i will see on the net if i can find something for it, or wait to get the 200$ and buy the special record player.
i miss the sound of a good old vinyl disk

45 and 33 RPM where good, sure CD give bether sound and last but some good old song are not on CD, i know that some place still have 33 rpm, well if the keep 33 and 45 the might not have that much problem with the downloading of songs from the net, if i only want 1 songs not the album, the CD single where expensive and the did not last long on the market.
well until then i might try to find a kid pickup or a old receiver to pug my record player on it and speaker so i can play my old record on it and hear some bacon bake at the same time

(if you don't get it, its mean you never have old disk play, but don't worry you still can enjoy the experience of old vinyl disk by looking at some pawnshop and place where the sold old dick)