I'm working on a personal mode that has Feds and all other races use Interceptors. Yes, you can give non-PF races PF's, but its a little tricky. As stated above, to do this you have to have what is called "Donor" races. Donor races are the ones that are capable of having PF's (like Gorn, Romulan, Lyran, etc). You create your PF's for the non-PF race first, and then copy the data to a "Donor" race in the shiplist file. All PF Data must be EXACTLY the same for the Donor race and the race you want to have PF's. This procedue is used aswell for there Tenders too. Best way to do this is to use Excell to open up the shiplist file and edit the data directly.
Most people use other major races for the Donor races, but I use a Pirate slot and load most of the PF's into it. One drawback to this method however is say for example you have a Fed player choosing a carrier. When he selects his fighters before gameplay, he can also choose the PF's you installed in the shiplist. It will only give ya one PF (instead of multiple like a fighter) and it won't show up in the game (unless you program in the Carrier to carry PF's aswell as Fighters too in the Donor spot).