV in the mission matching. No matter what ship I'm flying, when I draw 150% of my sides BPV in carrier, which is packing 100% of my sides BPV in attrition units, going against a pure-line fleet, that's over 3-1 odds as plasma line ships never have adequate anti-fighter defense.
Either that, or my hatred stems from the fact that my fighters can be counted on doing exactly what I didn't want them to do, such as waste all phasers on a long-range shot when I specifically told them to "defend me" because I'm expecting way too many drones coming my way, or harassing fighters living right in effective AMD range...
Did I mention that I "grew up" on the concept that fighters are cheese, being that for the longest time my most viable fighter was the highly-loved Caveat III???
I'll be honest. The only servers I enjoy late era on are those that jack up carrier BPV tremendously, so that I don't face fully loaded and escorted CVAs every mission with my CCZ...