Try to do something simple like listen to streaming radio over the web. Windows; it's very easy. Linux; nearly impossible.
I just did a fresh Kubuntu install last night. To get mp3 streams playing I followed a few simple steps:
1) Google "play mp3s on kubuntu".
2) Read answer: Launch Adept packagage manager, enable the internet repositories (main, universe, restricted and multiverse) and select libxine1-ffmpeg for installation and apply the changes.
4) Go to and click on the 16k mp3 stream (I'm on dial-up), launch in Amarok.
5) Listen to internet radio.
So I had to do a google search and install some codecs. A bit of a bother, but certainly not nearly impossible. Perhaps things have progressed since April.
(I am slightly ashamed to be using Kubuntu, instead of a classic like Slackware, FreeBSD or QNX... though I figured I'd see what all this Ubuntu fuss was all about, but I prefer KDE - thus Kubuntu)
EDIT: it's funny, come to think of it, one of the first things I do evaluating a new desktop OS is launch the default browser go to radio paradise and launch an mp3 stream in the default media player. QNX is still the winner for efficiency in such a usability test. The native web browser and media player in QNX are very tight and minimalist, and work incredibly well. You can run over 20 instances of the media player with ease, all playing simultaneously... the result is pretty freaky.