I have created a total of four new Dynaverse Meta Mission Scripts, and updated the two existing ones, Scan & Distress Call.
These Scripts are designed for standard, unmodified v1.01 version of SF3. Contains the scripts, and the updates for the Conquest modes.
If you own a mod, and want these scripts converting for your mod, contact me at
thepelican001@btopenworld.comI will be happy to convert the scripts for you.
All of these missions will reward you with more prestige than before.
**Scan** - Added a couple of extra races who could interfere.
**Distress Call** - This is the mission that has been changed the most, you can now be called to aid ANY ship from your race, save the top two most powerful ships. Also, the attacking ships could be any ship, from any of your enemies.
******NEW SCRIPTS******
**Ambush** - One of your ships has been ambushed by three enemy ships.
**Pirate Raid** - There will be a raid by Pirates on one of your smaller ships. Could be up to 3 vessels. You'll get more prestige if you capture the vessel, rather than destroy it.
**Scout** - A Scouting Party has been detected in the area, your sent to investigate. You have to eliminate the enemy ship(s) and scan the planet for any spy equipment or recent transporter activity. On some occassions, this can turn out to be an ambush, as 2 or 3 enemy ships will be there, not one.
**Assimilate** - A Borg Vessel(s) is attempting to assimilate one of your ships, you go to it's aid. Lot's of prestige for destroying the Borg Ships. NOTE - This mission does not appear when playing as the Borg.
Download -
http://www.pwfe.com/Game/Dynaverse_Scripts.zipAs it states in the readme, I originally made these scripts for my mod, then converted them for use with the original settings. If you want to beta test my mod, contact me at the e-mail listed at the top, I'll give you a download link.
Suggestions for possible new scripts are welcome.